eoLK'S' IIIFl ............. 41.., ...... ..................... u. ... .... liilifii'ef&U.s; ..... .:... .... .... IIUll110ll I DII .... • ..._ ,. CltJ 11r---. . .•. R. L. POLK A CO. '8 Chatfield Mrs Mageic, res 121 E Chisholm. CHENEY RICHARD, Dis trict Agt Mass Mutual Lire Ins Co, 107 N 2d av, bds Globe Hotel. Chiritrcc Calvin, mngr Eugmc Chjritrcc, bds American House. CHIRITREE EUGENE, Fine Linc of Imported and Domestic \Vinet, Liquors and Cigars, 118 N 2d av, res Harrisville. Chisholm Anna M (wid John C), res 121 E Washington avenue. Chisholm John C (aged 85), ded July 7, l!J0.1- Chmielewski Frank, lab, res 711 W River. Chmic!ewski Fred, lab, res 410 Albert. Christian Frank H, farmer, res e s Ontano I n CJ( Wash- ington av. Christian J oseph, longshoreman , res 525 W Flet<"her. Christian Joseph jr, lab, bds 525 W Flt>tcher. Christiansen Martha (wid Christian), bds 218 W Clark. Christiansen Thomas, lab, res 218 \V Clark. Christianson Christian, boomsman, rCII 1204 W Wash- ington av. Christie Charles W, removc:d to Saginaw, Mic11. Christie Edna P, bds 1203 State. Christie Frederick \V, ,•essc:I mate. res 713 Sta11.. Chrii-tie Henry \V, carp, res 1203 "tatc. Chril'ltoffers,on Anton, lab C Moench & Sons CC', res 128 Catherine. Christofferson Arthur, student, bd!'I 32fi W )lirrc. Christofferson Carl, lab C ~l~nch & Sons Co, bcis µ6 \V Mirre. Christofferson Christ, lab Churchill Lumhrr r.o, r~ ,µ6 W ~lirre. · Chri tofTcrson George, lab, rc r 233 \\' Clark. Churchill Edward A. boarding housc, 120 E Olilllcld. Churchill I fobart 0, res 311 S 2tl a,·. Churchill Howard L, ml 311 S 2d av. CHURCHILL LUMBER CO, F 11 Richemack Prc:11, F A Kimball Sec and (;rnl ~lngr, W II Sanbon, Treas, Lum~r ~lnfrs and General Sl.Or loot ot \\'atcr. Tcl ~lutual. Churchill W orthy L, remO\'ed to lby City, llich. Cie<1ien,ki llole,law. lab, re 311 S 9th, t.~8;. o ST. PAUL. IIIIBAPOLIS, -. Leu Et Biel llllll ud Pldlc Coat ' .. - s. JI. Wrtnklt ALPENA CITY DIRECTORY. BAGGAGE T 1 Jil."tfNTH. - MUTUAt. TU .. e,- Cieslik Andrew, lab Fletcher Paper Co, bds 331 W Fletcher. Ceslik Antonia (wid Frank), res 333 W Fletches. Cieslik Augusta, packer, bds 333 W Fletcher. Cieslik Frank (aged 63) , died March 1, 1903. Cieslik James, lab Northern Extract Co, hds• 333 W Fletcher. Ciglarek Blasius, lab, res 1031 W River. Circuit Court, Hon Frank Emerick judge, Court Ho1111c. CITY COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, J G Anderson Comptroller, 1o6 W Chisholm. Both Tels. City Engineer's Office, J oseph W McNeil city 1111rveyor, 716 State. City Hall, s w cor 3d and River. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, 1o6 W Chisholm. Both Tels. CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE, J F Hiser Treasurer, 1o6 W Chisholm. Both Tels. Clark Mrs Delia, grocer, So.l Tawas, res same. Clark Edward, mill hd, res 503 Tawas. Clark Emma (wid Adam) , bds 425 State. Clark Harry J, butchcr J A Templeton, res 425 State. Clark H cnry, marine fireman, bds American House. Clark John J, removed to Hillman, Mich. Clark Oliver J , mach hd Fletcher Paper Co, res 463 State Clark R J , millwright, res 1205 ~ 2d av. Clark Samuel, sawyer Eales Bros & Co, bds J.20 W ~tiller. Clark \ \'m A, marine enw, res 311 Dolton. Clarke He,· . herhome S, pas tor First Raptist Church, res 208 S 3d. Cleary James, ves~I capt, res 127 Tawas. Cleary Jennie C, hkkp .. , bds 127 Tawas. Clement Albert L, student, !xii; 316 \V Maple. Clrmcnt Cene,•ra P, bd. 316 \V Maple. Clement r ctcr, painter , res 316 \V Maple. Ch.·ment Rohert 11, mattress mkr Alpena Mattrrss Wks, hd-. 316 \V Maple. Clements Anha, :agt, h rL. 411 S 4th. C:lc·n ·h1111I Frank H, lab, rci- 12..l ~linor. Cle:,, Icy Charlc11 H, lab :'\orthcm Extract Ct,, r,s 31 r naw~on. CHICIGO. IILWIUIEE & ST. PAUL RY. ........... a,•_._ ...... ...., ~ . .... 'l'~C••••• ■lllU...._••••