................................. eo. LI'S. II .................... .., _ ...., .............. ......, .... ... ... ,..l' ............... tt ,, .. . R. L. POLK • C0.'8 Franklin-Cor S 1oth and Lockwood. Maud J Hopps, prin; Effie Cook, Margaret Alpern, teachers. Baldwin-S w cor Baldwin and Clinton. Mav S Parker. prin; Ada N Edgar, teacher. Cass-Sable bet 5th and 6th. A2T1es Dixon, prin: Ef111 M White, teacher. RAILROADS. Detroit & Mackinac Railway-Depot, W Fletcher opp Merchant. Harold M Reeves, agent. SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES. Muonic. Alpena Commandery, No 34 (Knights Templar)-Chai- tercd 1883. Officers elected at the regular conclave preceding .Good Friday of each year. H D Chur- chill, E C; Charles T Park, G; Z M Knight, C G; Rev A A W Hastings, Prelate; C J Crissml\n, S W : C E Wilcox, J W: James H Kerr, Treas; Adam Ludewig, Rec ; F W Blake, Std Bearer; Wat Kelsey, S Bearer; Thomas Jermin, Warder; B F Pratt, Sen- tinel. Alpena Lodge, No 199, F & A !\I-Regular communica- tions held first Wednesday of each month. R E Ellsworth, W M; Adam Ludewig, S W; Juliu f Hiser, J W; Wm Boulton, Sec; AG Hopper, Treas ; Henry Taylor, S D ; Fred N Potttt, J D; R l\lcCon- nell, Tyler. • Hopper Lodge, No J86-Regular communications held first Tuesday in each 111011th. 0 0 Black, W l\l : I I F Wilson, S W; N M Eddy, J W; F C Holmes, Treas: M G Updegraff, Sec; Frank D Scott, S D; Charles Dunivan, J D; R l\lcConocll. Tyler. Thunder Bay Chapter, No 74-Regular convocations held first Friday in each month. Parker H Small, H P; W II Ilucklcy, K ; F W Blake, Scribe ; M N Bed- ford, Treas; Charles T Park, Sec; R McConnell, Sentinel. WABASH LINE The PopuJ8l' Route to St. Louie, Kansas City, Den- -ver ead the West. , , ' ~ I Polk's LUMBER DIRECTORY A COMPLBTII •PITOM• OJI' TA'ls~IIBBR · TIU.DB A.NI> KINDRED INTII ALPllNA CITY DmF.CTORT. ~ U.S. 43 Sahgonahkato Council, No sS-Meets first Thursday of each month. C T Park, T I M ; H C Killeps, Dep T I M ; F W Blake, P C W ; H D Churchill, Treas; C J Crissman, Rc-c; Parker H Small, C of G; Jacob Lcvyn and J N Estes, Stewards; .B F Pratt, Sentinel. Ancient Order of Hibemiana. Division No 1-Mects first and third Sundays in each month, in St Bernanrs Hall. Bernard D Kelley, Pres; Thomas P Monaghan, Rec Sec; James Fran- cis, Fin Sec; Michael O'Brien, Treas. L A of A O H, Division No 1-Mects first and third Tuesdays of each month, in St Bernard's Hall, at 8 p m. Mrs G T Montroy, Pres ; Mrs E A Wcstrop, Vice- Pres ; Mary E Gillis, Rec Sc-c: Rose M Butler, Fin Sec; Mrs James Cronan, Treas. A. 0 . u. w. Pine Forest Lodge of Alpena, No 84-Meets every Thursday evening in K C Hall in Culligan Blk. C A Spicer, P M W: George U rquhart, M W; Edward Churchill, Foreman ; Ovid Le Blanc, Overseer; George La Marre, Recorder: C W Edwards, Finan- cier; Christian Olson, Receiver: Daniel Duggan, Guide. Golling Lodge, D of H, No 21-Meets every alternate Thursday tn K of C Hall. Mrs Mary Churchill, PC of H; Mrs Marie Todd, C of H; Mrs Rose Avis, L of H; Mrs Mary Olsen, C of C; Mrs J ennie Scott, Re- corder ; Mrs Mary Lee, Financier: Mrs Anna Ged- dert. Receiver; Mrs Clara Bickford, Usher. Nortl\. Star Lodge, D of H, No 1026-Meets altemate l\fondays in KOT M Temple. John McNeelcy, C; Julius Sinaberg, Sec and Treas. B. P. O.E. Alpena Lodge, No 505-Meets in Elks' Hall every :ilte1- natc Thur day in each month. John Barratt, E R; H C Beebe, E L K ; L l\l Miller, E L K: C C Cush- man, Esquire : James D McKay, Sec; Noah E Cohen, Tyler. aRlND TRUii Fta.af RllLWlY SYSTEM faa, Tna,lomeat. alltbe East.