• eoll'S. .... - .............. A.., ..... ..................... U.Lllllllll .......... .,_ ................... .... --1'11111.,111 .... __.,._. ■ I I ... • • • .• 74 R. L. POLK A C0.'8 Breitkreuz Frederick E, lab Mich Veneer Co, res 121 E Mirrc. Breitkreuz Herman, lab, bds 109 Minor. ~ Breitkreuz Ida, bds 109 Minor. Brennan Dennis G, filer, bds 903 Sable. Brennan James C, foreman J M Johnston & Son, res 903 Sable. Brennan Maggie, bds 903 Sable. Brennan Thomas P, lab, bds 903 Sablt. Brevick Thomas, lab, re$ 302 W Clark. Bridge Frederick, driver F G Widdis, res 126 Plains. Bridge Fredcrick l, lab, res cor W Washington av and Tuttle. Brig-gs Albert H, circuit court stenogr, Court HoU9ei ru 4u S 2d .. Bright Edward, lab Northern Extract Co, res 42S W Oldfield. Bright Louis, lab Northern Extract Co. • Briner Clara E, laundress Michigan Laundry, bds 130 W Baldwin. BRISELDEN JAMES, Livery, Feed and Sale Stablei,, 117 W Chisholm, Tel Mich tgt>, Tel Mutual 232; res 229 Sable. Tel Mutual 62.. Brmestrbak Albert, section tid, re& 520 W River. Brmestrzak John, elk, bds 520 W River. - 1Brmestnak Jostph, cigarmkr, bds 520 W River. Brmestrzak Mary, bds 520 W River. BROAD HARRY L, Bicycle Mnfr, Repairing and Sun- dries, Guns, Ammunition and Sporting Goods. 116 E River, Tel Mich ; res 523 S 8th. · Broad Leslie, weighn1as ter Alpena Portland Cement Co, 6ds cor 3d and Wai;hington a,·. Broadwell Clayton M, lab, res 1110 N 2d av. Broadwell Etta, bds 629 W Chisholm. Broadwell H oward A, lab, bds 1110 N 2d av. Broadwell Laurine, ~tudcnt. bds 629 W Chisholm. Broadwell Wm H , res 629 W Chisht"lm. Brock Amanda, domestic 203 S 3rl Brooker James. res 314 S 4th. Brookman Katie, domestic 816 S 3cl. Broskc Frank, Sl\wycr, bds Sherman I louse. Broski Anthony, lab The Besser Mnfg Co. • ... • • Polk's LUMBER DIRECTORY, ffl. A. COYPLETB BPITOMB OP' THB LUKBBR TRA.DB A.ND KINDRED INTBRBSTS- ALPENA CITY Dl1ll!:CTORT. 75 Brousseau Philip, cngr D & M Ry. BROWN ALBERT W, Excelsior Mnfr, Oak bet 10th and I 1th, bds 226 W Washington av. Brown Anna (wid Charles H) , res 502 Lockwood. Brown Carl F, apprentice C F Steele, bds 622 W River. BROWN DAVID F, the only Exclusive Retail Cigar and Tobacco Store In the City; Complete Linc of all the Leading Brands of Cigars and Tobaccos, Pipes and Smokers' Supplies, 107 S 2d av, bds Union Hotel Brown Ella, student, bds 629 Lockwood. Brown Frank, lab Churchill Lumber Co. Brown Frederick H, distributor Detroit Evening News, hds 622 W Rive, . Brown Jennie L (wid Luke) , res 629 Lockwood. Brown Joseph F, lab, res 221¼ E Chisholm. Brown Lcande{ F, porter Globe Hotel. Brown Ovid, ftarnessmaker, bds Collins House. Brown Patience (wid Moses), nurse, 409 S ut, res same Brown Renwick, res 220 W Lewis. • Brown Vjctoria, dressmaker, 220 W Lewis, bds same Brown Walter S, removed to Detroit, Mich. Brown Wm, brakeman, bds Amencan House. Brown Wm H, millwright, res 622 W River. Brownlee Wm, engineer, res 7n N 2d av. Brueckner Herman, pastor St Paul's German e"angcll- cal Lutheran Chun:h, res 721 S 2d ay. Brugger Fannie, domestic 500 Minor. Bruneau Albert, longshoreman, res 117 E Lake. Brunell Annie, bds 1223 State. Brunell Frank, mberman, res 1223 State. Brunnell Louise, bds 1223 State. Brunett Agnes (wid Joseph) , res 241 Long Lake a\'. Brunett Felix, butcher, res 412 Commercial. Brunett Ferdinand, lab, bds 241 Long Lake av. Brunett Henry, lab, res 1t7 E Hueber. Bnmett Lucas, lab, res 716 Mills. Brunette Philip, elk Wm Hazell, res 413 Commercial. Bruno Marshall, lab, bds 507 W Chisholm. Bruno Oakley, team te,, bets 507 W Chisholm. Bryan 01cster A, mach htl fletcher Paper Co, bds 240 E River. BRAND TRUNK ·fl l.,a falls. TIIIID, lorfJJal, RAILWAY SYSTEM Cimda.Pmtt.lalltbeEat.