/ eoll'S .. Ill ................ ,, .., ....... ....... .._........., ... o.s..1ma1 ......., ti 610. S.. ............ , ... 1111a1 ~le ,,, ~- IIIJU~• ~ ldlftll ... ~71CltJDf~. ,, • 68 n. L. POLK A C0.'8 Bigelow George, fireman D & M Ry. Bingham Mrs Elizabeth, res 209 W Washington av. Bingham Jam~. lab, res 418 W Mirre. Bingham John, tmst, C Mocn.:h & Sons Co, res 430 W Mirre. gham John D, mach hd Lewis T Kline, bds 430 W Mirre. Bingham Martha A, student, bds 430 \V Mirre. Bingham Mary E, bkkpr C L Lyons, bds 430 W Mirre. Bingham Porter, bkkpr, bds 209 W Washington av. Binder Theresa, cook Union Hotel.. Bisauer John, fisherman Alpern & Co;bds Collins House Bischoff August, longshoreman, JCS 813 Mill. Bischoff Elizabeth F, finisher, bds 813 Mill. Bischoff Henrietta B, folder, bds 813 Mill. Bishop Anna, tailor, bds 314 Saginaw. Bishop Charles B, longshoreman, res 314 Saginaw. Bishop Elizabeth, finisher Fletcher Paper Co. Bishop Jeremiah, lab, res 316 Tawas. Bishop Lillie M, dressmaker, bds ~14 Saginaw. Bishop Morris, mach hd Gebhardt, Morrow & Co, bds Globe Ilotel. Bishop O tto W, bkkpr Alpena National Bank. res 209 W Oldfield. Biske Joseph, lab, res 120 Minor. Bisner Ella, bds 526 W Oldfield. • Bisner Michael, lab, res 526 W Oldfield. Black Earl E, jeweler O O Black, bds 3o8 S 1st. Black Mild id A, milliner Hawley & Fitzgerald, bds 3o8 S 1st. BLACK ORRIN 0 , Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Optician and Optical Goods, J26 N 2d av, res Jo8 S 1st. Blackbum Block, e s N 2d bet Chisholm and River. Blackbum Cynthia A (wid George N), res 139 S 1st. Blackbum Wm A ( nlackburn & Co), res 414 S 1st. Tel Mutual. BLACKBURN & CO (Wm A Blackburn, Robert H Rayburn, Will A Prince), Insurance, Real Estate and Loans, over Alpena County Savings Bank. Tel Mutual 39. Blackler Mary (wid Edward), bds us Elizabeth. =-:.. o Hr. PAUL, IINNBAPOLIS. -. 1a11 Et Blact Bllla and PacUlc CGUt. ... S. A. WRINKLE II WOOD DF ALL l lllDI PIIO■rnY DEUVHO . iJ~l·/iL'.'t~ ALPENA ClTY DIRECTORY. Ulakley H Vernon, removed to Flint, Mich. Clackmorc Ira M, bds 312 S 8th. Blackmore ]!Imes H, farmer, res 312 S 8th. \ Blackmore Mary E, teacher; bds 312 S 8th. Blair Amadee, lab Albert W Brown, bds 212 Minor. Blair Louis, porter Union Hotel. bds same. Blay- Mrs Sophia, res 519 Sable. Dlafr Wm, knot sawyer The Besser Mnfg Co bds 212 Minor. , ' Blais John B, carp The Northern Planing Mill Co res 212 Minor. · ' Blais Richard, lab F letcher Paper Co. Blake Fred W (Blake & Carr), res 325 S 2d av. Te:I Mutual. . BLAKE&: CARR (Fred W Blake, Wm E •Carr) Den- tists, Davison Blk. Tel Mutual. • Blakely John, bds 225 W Chisholm. '" Blanchard John H, engr, res 817 W Chisholm. Blanchard Louis, scaler, res 1002 W Chisholm. Blaney Alfred P, bkkpr F W Gilchrist. bds 825 N 2d av. Blaney John, res 825 N 2d av. Blaney .Katherine l\f, bds 825 N 2d av. Blaney Margaret A, ~kkpr Manion Bros, bds 825 N 2d • avenue. Blaski Emil, lab, bds 1010 Mill. Blaski Frank, lab Alpena Ponland Cement Co, res 1010 Mill. Blaski Frank T (Blaski & Golla), uo6 Mill. Blaski John, lab, ds 1010 Mill. Blaski Joseph, lab, res 211 N 1oth. Blaski Julia, dressmkr, bds 1010 Mill. Blaski & Golla (Frank T Blaski, Bernard Golla), gro- cers, 430 N 2d av. Blease Richard R, lab, bds t 16 E Norwegian. Bleau Albert, lab, bds 421 S 6th. Bleau Alcid, lab, bds 421 S 6th. Bleau Edgar C, stoker Al~na Gas Light and Fuel Co, res 616 Lockwood. Bleau Gregoire:, lab, re6 421 S 6th. Bleau Mrs Jane, res I r 209 W Fletcher. Bleau Marshall, carp, res rear 410 W Miller. Bleau Marshall jr, res rear 410 W Miller. C"'g:.C?t.gag~~!.1~~~