nilJ!'ITll!II OP IIICllllWI, WISaJNBIN, .... u·~A _. a1111 ot11er sa.ta. rllffl\!1111 tnm-&'N'DI It- L Palk a co .• Detroit.i Cldcap 44 R. I... POLK A C0.'8 C. M. B. A. Branch 29-Mccts first and third Thursdays of each month at 8 p m in St Bernard's Hall. Duncan Mc- Intosh, Pres; James T Malloy, Fin Sec; Michael O'Brien, Rec Sec; Rev T D Flannery, Treas. o. A. R. Horace S Roberts Post, No 139--Mccts second and fourth Mondavs of rach month in Union Life- Guard Hall, Potter Blk. Frank White, C ; Chester M Dem- ing, Adjt ; Albert D Stout, Q M. Horace S Roberts Woman's Relief Corps, No 55-Mcets second and fo11rth Monday afternoons of each month at Union Life Guard Hall, Potter Blk. Mrs Mary Churchill, Pres; Miss Mary Burgess, Sec; Miss Ella Davis, Treas. I. 0 . F. Court Alpena, No 293-Mccts first and la5t Fridays In each month in Maccabce Temple. Eli Case, C R; Alexander D Wiseman, VCR; Jo!in S McVicar, R S ; John W Hall, F S. L 0. B. B. Companion Court of Alpena, No 33-Mcets every alter- nate Monday in K O T M Temple. Mrs Thomas Hazel. C R; Mrs George Waldon, Rec Sec. I. 0. 0 . P. (All lodges meet in Odd Fellows' Hall.) Alpen:. Lodge, No 170-Mccts every Tuesday. John Hatton, P G; Henry E Aris, N G; James L Marrow, V G; Frank L Knealc, Rec Sec; Julius Sinaberr;, l'er Sec; John W Ealcs, Treas. Canton Alpena, No 31, P M, I O O F- ·-J C Fockler, Capt; A M McKay, Clerk. Myrtle Loc.lgc, No 432- ~tcets every Monday evening In Odd Fellows' Temple, Centennial Blk. C W Ed- wards, P G; Zenas P Ross, N G; L Lavillc Prince, V G: Spcnur Showers, Rec Sec; Robert Lough, Per Sec. Fo~lfL~ .. D!!!E!; . H L, POLI & co., ... nn,:ffl. u 11w • • • I DITIOfftCBICIII pLUMBINOJ W. H. CAMPBELL, ad Steua Attut1.) 223-225 N. 21d In., 1111911. At.PltNA CJTY Dm&Ol'ORT. 45 Thunder Bay Encammc.nt, No 87-Mccts hrst l&nd third Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows' Temple, Cen- tennial Blk. Benjamin Napper, C P; Frank L Kncalc, Scribe. Beulah Lodge, D of R, I O O F-Mects every other Wednesday evening in Odd Fellows' Temple, Cen- tennial Blk. Mrs Lorenzo Morrell, N G ; Ncllic- l{jng, R S; Mrs Wm Alce, V G. Primrose Lodge No 364-Meets every other Wednesday evening in Odd Fellows' Temple. Mrs Levi L Hur- ley, N G; Mrs Hattie Yake, y G; Mrs James Hough- ton, Rec Sec; Mrs Rilla C Whitten, Fin Sec. K.0. C. Alpena Lodge, No s~Meets every Tuesday evening at KOC Hall, Culligan Blk. Dr Edward E McKnight, P G K ; James Collins, G K; James Francis, D G K; Alfred P Blaney, Rec Sec; Napoleon J La Lonclc. Fin Sec; J T Malloy, Treas. K. 0. H. North Star Court, No Jo~Mects every alternate Mon- day in K O T M Temple. John McNeely, Chancel- lor ; Julius Sinabcrg, Recorder. K. of P. Alpena Lodge, No 148-Mccts every Wednesday at I..U- tle Hall. C N Ware, C C; George F V ennt"rs, M of W ; Albert Ash, M F; M V Secrist, P C; Arthur J Tulicn, K of R and S; Wm Grant, V C; TH Kncale, MA. Knight. of SL John. Commandcry No 7-Meets second and fourth Sundays of each month at St John's Hall. Peter Petrcs, Com- mander; Joseph Croteau, Vice-Pres; L A Gauvrcau. Sec; Joseph Huot, Treas. K. 0. T. M. M. Alpena Tent, No 103-0rganized June 30, 1883. Mew, every Tuesday, K O T M Hall, New Progre!s Hall. Samuel Malcomson, P C; John McKay, C; Wm McKay, LC ; Wm Alec, R K; Wm Hatton, F K. C"1~4":~~.!~!'!~ • •