r - ---. A ~e.al Estate ')eater without..........i•► •--=-====-=- 1~TH V . .. -.- .. 1t-•e• ~ ;:(;_., l ":R ,.. .. -- ......... ~..::!!!! , ~ ............ .Subsatptlon Price, $1.00 per :'. 'l\r. =cz======= ,1 ()I' l">U■l.lCATION. -. nr-------. ·--- .R. L . F~oLJ< & C c,:s , }Vled_ical a~id S1.:rgiad · Re;~:ster CiF fHE IJNtTED STATES AN'> CANADA. 1'he fifth revi.e,i edi~·'>.1 to ap1, aria 1~!"· will cr atain the name.<111nd 11<l<lreues of over I 12,000 p 11• .,, \:illl, OVl'r ',! ... HOSPl1 /o .s, A ! VI.U.l!S lilld S.astT ARIUNS. :i liat of I ~,,,,,cAL ro,.uou in tl>e' United Sul.let knd Canada, a synopiil1 of Lnt- L \Wil for ,e crulr.tlog the practire ol UJcdicloo, the IIRA DUATl"N l ' AR1 ICU LA al' uf each ribyalclan, ""d the llCIIOOL ra.ac, 1cr.o, and wit; elude I\ v,~ •• m->tml " othl!r lnff\rmation <>f 11pecial intercal to the medical profeiq:!o,., caJ, r lated to lni.11re-Cor it 11 larjte and reneral circ11h.tion tbrougho •:,. '"hole country. 1/,Jlllt "'" 11111/ltilf~ ,., l:J)' fl' llte 11 · ~ Jttlll#I IIJ IA< U#ilttl Slt1/(I 11,1 ':,°""'"'" /Alu ,i 1111 ~fur 11, '"(' ,.,,~,·,,w·J1 '" ,t ••.Yi•& II lt11.;,m IAqi,, ti) "" ""1Hrll1t#Uffi ;,, IAt RIJ(IJ• ,,. , , .r1111 tl'lilt ,., '""' /Ah,, 71111, rir,·11/11r1, IA, '<,z{,ltr ""'"'"' l'u //JI ir." :1_. ,,,,,. j. • ,:.JJ,u1i~. R. !.. -POLK & CO. 1. V • #' .1' ·' •" •V' • ,._~•; ,.f_.J> .;:, "' . ~' . ,.,. . •' ~- ,. .. . . • C .. • - • • ..:.,_.: _ • - Ir, 7w. ·~.UJ~R1'1T .. .. llw.-y- . ,~. L. CIJURci1~L , ... . · ..• . . ' • . , ' l \ COM rol lT C.,IJcT , ! \lpcna N~ati~,lri&l l{ar: :: ALPl:!NA, MICHIQAN. CAPITAL $50000. SURPLUS.~ ~ 5(), ,. OIIISOT0•■ -1', w. Ollollrtat. W. I,. Ollu,olllll, W, M . ....., ..... ,,, ••- I,, I Malta, I'. L --••• M..,,, 8oh..,, "°"" 0, °""'tlwt. uo•"••"'°'"o■•T• .--.. , .. ,..,... •••-• ••"" o_, "- I 10a01 lhol,a01■e • •t-1 ■a .. 11, •-Y-1 r 1ret ••-• ■•-• ■•r o..,. trDreft@ drawn on demand o n England, 01'1' n ,any, Ireland, ~ool- • 1 land, France, or any J)llr~ of Continent.a, F.. .. rcp,1. · R.ECK MALTINl!BREWINB co~ . MANUPACTURKRS AND BOTTLftf\R C ._ Silver · TPoam --- . ------ ---- -~ ----- -- · ·--- ·' :OH ErJI IAN .. ' EXPORT .~ so llanufactuMr ol ulnpr Ale, Sherbet, Bir.:h Beer 'Pop arJ Other Carbonated Drinks. I ·, ce and Bre,eq, West Side first Sheet, betwm Wmlngtan lmoe ant. frst Rher, I Al-PENA, MIOH/QAN. 1 E. PI. F tj N 1!3-rJ ~ Pr: 0 ., . mn,.a: ., Bagg.t1\l·~ a~d / ,~reight Tratl ·f~r Line._ c 1'1111f .. trl u• 811w11•r• to H41 tror/ all 8-.a!• , "' Trah• 01'1'10~. 104 ~1TATE St.. A LPENA ·.J • "-.;;.. _______________ -- ...., ___ _ • !