Northeast Michigan Oral History and Historic Photograph Archive

Alpena City Directory 1903, p. 45

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l l~URI~ . • ••{ ·eost :f~';0:: PlCIFIC_Rt u :!::.::.= 88 R. L. POLK a: C0.'8 Collins John W, lab, bds 717 S 3d. Collins Josephine M, elk Mrs A L Tackabury, bds t15 S 3d. ' Collins Julia (wid John). rrl' 727 W Washington av. Collins Mary (wid Richard H), res 621 S 2d av. Collins !\1ary J, elk, bds J 15 S 3d. Collins May V, tchr Central School, brls ~I S :?d av. COLLINS RICHARD, Propr Alpena Lime Works and Stont" Quarry, 151 Water, Tel Mutual; res 324 S 1st. Tel Mutual. (Sec page 8.) Collins Thomas E, sailor, bds 717 S 3J. Collins Wilkie N, 11tudent, bds 621 S 2,t av. Collins Wm P, elk Jacob Lrvyn, bds 115 S 3d. Collins Winnifred, bkkpr Ric:hard Collins, bds 621 S 2d avenue. Collins Zoe, tchr Central School, bds 621 S 2d av. COLLINS ct _D'AIGLE (Jamt"s Collins, Charles D'Aigle), Attorneys-at-Law, Culligan Blk. Colsonsky Jo ephine, elk Greenbaum Broll, bds 2,11 Cav• anaugh. COLTON BENJAMIN, Propr Red Star Cigar Co, 126 W River, res 118 W Daldwi11. Comfort George. bds 320 W Washington av. COMPORT JOHN C, Cashier Alpena National Dank, re11 J20 W Washington av. Tel Mutual 237. Comfort Mary, bets 320 W Washington av. Comfort Robert, student, bds 320 W Washington av. Comfort Ruth R, drcs mkr, cor 3d and Washington av, rt'S !'>amt'. Com111ock Andrew W (Comstock Bros), treas Alpena City Water Co, res Hctroit, Mich. Conu.tock lllock, 217-221 N 2d. Comstock Harriet. bds 145 S 1st. Com. tock ~taric, bds 145 S JSt, Comstock l\l Louise (wid Joseph 8), res 313 State. Con,. tock Wm A, elk, hds 145 S ut. Com. tock Wm D (Comstock Dros), ,•ice-prC'I Alpena Echo Puh Co, rt'll q5 S I at. Con,::rr1r-1tional Church. 211 nn,1 \\'u hington a\'. Connan Samut'I, lab, bd11 E:a~le Hotel. Connon (",,lin )I P, rt'moved to nay City, Mich. Polk's LUMBER DIRECTORY A COIIPLST'll SPl'l'OIIS 01' THS LUMBER TIIADS AND KINDRSD INTSR&STS ., IN u.a • I . • B. R. Young, STOVES, TIN amt COPPER W ABE, 1015-107 N. ao. ALPENA CITY Dllt~L'TORY. Connor John, lali Richardson Lumber Co. Conway George, fanner, res 410 Tuttle. Conway James, res 3o8 W River. Conway J ennie, music tchr, 432 W Chisholm, bds same. Conway Michacl, lab, res 432 W Chisholm. Conway Richard G, lab, bds 410 Tuttlt", Conway Robert, lab Richard Collins. Conway Wm J, lab, bds 410 Tuttle. COOK CHARLES, Justice of the Peace. Holmes & Rey- nolds Blk, cor S 2d av and Chisholm. Tel Mutual; ·res 517 Lockwood. Tel Mutual 243-2r. Cook C Avery, fireman Alpena Portland Cf'mcnt Co, bds r209 State. Cook Edward, brakeman D & M Ry. Cook Effie M, tchr Franklin School, bds 534 Sable. Cook Emery, lab, res 327 Fair av. Cook Ethel M, student, bds ~•7 Lockwood Cook Fred H, sorter, bds 123 S 1st. Cook Frederick J, lab Alpena Hoop and Lumbt'r Co, res 534 Sable. Cook John H, fisherman, rt"s 1209 State. Cook Wesley J, student. bds 1209 State. Cooley Sylvester A, carriage painter, 112 S 3d, res 514 Tawas. Coon Charles A, master mechanic Fletcher Paper Co, res SJo8 N 2d av. Cooney Anna M (wid Michael). rn 224 W Clark. Cooper Anthony, blksmith Lewis T Kline, res 125 W Clark. Copping Hugh E. sawyer, res 1526 Trowbrid,tl" rd. Corbin John A (Corbin & Bradford). rc11 224 F. River. Corbin Katherine M. stt'n0fT Fletcher Paper Co, rm• 11 c cor r11t and Chisholm. CORBIN BRADFORD {John A Corbin, Cecil G Brad orcl). Propn1 Hott"l Cobden. 133 W River . Both Tels. Comers John. hrakcman D & M Ry. Comers Thomas, brakeman D & M Ry, res 534 W Old- field. Corpus Ada. music tchr, 617 W Chisholm, bds samt'. Corpus John J, lettt'r carrier P 0, res 114 N 8th . I IODERI PRIITIII PUil =::r.. 1\e lL POLI PIINTINI 00.,W., Detnit,lkL

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