Balk~'s Laundry. • R. L. POLK & C0:8 TEL. MUTUAL89. CUTEHIAL BLOCI, ..... ., ........ , ......... c.,, ~ ■M First Ila. Baldwin West, from 2cJ west, 1 south of Campbell. Barry, from city limits and Thunder Bay shore north· west to 1st, between Mason and Parson. Bay av, from E Bingham along Thunder Bay shore, south two blocks. a. Beebe East, from N 2d av to Mill, 1 north of Nor- wegian. Beebe North, from Taylor north, be~wcen Dawson and Albert. Beebe \Vest, from l\' 2d av west, 1 north of Korwcgian. Beech, from Fletcher north to Long Lake av, 5 west of N 2d av. Begolc, from Washington av south to 3d, 1 west of Garden. Bingham East, from 2d cast, 1 south ol Bingham W u t, from 2d west, J south of Wisner. Birch East, from N 2d av cast to Trowbridge road, 1 north of Hueber. Birch West, from N 2cJ av west, r north of Hucbcr. Bismarck, from 3d west to Potter, between Lint:oln and Campbell. Blair East, from 2d cast, between Crapo and Wisner. Blair West, from 2d west, between Crapo and \Visner. Bolton, from Long Lake av cast to Huron, between Ad.lms and Owen. Bosley East , from N 2d av cast, 1 north of Alfred. Bosley Wrst, from 2d av west, 1 north of Alfred. Bradford, from 10th west, 9 south of Chisholm. Bridge, from Richardson's mill northwest, 7 northwest ol N 2d av. Broadwell, from Thunder Bay shore northwest . 2 north of Hucber. Brook, from Ontario south to city limits, 3 west of F ranklin. Campbell East, from 2d cast to State, 1 south of Lincoln. Campbell \Vest , from 2d we t to Washington a ,·, south of Lincoln. Campbell Track, from Potter & Son·s mill southeast to Thunder Bay, between Campbell and Baldwin. Catherrne, from south end of 8th west, 1 north of \Vash• ington av. ., FINE FLEXIBLE FINISH ,#::iw ... . KICHIGA!i LAUNDRY, Water St.. ALPENA CITY J?LRECTORY. rs Cavanaugh, from Washington av northwest to 11th, r south of Tuttle. Cedar, from Fletcher northeast to Long Lake av, be- tween Pinc and Beech. Charlotte, from Washington av north to 11th, r west of Miller. Cheboygan. from Lake northeas t. between Presque Isle and Mackinaw. Chisholm Ea t , from 2d cast to water front 2 south of the bridge, the dividing line of the cit; north and south. Chisholm West, from 2d west to city limits. 2 south of the bridge, the dividing line of the ,ity north and south. Clark East, from N 2d av cast to Mills, between Lake and Norwegian. Clark W est, from N 2d av west to Taylor, bctwren Lake and Norwegian. Clinton, from Baldwin south.west to city limits, between State and 1s t. Collins, from mill pond north to city limits. 3 wes t of \Voodward av. Commercial. from F letcher northca~t to Taylor, between Pine and Merchant. Cottage, from Johnson north to dty iimits, 1 west of Woodward av. Crapo East. from 2d cast to State, 1 south of Baldwin. Crapo West, from 2d wes t to 3d, 1 south of Balclwin. Dawson, from Taylor north to Owen, between Long Lake av and Beebe. Dock. changed to N 2d av. Dunl,ar East, from 2d east to State, 1 south of White. Dunbar W est; from 2d west to 4th, r south of White. Eighth North, from Chiisholm north to the• river, 6 west of 2d. Eighth South, from Chisholm south to Washington av, 6 west of 2d. Eleventh North, from Chisholm north to Oak, 9 west of 2cl. E leventh South, from Chisholm south to the river, 9 west of 2d. R L. POLK & CO .. I OKTBOIT !I cm:,ao ..