, OA1.BITF.ERI OP flUCIIIO.AN, WISCONSIN, MIN-NESOTA and muy otller Statcl. l"lffr.\iffll t.==:.li' .. 'ruertR-LPolkACO.,Detnlit_.Cbkap 91 R. L. POLK A co:a Crippen Olive (wid David), res 118 Tuttle. Cripps Garfield, loader Alpena Portland Cement Co, res 313 N Beebe. Crisman Clark J, bkJcpr Northern Extract Co, re.s ~ State. Crolft Lee, fisherman Alpern & Co, Ms 12" W Lincoln. Crohan Nicholas, porter Globe Hotel. Cronan Frank, call boy, bds 507 Walnut. Cronan James, scaler,. res So'! Walnut. Cron•n Kate, domestic 311 S 2d av. Cronan Mary H, elk, bds 009 W Chisholm. Cronan Thomas, Jab, bds 507 Walnut. Cronan Thomas H, mach, ~s 625 Sable. Cronan Wm S, suler, res 6ocJ W Chisholm. Cronk Cornelius, grocer, 310 W Miller, res same. Cronk James H, lab, r~ 3o6 W Fletcher. Crosby Catherine (wid Peter), remo,·ed to Grand Ids, Mich. Croteau Albert J. boomman Alpena Hoop and LurQber Co, res 318 Plains. , Croteau Archibald, bartndr, res 6o6 Sable. Crolcau Archibald, candymkr Mrs A L Tackauury, bd1o 40'7 S 4th. Croteau Augustin, hds 412 S 6th. • Croteau Edward, lab 'orthern Planing Mill Co, rm• 40'7 S 4th. Croteau Eugene, lab, res 412 S 6th. Cmtau Fttdtrkk. shingt• wea,·er F..afn B~ & Co. bds 40'7 S 4th. Croteau Joseph, bll<Amith Alpena Hoop and Lumber Co, res 612 Sable. Croteau J<>Hph jr, farm hd, bch 61a SablC". Crotewu Mrs J~phinc, res 733 W River. Croteau Samuel, fireman Eales Bros & Co, res 2Z2 Tawas Croteau Wm, woodsman. res l,O'/ S 4th. Croteau Wm jr. prin ttt Alpma Evening Echo. hds l,O'/ S 4th. Croteau ~ M, bet. 612 Sable. CROW AIIOI B. Propr Alpena llonument Worb. Marble and Granite Monumfflt1' and Cut Stone ol AU Kind11, 212 W Wathin,t1on av, rn 216 umc. ~~'!,~ n.~,~G~ .. \ • .. • ' -OOTo-- w. H. CAMPBELL Pit■• ... Stu■ Rtt•. lll, laf lnll 1111 _. llt ZU.ZZI N. W An., At,... .ALPENA CITY DIRECTORY. Crowley Alice M, tailoress, bds 202 W Clark. Crowley Annie, tailorc s, bds 202 W Clark, Crowley Florence, lab, res 202 W Clark. Crumley Frank, lab, bds 310 Lockwood. Crumley Bugh, filer, res 310 Lockwood. Crumley James, filer, bds 310 Lockwood. 93 Culley Catherine C, tenogr J C Walker & Son • bcli, 717 W Rjver. Culley Mrs Celia, bds 6o1 W Miller Culley Elizabeth U, dressmkr, bds 717 W River. Culley Margaret (wid Thomas G), res 717 W }(iver. Culley Nellie, seamstress Julius Sinabcrg, bds 717 \V Ri\'Cr. Culley Rachel, bds 717 W Rivet . Culley Thomas H, lab, res 717 W River Culley Wm, bamman, bds 717 W River Culligan Block, 100-108 S 2<1. Culligan Hall, 100-108 S 2d. Culligan Jame.,; E, student, bds 307 W Washington .i, . Culligan Martin, lab, res 518 Lockwood. Culligan Maud, hds 307 W Wa hington av. Culligan Michael, lah Fletcher Paper <-o, res 518 Lock- wood. Culligan Patrick, pres Alpena County Savmgs Hank, re 307 W WMhlngton av. · CumminR" Cbarlc:14 C, lab, bds 218 W Lincoln. Cummin,t Daniel, lab, res S 3d nr limits. Cumming" Dani<·l jr. lab, bds Daniel Cummingi,. Cumming~ John ,-\, scaler, res 218 W Lincoln. Cunning Gcor,:-c J . elk Eddy Bros, bds Globe Hotel. Cunning Mrs Julia M (aged J6), died Sept S. 19()2. Cunning Maude M. waitress Globe Hotel. Cunningham James F.. cngr Alpena Portland Cement la, rcs009 S 6th. • Currier Jeriah L. dep county elk, bds ,401) W Chisholm .. Currier Peter ~I. hd" F. R Da Jardinit. Cunier Y,·onnc, tchr, bds ,401) W Chisholm. Curry James, lab, bds Eagle Hotel. Cu h1nan Charlt-. C jcwclu. 118 S 2rl a,-. rc11 402 S 5th. Cu hman j<>M'phinc (wid !l;athaniel \V) , bd11 8-23 S 3,I Cutlt'r Uernarcl, bh The Ues~r Mfg Co, rC!I opp BeSM-r' ~I ill. Cutting Gt'Orctc F.. lah lpma F.:cceh,ior Co. 1,.-t • 815 W Milltt.