6 R. L. POLK A C0.'8 SHERMAN HOUSE JOHN D. McDONALD, Propr. 217 West Fletcher St., opp. Depot, ALPENA, MICHIGAN. RATES REASONABLE. This House Has Lately Been Refitted and Furnished Throughout. QOOD ACCOMMODATIONS. ' 411000 16TA.aL£ I■ COll!U'!t'TIOll. EVERY ATTENTION PAID TO THE COMFORT OF OUESTS. ). .... ,\LPENA CITY DIRECTORY. 7 W. E. WILLIAMS & CO., Furniture, Carpets and House Furnishings. 105 S. 2nd St., Opp. SaYlngt Bank, AL.,ENA. ALSO Und,rtakers and FuoeraJ Directors ••• U~.t.L•IIU .t. PICIALTT, AMERICAN HOUSE HENRY J. TWITe. eroprlotor. OPPOSITE J RATE a D. & M. DEPOT. f.,:?1J' $1.00 per Day. NEWLY REF IITED AND FURNISHED THROUtiHOUT. SpecJaJ AtteaUon OJve■ to ~rvlas Mean to TraveJlas Mea Leavins oa Early Tralaa. AL.PENA, MICHIGAN. J. R. McDONALD, Buggies, Harness, Robes, Blankets, Whips, Stock Food, Fann Implements, Traction Engines and Threshing Machines. 121 W. Chl1~ol■ St., ILPEII, IICIIIII, OA. "O"l:':ION. Pa1 no mone1 In ld•aooe 10 ltlnenlnt Dlrmor, Cl&n't'Ulera. We .,. led 111 menlloo this from the f11et that ccnalo partlCI have l"'Cn fraud11- lco1ly tblog our publlca1lo111u ll)l.'C'lmena. and by that mean collecdoi m<>ncy, lo ad••~- Brfar, 11111••1 i11t ordtr, u, tbi1I 1I b"s tb, HIIU a/ R, L. POI K U' co pm1ltd '""'°"· We Uk DO ra,m DL 11nlll lbe work 1, tlell•••n-d, and our 10llcilon bavo 11rlct ordcn oot 10 take paymenL ror cltb r ld•ertlxmco11 or ,uhlcrlptloDL It I. POJ,K & CO.