QA1.B'ITf.ERSOP MICHJOAN,WISCONSIN,~~ NESOTA 111c1111111)' ot11er stata. r.wm1mr '8&':'4\.-'ll.."lll R. L Polk aco .. DetnitrQlce• ,. R. L. POL.K A C0."8 Long Rapids- • Supervisor-David R Martindale, Long Rapidli. Clerk-William H Fox, Long Rapids. Treasurer-Alexander McNeil, Long Rapids. Highway Commissioner-Wm A Hall, Long Rapids. Maple Ridge-- Supervisor-Israel Ellsworth, Orchard Hill. Clerk-Jacob Haltinner, Cathro. Treasurer-Louis Hoppe, Cathro. Highway Commissioner-John Wylemski, Cathro. Ossineke-- Supervisor-Henry R Morse, Jr, Alpena. Clerk-Benjamin Rayburn, Hubbard Lake:. Treasurer-Otto Shenk, Walburg. Hiehway Commissioner-Roscoe Ellsworth, Hub- bard Lake. Sanbom- Supervisor-Charles Lee, Spruce. Clerk-Gustave Elle/, Ossine~ey Treasurer-Edward Byrnes, Olsineke. Highway Commissioner-Charles J Mathews, Os- sineke. Wilson- Supervisor-Henry Portwine, Dafoe. Clerk-Henry Cochran, Dafoe. Treasurer-George Wiley, Dafoe. Highway Commissioner-James Kelly, Dafoe. JlfSTICES OF THE PEACE IN ALPENA COUNTY. Alpena City-John G Deckman, William F Devlin, Noble M Dcackinreed. Alpena Township-Thomas Barvo, Walter Gavagan, An- drew J Simmons and Andrew McEachem. Green-William J Camey, John L Reid, George Manning Long Rapids-Joseph Bryan, John O Snyder, Francis J McGinty, Wm H Hall. Ossineke-Fred Brandenburg, W D Brooks, A 1 B CarT, William F Scott. Maple Ridge-George Catino, Jo eph Dros eau, William Dc\'oll, Wm ~latzki. , • Sanl>orn-John "itter. Eli Lecuyer. Alrxander ~lcDon- ald, Frederick Toland. Wilso11-Harri11 F Xa:-ih, James H King, Isaac King, William A Smith. • • I \ l I - G -G<>To--=-== W. H. CAMPBELL ...... ... Sta■ Flttlr. ll bll rtll 1111 - Ill. ZU.W N. WAn.. Alpa.a ALPENA CITY DIRECTORY. , 9 -------------------- MICHIGAN ST ATE GOVERNMENT. EXECUTIVE. The State Offic:era. Governor-Aaron T Bliss, Saginaw; salary $4.000. Lieutenant-Governor-Alexander Maitland. Negattn.-~. The Lie~nant-Governor is paid legislative per diem dunl,r the session of the legislature. Secretary of State-Fred M Warner, Farmington; salary $8oo. State Treasurer-Daniel McCoy. Grand Rapids; salary $1,000. Auditor General-Perry F Powers, Cadillac: salary $J,· 000. Commissioner of the Land Office-Edwin A Wildey, Paw Paw; salary $8oo. Attomey-Gencral-Charles A Blair, Jackson; salary $8oo. Superintendent of Putilic Instruction-Delos Fall, Al- bion ; salary $1,000. ' State Board of Education-L L Wright, lron~ood ; P H Gufly, Detroit: James H Thompson. Evart; Delos Fall, Albion. . Appointed by• the Governor. Commisioner of Railroads-Theron W Atwood, Caro. Commissioner of Insurance-James V Barry, Lansing. Commissioner of Labor Statistics-Scott Griswold, Grand Rapids. Comm is ion er of Min era I Statistic.<1-Tom A Hanna. Iron Mountain. Commissioner of Banking Department-Georg~ W Moore, Port Huron. State Librarian-Mary C Spencer. State Inspector of llluminatinJr Oil- - William A Judson, Ann Arbor. State Inspector of Salt-John S Porter, Saginaw. C"'g_~.g_~~~--~ •