I just found this audio archive online and it brings back such lovely memories for me. As noted in this interview, I played guitar for a while back in the late 50s with Norm Seiss in a band or two. I recall driving with Norm to a few gigs and it was always a delight. What a talented, but humble guy, a real joy to be with and, even better, I learned a lot about making music with tone and lyricism. I lost touch with him after I left for art school in Chicago, but the memories have remained. Thank you for making this available. For me, at least, it's a genuine treasure.
-Elwood H. Smith
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I just found this audio archive online and it brings back such lovely memories for me. As noted in this interview, I played guitar for a while back in the late 50s with Norm Seiss in a band or two. I recall driving with Norm to a few gigs and it was always a delight. What a talented, but humble guy, a real joy to be with and, even better, I learned a lot about making music with tone and lyricism. I lost touch with him after I left for art school in Chicago, but the memories have remained. Thank you for making this available. For me, at least, it's a genuine treasure.
-Elwood H. Smith
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