....... ~....,_,., ... u.a.. .... eoLK'S .lblllll:9 ... --..w ·---,,.., .... .......... o. ........ ~ ...... ... -..UTllll 1 .., ..... -, ..., It~ ......... • •• t • 66 R. L. POLK A CO.'B Belknap Thomas L, land looker, res 413 Tawas. Belknap Wm E, foreman, res cor S 5th and Saginaw. Bell Maud, waiter Union Hotel. BELL SAMUEL T, Physician and Surgeon, 113 S :rd av, Holmes Blk, res 429 S 4th. Tel Mutual. Bell Wm, lab Alpena Hide and Leather Co, bds 824 Sable. Bellair Amadee, lab, bds :112 Minor. Bellair Annie, dressmaker, bds 212 Minor. Bellair John, carp, res 21:1 Minor. Bellair Wm, mill hd, bds 212 Minor. Bellmore A'tthur, lab, res 23,:1 W Fletcher. Bellmore George, boom hd, res Bog W Miller. Bellmore Nellie, domestic 934 W Wa4ington av. Belmore Peter, lab, bds 232 W Flet r. Beneway Charles H, auctioneer, res 435 Tawas. Bcneway Frederick D, lab, bds 435 Tawu. Beneway Nettie, bds 435 Tawas. Benn Walter J, physician, 2 and 3 Hanover blk, res same Bennett Alice, cook, bds Mrs Lillian Johnson. Bennett Jarius R, lab, res 622 Loc.lcwood. Benning Julius, gTOcer, 8oo N 2d av, res same. Benson Christian, lab Fletcher Paper Co, res 303 W Alfred. Berdan Charles W, foreman Jacob Levyn, bds 120 Hitchcock. Ucrg John F, b• tcher T A Nofli:e, res 6o1 w_ Lake. . Berger Rev Julius J, pastor German Amencan Baptist Church, res :117 S 4th. Beriault Alfred, removed to J lelena, Mont. Beriault Cleophas. lab Mich Veneer Co, res 717 Tawas. Beriault John B, elk A E McGregor, res 162 Stnte. Deriault Joseph, res 312 Lockwood. Beriault Lucy H, dressmkr, 714 Tawas, bds same. Beriault Mary J, elk Hawley & Fitzgerald, bds 714 Tawas. Berke! Wm res 140 E Washington av. Berry Wm 1 E, engr D & M Ry, res 618 W Miller. Berryhill John, lab, bds 505 Long Lake av. Berryhill John jr, lab Fletcher Paper Co, res sos Long Lake av. WABASH LINE Tbe Popular Route to St. Loul• , Kan ... cu,, Den- ---============ ver and the Wnt. • ' ... ~ THE SHORT LINE TO ll!IICincinnati ~:: South . ALPENA CITY D~RT. BERTRAM OTTO, Physician and Surgeon (Deutchcr Arzt), 402 N 2d av, res 226 W Miller. Tel Mut 546. BERTRAND J LEO, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Furs, Trunks and Valises, 100 N 2d av. Tel Mutual 144 ; res 725 S 3d. Bert$Che Gertrude, finisher Fletcher Paper Co . Besser Mrs Hattie M (The Besser Mnfg Co), res 403 S :rd av. Besser Hermap (The Besser Mnfg Co),Jeal estate, lam- ber and cedar, 403 S 2d av, res saae. Besser Jesse H, bkkpr The Besser Mnf Co, bds 403 S :rd av. BESSER MANUFACTURING CO THE (Herman, Wm H and Hattie M Dc.sser) , Shingt. , Staves, Cedar Tics, Posts and Poles, n s Thunder Bay river bet Johnson and Fort. Besser \\'alter, student, bds 403 S 2d av. Bessmer Louis V, removed to Detroit, Mich. Bessy Wm N, drayman, 1216 W Chisholm, res same. Betowski Frank, lab, res 1212 W Washington av. • Bevan Johnnie, student, bds 1121 Merchant. Bevan Silas J, carp, bds 1121 Merchant. Bey Frederick, lab Alpena Portland Cement Co. Beyer Carl H, lab, res 115 W Beebe. Beyer Ernest C, tailor, 414 Lockwood, res same. Beyer Flora E, student, bds 414 Lockwood. Heyer Paul, lab, res 823 Mill. Bickford George A (Bickford & Scheffler), res 417 S 3d. Bickford Orrin, cli-, bds 417 S 3d. Bickford Reuel A , grocer, 928 S 3d, rce same. Bickford Roy C, tudcnt, bds 417 S 3d. llickford & cheffier (George A Bickford. Otto H Schcf- 0Pr). barbers. 105 W Chisholm. ' Bicderich Matilda (wid Herman) , res 332 Saginaw. Bicska Ramey, foreman, res 6o5 W Oldfield. Bieska Felix, lab, res 6o5 W Oldfield. Bieskc Joseph, oiler Alpena Portland Cement Co. Bie11ki Alexander, lab Northern Extract Co. Bicski Della, bds 212 Long Lake av. Bieski John, lab, res 834 Lockwood. Uicski Valentine, lah Chur.::hill Lumber Co, res 21:, Long Lake av. ;.;;;:.;;---.;;;--. ► GliBD m}l}[.,,! .. M-~'f:-!-I .-~-STDI- Dlrea&Uoe Dmoi~ io &afnaw Valle1, Gnu>d Rapid,. Gl"Uld a..._. Jltlllbpl &M"& Nonbern and Oencral Mlohipt \ •