0.u.e111!f.RS OP o:IIIOAN, WISCONSIN,. MIN- NP.SOTA 111d may otlla' States. rlffruillll ~A'-ll.."!IR- L Palk&CO., Dctrait_.aiap 6o R. I... f'()LX A C0.'8 ARSCOTT WM W, Physician and Surgeon, 404 N 2d av, res 20'J W Oldfield. Tel Mutual. Arti~e Edmond, driver J T Boilore, bds 1011 W <::his• holm. Ash Alfred E, custodian, res 614 Commercial. Ash John J, mach, res u8 W Norwegian. Ash Mary J (wid Joseph), res 234 W Lake. Ash Samuel, lab, res e s Long Rapids rd I s of W Chisholm. Ashton Thomas C, jeweler, 8o8 W Chisholm, res 201 N 14th. Asselin Charles, elk M P Lum, res 132 W Lake. Asselin Conrad J, s tudent, bds 132 W Lake. Asselin Eglantine M, dressmkr, bds 132 W Lake. Asselm Georgin E, trimmer H Joachimsthal, bd." 132 W 1 Lake. Atkinson Edward, setter Churchill Lumber Co, res 115 W Lincoln. Atkinson John, student, bds 219 W Lewis. Atkinson Thomas, lab, res 219 W Lewis. ' Aultman Ross, barber, bds Hotel Richelieu. Austin James, fireman D & M Ry, t>ds American House Avanmcuk Vincent, removed to Detroit, Mich. Avery Flora T (wid Edward 0), res 113 W Oldfield. Avery Terrace, 113-115 W Oldfield. Avis Edward J . filer, bds 223 Lockwoo<.I. Avis John W, filer, res 223 Lockwood. Avis Wellington, filer, bds 223 Lockwood. Ayers Fred R, lab, bds Collins House. Ayotte Joseph A, carp Gebhardt, Morrow & Co, res 1011 W Chisholm. Ayotte Joseph A, ship carp, res 535 Sable. Ayotte Joseph A jr, e:arp, res 535 Sable. B Babcock Anna L (wid George) , bds 610 S 1st. Babcock Archibald, filer, res 411 Tawa~. Dachman Helen S, tchr Central School, bds 1o6 Hitch- cock. Bachman :\lary C (wid Rev George 0), bds ,or, Hitch- cock. • - • - M ILL AND MARINE WORK .AND ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. < W . . I CAIIPIEU.. 223-225 I, 2d An., Al.PH&. ALPJCNA ClTT DIR£cr0RT. ti I Babic Marion, elk Greenbaum Bros, bds 224 W Clark. Bailey Arthur, lab Northern Extract Co, bds 910 S 8th. Bailey Eva, cook, bds 202 Minor. Bailey Frank E, boom hd, res 910 S 8th. Bailey George W, solicitor, res 614 S 6th. Bailey Mabel, bds 213 E Dunbar. Bailey Nora, student, bds 910 S 8th. Bajdasz Joseph, lab, res 312 Minor. Baker Agnes, Jxis 234 W River. Haker Alpnonsc, lab RichardSQn Lumber Co, bds 313 S 4th. Baker Charles, tmstr Richard Collins. Baker Charles, lab F W Gilchrist. Baker Henry, night watchman The Northern Planing Mill Co, res .200 Ripley. Baker Henry, farmer, res 234 W River. Baker Herbert H, lab Alpena Portland Cement Co, rei. 201 W Fletcher. Baker Joseph, lab Alpena Portland Cement Co, res 201 W Fletcher. Baker Joseph, washer James Briselden, res 301 S 4th. Baker Lora H (L H Bakcr & Co), res 112 State. Baker Loui~, macb hd Fletcher Paper Co, .res 310 W Miller. Baker L H & Co (Lora H Baker), proprs Baker's Ba- zaar, 121-123 N 2d av. Baker Mary, music tchr, 234 W River, bds same. Baker Middic, lab Richardson Lumber <;o, bds 313 S 4th Dakcr Thomas , blksmith, t 127 W Chilholm, res 1129 same. BAKERS' BAZAAR, L H Baker & Co Proprs, Notions, Fancy Goods, Crockery, Glasware, Toys, Household Necessities, Tinware, Etc, 12r-123 N 2d av. Tel Mnt. Bald\Vin School, s w cor Baldwin and Clinton. BALKEN LUDWIG R, Propr Balkcn's Laundry, 150- 154 E Washington av, Centennial Blk, Tel Mich 165, Mutual 6g ; res same. (Sec left top lines.) BALK.EN'S LAUNDRY, L R Balken Propr, Best Work and Satisfaction Guaranteed, 150-154 E Washington av, Centennial Blk. Tel Mich 165, Mutual (lg. (See leh top lines.) ~all Anna (.wid James N), bds 220 S 8th. C"'g_~~~~l:L.! ~~~~ •