MISSOURI ••• j-Bost :,.~::io: PACIFIC RY. l 11 =:::== 8o R. L. POLK la CO. '8 C Cadaret Fred, driver E H Furbush, res 3.23 S 5th. Cadriette Louis, lab, res J N 6th. Cady John, sailor, bds Collins House Cail Wilfred, lab, res 334 Albert Cain Henry, lab, rca 1000 Mill. Cain Wm N, engT Alpena Portland Cement C1>, bds 1000 Mill. Calkins Alvin C, engr Fletcher Paper Co, res (JOO S 1st. Calkins Clara M, bds 116 Hitchcock. Calkins Hira, res 116 HitchcocJc. Calkins Wm A, removed to Des Moines, la. Calvert Frank E, physician, bdi; Daniel Ellis Camrron Angus, lab Fletcher Paper Co, rrs 107 Long Lake av. Cameron ~frs Anna, res 8o1 Mill. Cameron Archibald, bartndr A A McDoneH, rm~ 231 W Lake. CAMERON DUNCAN A, Physician and S11r~eon, Of- fice Hours 10-12 a m, 2-4 aq_d 7-9 p m, 119 N 2d av. Both Tels; res 511 S 3d. Bbth Tels. . Cameron John D, lab Fletcher Paper Co, res 309 W Fletcher. Campbell Alexander, carp, res 213 W Norwegian. Campbell Alexander, carp, res 531 W Oldfield. Campbell Christ, mason, res 513 Pinc-. Campbell Christopher, mason, res 513 Pine. CAMPBELL DANIEL A. Judge of Probate, Court House, res 208 Fair av. Campbell Daniel R, lab, bds 524 Lockwood. Campbell Daniel W (Secrist & Campbell), res 624 S 2d av. Tel Mutml 289. Campbell Doupld, lnmbforman, r«-s 114 S ]th. Campbell George, bkkpr, bds 531 W Oldfield. Campbell Harry C, fireman D & M Ry, res 123 ~ 9th. Campbell James, lab, res 524 Lockwood. Campbell James B, boom hd Churchill Lumber Co, res 214 S 5th. Campbell om, n, fisherman, res 122 E Norwegiaa. Campbell Walter J, student, bds S24 Lockwood. . Polk's LUMBER DIRECTORY ~ A COUPLETS RPITOIIB OP THB LUIIBBR TRADB AND KINDRED JNT&RBSTS • Cbas. IRCKtnzlt, II t'iv0ERv~ 136 WEST CHISHOLM. ~ MU'T\IAL Tu. 399 ALPENA CITY DIRECTORY. 81 CAMPBELL WM H, Plumber, Steam Fitter, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Etc, 223-225 N 2d av, Both Tels; res 610 N 2d av. Tel Mutual. (Sec right top lines.) Canfield Irwin S. lawyer, 107 N 2d av, ree 3o6 Lockwood Canfield James, barn boss F W Gilchrist, res 524 Mills. Cappke Annie, domestic 231 E Camphell. Carey Thomas F, tel opr D & M Ry, bds 133 E Miller. Carle Wm F, gTOCer, 422 W Miller, rCll same. Carlin Agnes, milliner, bds 125 W Beebe . • Carlin Edward, tmstr, res 125 W Beebe. Carlin Edward S, drivet McKim & Polzin, bds 125 W Beebe. Carlin Mary A, tchr, bd11 125 W Beebe. µrln Maud, chessmkr, bds 125 W Beebe. Carl!IOn August. lab C Moench & Sons Co, hds John Carbon. Carlson Carl J , boom hd, res Ontario 3 e of Fr.,nklin. Carlson George, lab, bds John Carlson. Carlson Georgie, bds 221 W Alfred . Carlson Hans, sponger C Moench & Sons Co, bds John Carlson. Carlson Jennie, student, bds John Carlson. . Carl'\On John, lab Alpena Hoop and Lumber Co, re~ Ontario 2 e of Franklin. Carlson Lawrcnre, lab C Moench & Sons Co, bds John Carlson. Carlson Louis, lab Churchill Lumber Co, res 221 W Al- fred. Carlson Wm, lab, bds 221 W Alfred. Carmichael August, res 116 E Clark. Carmichael James, boom hd Churchill Lumber Co, rc,1 212 Plains. Carmichael Lorinda L, bds 116 E Clark. Carmichael Moses J, carp Churchill Lumber Co, bds u6 E Clark. Carmichael amnel A, removed to Portland, Ore. Carmichael Waite;{ D, lab, bds 116 E Clark. Carmichael \Vm W. removed to Portland, Or«- Carpcnter Mrs Alice, res 228 Charlotte. Carpenter Margaret, bds 507 S 5th. Carpenter Thomas, carp, res 224 E Campbell . - --- -- --- WHEN =,v;:.'::aa,:.o~%~::~:; co■~ANY, Ltlf., •• w. OONaaua C ■T.,NTIIOIT,■~ ...... UTIIIATU I