R. L. POLK & CO. '8 The t\lpena National Bank CALl:-5 YOU~ ATI'EHTION TO The Savings Department DEPOSITS of $1.00 and UPWARDS RECEIVED. INTEREST PAID SEMI-ANNUALLY. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINOS 7 to 8 P. M. CALL AND see us. SAMPLE ROOMS Bl'ln' l N <.1TY. KTRl<.'J'LY FlRin'-CLA . NEW ALPENA HOTEL. " ; F. E. LeDUC, Proprietor. This House has 60 Rooms, Electric and Caa L ights, Steam Heat In Every Room, Bath Rooms, F ire Escapes, Best and Newest In Northern Michigan. RATES, S2.00 and S2.50 PER DAY. Corner ,ourth and Chl.ttolm Streata ALPENA, MICHIOAN. • I 1 ALPENA CITY DIRECTORY. 3 GLOBE HOTEL M. F,ITZPATRICK, Proprietor. RATES PER DAY, • $1.25 AND $1.50. Corner Washington Ave. a d Second Street, ALPENA, MICHICAN. Newly Decorated. Stwn Heat, Elearic: Lipts ud aJI moder1 coareaieaccs. Cl•- le t11e Df'lNIIC 41 ( ' level••· l'lla•lntl•• C•.'• ll' llad, •• , a 181a•rt Dlat-ce ~- tll e D. A • . lta.llWII)' Depot. Tallte S.ppllcd wtlll au tlle Stuoe Af'4NU. Qoo, Saapl• Rotu tor C:-■ctdal Mu. Spedal Rakl tor lliic T11catrtcal ProlualH. • Wlllla T1ro Blkb ol 0,Ua HHM. Jrt■eat LI•• er l'erds• a.■C D•aeaUe w,.... ...,,·o- .a.•o CUIA■l8- . Both Telepbooea.