....w ................ U.L....., eoLl'S, . . ............... "..., .... lijlii& ti IQ u. s:; ..... a:.....- ... e..... IIUIITllll t .., ... _....," CiltJ ..,, •• • • •. S s R. L. POLK 6 C0.'8 Adams Joseph, lake capt, res 216 Catherine. Adams Watson, elk, res 521 S 2d av. Adama Watson L, foreman Pioneer & News Printing Co, res 525 State. Adrian Wm, tmstr, bds Collins House. Aikens, sec also Eakins. Aikens Arthur, tmstr Churchill Lumber Co, bds 433 W Washington av. Aikens Daniel A, driver Beck Malting and Brewing Co, bds Eagle Hotel. Aikens Edward, mill hd Richardson Lumber Co, res 427 ~naw. Aikens Elizabeth C, bds 433 W Washington av. Aikens Elmer J, tmst.r, bds 433 W Washington av. Ajkcns Ja~es. tmstr, res 433 W Washington av. Aikens Lester R, tmstr Churchill Lumber Co, bds 433 W Washington av. Aikens James, tmstr, res 433 W Washington av. Aikens Samuel, barn boss Churchill Lumber Co. Aikens Wm B, fireman Hose Co No 1, bds 433 W Wash- ington av. · Aikens Andrew, lab Churchill Lumber Co, res 713 S 5th. Aikens Joseph, lab Richardson Lumber Co. Aikens May M, student, bds 713 S 5th. Aikens Wm, lab, res S 3d nr city limits. Albcitz Henry, carp, bds 315 W Fletcher. Albert Charlci., lab F W Gilchrist, bd:i uo E Oldfield. Alberts Henry, lab >Alpena Hide and Leather Co. Alcorn Harry, bak r, res go8 W Chisholm. Aldred Clarence, student, bds Henry Aldred. Aldred Elmer, lab, bds Henry Aldred. Aldred Henry, jeweler, res cor Franklin and ~ntario. Alec Harry W, stone cutter, bds 920 W Washington av. Alec Ralph W, student, bd.s 920 W Washington av. Alce Wm, engineer The Northern Planing Mill Co, res 920 W Washington av. Alex Elsie, student, bds 118 W mpbcll. Alex Herman, lab Fletcher Paper Co, res 118 W Camp- bell. Alexander Robert, removed to Flint, Mich. Alford James, fireman D & M Ry. ee.& uae o ST. PAUL. IINNBAPOLIS, C:,1!:' Et Black llllll and Pacl8c Cout - A.LP&NA CITY DIRECTORY. SJ UNION HOTEL, PIUNK BBCK, Propr. Centrally Located. Electric Light. Steam Heat. BOTH TE?LE?PHONBS. Cor. Wabhl~oa aad .s.coocr Avea-.. ALPENA, MICH. FRED N. POTTER & CO., Fire, BmploJers' Liability and Accident Insura~ce .,, A None But lteli.ble Companies ltepracnted. \ . Office, I -2 Maaonlo Block, ALPENA, MICH. ~DREW I. lcWRN, Practical Honaboer . ...... . Oeaeral Blacbmitb. Sll!QAL ATTEJff10N CIVl!N TO IIOltSES WITII SOU Fl!Bf. m e. Cllilllelll, c.. w......._ A•ew. Al~na. Mloh. T&L. ■IJTll.&L. UVDY, FDD...a IIOAJIDINQ aTUUS. .... , .