TEL. MUTUAL ee. CEITEIIIAL ILOCI, -••J.tl4 ............. .. Ow. ~ ... '1rll ... . JO R. L. POLK A C0.'11 State Veterinarian-Frank C Wells, Warner. Office, Agricultural College, State Game and Fish Warden-Charles H Chapman, Sault Ste Marie. State Geologist-Alfred C Lane. Office, Lansing. Dairy and Food Commissioner-Alfred W Smith, Adrian The Supreme Court. Chief Justice. Fra.nk A Hooker, Charlotte; term expires Dec 31, 1903. Associate J usticcs. ., Joseph B Moore, Lapeer; term expires Dec 31, 1905. Wm L Carpenter, Detroit; 1crm expires Dec 31, 1907. Claudius B Grant, Marquette; term expires Dec 31, 1909. Robert ~ Montgomery, Grand Rapids; term expires Dec. 31, 1909. Clerk-Charles C Hopkins, Lansing. Reporter-John A Brooks, Lansing. Crier-Moses R Taylor, Lansing. The salary of each Justice of the Supreme Court is $7,000, and his term of office ten years. The salary of the Reporter, $1:soo and expenses of attending court; of the Clerk, $3.00 per diem and fees. They arc ap- pointed by the Court, and hold office during the pleasure of the latter. The Court holds four terms annually in Lansing, commencing on the firs t Tur-"- day after the first Monday in January, April. Junt- and ·octobcr. Membera of lthe Fifty-Seventh Conpu from Michlpn. Senators. · Russell A Alger, R ; term expires March 4, 1Cf17. Julius C Burrows, R; term expires March 4, 1Q05. Representative11 1-Alfred Luckinr, D. 2-Charles E Townsend, R. 3- Washington Gardner, R. 4-Edward L Hamilton . R. 5-Wm A Smith, R. 6-Samucl W Smith, R. 7- Henry McMoran, R. James E. Field &, Co. 119 N . SECOND ST. WALL PAPER. • • • .. Michigan Laundry. { !~ ALP!lNA CrrT DllU!:CTORT. JI -------------------- 8--Joseph W Fordney. R 9-Roswell P Bishop. R 10-George A Loud, R. ~ r 1-Archibald B Darn~, R. 12-H O Young. .. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. Metropolitan Band (16 mcmbers)-Montroy Hall. Theo• phile DesChamps leader and mngr. Metropolitan Orchestra (7 membcrs)-.209 W Chisholm. Edmund Woods leader, Wm H Mainville mngr. Modem Woodmen Band ( 16 mcmbcrs)-De Roch's Hall. Mark Gubbins leader, Joseph Ayotte, mngr. BANK:;. Alpena Banking Co, of Comstock Bros (priv tc)-221 N 2d. A W Comstock prc.s, Wm B Comi-tock vice- prcs, F H Orcutt cashr. Alpen:t County Savings Bank-Cor 2d and Chisholn,. Incorporated Der.ember 26th, 1893. Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $10,000. P Culli n pres, F C Holmes vice• pres, W A Prince cashr. Alpena National Bank-Cor 2d and Water. Incorporated Feb 1, 1883; charter renewed Dec, 1902. Capital. $50,000. Surplus, $15,500. F W Gilchrist prei., Wm H Johnson vic~prcs, J C Comfort cashr Open Sat- urdays 7 to 8 p m. CEMETERIES. Catholic. S s Washington av, w of Thunder Bay river. Patrick McMullen, sexton. Evergreen (Protestant). Washington av, w of Thuniier Ray river. Frederick W Werth, sexton. Hebrew. Washington av, w of Thunder Ray ri"'.er. Norwe1i&n. Washington av, w of Thunrlrr Bay river.