• R. L. POLK It C0.'8 Mayor-Michael O'Brien. President-Arthur A H Le Roy. Clerk-Robert J Crable. Alderman. First Ward-Richard Collin!>. George Ha,ggerty. Second Ward-Arthur A H Le Roy, Charles i\kGregor. Third Ward-J Charles Wood, Wm Kilbride. Fourth Warn-Wm Alce, Frederick J La Fond. Fifth Ward-Angus C McDonald, - ~lcNcely. Sixth Ward-Wm Reicks. ,\lexandcr Daoust. Standing Committees. \\'ays and 11eans-Kilbride. ~lcNeely. Streets and Sewers-Wood, Le Roy. t.lcDonalcl. Fire Department-1\lcDona ld, Collin:i. \\'ood. Fire Limits-Le Roy, Daou t, Collin~. O rdinances-McGregor. Haggerty. Reicki-. Liquor Bonds-Alce, Reicks, La Fond. Board of Education. i\lccts second Wednesday of r-ach month at Recorder's Office. Prcsident-M ichacl O'Drien. Sccrctary-R J Crable. Treasurer-A G Hopper. Superintcndent-G A Hunt. Principal-H P Breitenbach. Trustccs-1:it ward. Arthur c; Hopper; 2d ward. Charles \ V Trask. 3d ward. -----; 4th ward. David J Hinks: 5th ward. John Langworthy : 6th ward, Charles Buelow. Executive Committee-~! O'B~ien, Charlci- .\ Buelow. Charles W T rask. Jerry Rolison. Examining Committee-G ,\ Hunt , A G Hopper, John Langworthy. • Finance Committee-Charles A Buelow. Ch.irlei- \\' Trask, David J Hinks. . Library Committee-Charle~ \\' Trask. Jerry Rolt:;on John Langworthy. School Committe~harlei- A Buelow. John Langwor- thy. Arthur G Hopper. Board of Equalisation and Review. ln seMion about the last week of May each year, in Council Chamber, over Hose House No. 1. B n y sASH, oooRsO R • Ir. 0 Ung, 1~s~, ~'ti~: . . ALl'E:-IA CITY DIRECTORY. Members. The Comptroller. the City Attornry. an<l ont" Supcr\'i~ for each ward, as follows : 1st Ward-Will A Prince. 2d \Vard- Harry B ~lcCain, chairman. 3d Ward-Edward Maynard. 4th Ward-Stephen ~ladii.en. 5th Ward-Joseph E licaudoin. 6th Ward-Samuel Groh. Board of Health. Meets in Recorder's Office, second Friday of each month. President-Paul Dane. Sccretary-R J Crable. Physician-Edward E McKnight. ,\{embers-1st Ward, Wm Hatton ; 2d Ward, Jame:- (., Rutledge; 3d Ward. Fred Huot : 4th Ward, Jamel' H ~lcSorlcy: 5th Ward. Paul Dane: 6th Ward, Charis Nitz. Justices of the Peace. Joh» G Brekman, Wm F Devlin, Noble ~1 Brackinrec1I. Constables. 1st Ward-Samuel Malcomson. 2cl Ward-August Grosinsky. 3d Ward-Stanislaus Halupniczak. 4th Ward-James A Fisher. 5th Ward-Conrad Wessel. 6th Ward-John llarkcr. Board of Police Commissioners. . ~feels the fir t \Veclnesclay of each month, in Recorder's Office. George D Holmes. P~ ident, term expires 1904. Frederick Richardson, term expires in 1905. Will A Prince, term expires in 1906. \Vm B Comstock, term expires in 1907. Police Department. Headquarters-Hose House No. 1. Chief-Jacob C Fockler. Police Justice-John G Heckman. Sergeant-Vacant. PatroJme~- Daniel L Stout , ~lathia:- Am1m•rsdorfcr. Charles A Dewar. Ernest C Oust , Charle:; F Cliffonl.