Page 3 ~~~ THE, TIMBER CRUISER ~ Deicember, 1960 --------------- ________________________________________ _: _ __:_..:...:...:_:__:..:...:.. Many Teaching Opportunities Offered With S.T.E.P. The Student Teacher EX!l)eri- mentaJ. Program, known ·to most of us art Alpena College as STffiP, is one of the newesrt pro- grams undertaken by the col· lege. For a long time there has 'been a shootage of good teach· ers and thls has not been con· fined to aniy piarticUJlar area of the Uniteld! Sitartes. Current teach- er traiining programs have not kept up wih ithe demaru:l for we11 qua'li:fied ,teaicih&S. STEP is an aD!Swer to this .pr01blem. The STEP program began a· boUJt three years ago and owes much ,to the dlireotor of Alpena, Community College, Mr. Stan· •ley Van Lare. A few years ago Mr. Van saw the need foc a teacher program that made it P<>Ssliible f0,r students to wo!lk iln elementacy classrooms at the same time that they were ,taking regular coHege classes. Many professions have a period of intermihip wiithin their train- ing programs during which ti'me the studeinit gains first \hand experience. In answer to this chaMenge Mli.chiigan State Univeirsd:ty de- si!gned S1.1.Ch an experlmental program and received a grant from the -Ford, Foundation to fi- nance the _experiment for seven yea,rs. At the .present -time Alpe• na Community College is one of SMC colilege cooperartin,g wiJth six collleges cooperartin,g with MSU in this new -program of teacher prep,arati:on. Because it 1s exiperimental in nature man~ as;poots of teacher traming are to be evaluarted. As the students PTOlgiress through the program data will be ,garth• eired so the anwser-s maiy be found to maniy questions which have gone unanswered. STEP makes i,t possible for the studemlt to beg1i!n teacillilllg af· -ter three y,ears of .training. Nor· mally he student would not re- ceive 1a sa1ary unJti.l he had com• pleted four years of college. Un- der STEP a student can "earn \\fuile he leaa-!15" for he receives pay for teacrung ,durin,g the last two years of t'he program. It is diuri,ng the two years, as well as the third year when he does student teaCl'hing, that the studelllt r,eccives expert supervi- sion. The quality of the super· viision provided for in STEP is expected to make a difference in the qruaHity of the teachers ·who complete -the progr,am. It is a .purpose of the Student Teacher Experimental Program to provide a superior program for preparing teachers 31Ild to evaluate it!he resulits so thart fur· tiler im,proveme111ts ~ be made. Louis Vander Llnde DEBATE SCHEDULE 1960 - 1961 Oeitober 15 CMU and Ferris at CMU (practice) *November 22 NOMC ait Mipena (practice, Decemiber 31 Junror Colllege Debate Tournaimenit at Spring Arbor Junior Col'lege . December 10 Universiitiy of Illinois Undergraduate Divi· sion Tournament at Navy Pier, Crucago December 14 NC!MC at Petoskey *Januacy 18 NC!MC at Alpena *February 17 Pebate with CMU Annual Convocation March 4 NC!MC i1ll Petoskey wilil host the Junior Colr lege Debate Tournament March 11 • 12 Flint Junior CoMege Invitational *Home debates Santa's Little Reindeer I fina!lly caught ,up with Santa and the team somewhere in Sioux City. It was 2:17 a.m. on Chri.stmag mornmg, and I had been Clhasing them from Cleve- land. "Whew," I puffed, cilimbinig u:p on the snowy rooftop where tlhe reindeer stood wai,mg. "You boys sure do set a stitt pace! Yessk! a real lu1ru." toy bag that was lying in ,the slei;gh. Tl.h~y a1ll stared ait me in hor· ror. "Neve:r," the leader said sharply. "Santa has a networik of refill stai:.:ons along ,the ,route to make sure\~of thart." "You don't ~," I answered, gemunely moved "by the clever idea. "I never knew' -~at before." Various members of the team looked at each other i·atller td!r· edcy. "You don't ·think\ that we couild CM'\l"Y aH the toys',~ one load do you?" one said. , "Say, which one of you feMows "Have to," said ithe iJ,ea,d deer, is Dancer?" I asked, :hunie1ly "cou\ldn'it haroly make it other- changing ·the subject. \ "Heu:-e cO'IIles Santa now," one of tJhe reiindeer said. I swung around just in time to see the Olld boy struggling over tlhe rim of -the chimney. "~a Santa," I said good-na?1r· ed1y, "how's it -goi,n,g?" ,r He merely ,g)l.;ared a,t ~ iand I coruid see why; "Go/Santa," I said, "that soot must be a •real problem." "Well i,t sure takes the Merry out of my Christmas," he mut- tered, climbing into his slergh. As lhe flew off into the we&t I saw him taike out ,a big, !l"ed handkereihief and blow his nose. Friends, let me tell you, I "' felt terrible. -Dave Krolil Ed Jim NOWAK'S The Most Complete Formal Dress Department For Men in Northern Michigan wise. Besiqes We dont set the The '1eade1" nearly C'hokea,,__ pace; Santa does that." "Don't tel11 me you •believe that --- "I see," I answered. "Santa's NOWAK'S stupid jingle?" he said, snorting ..;;.., _ __._;,,,...--s.:;,;~....-....... = - * * * * $5.00 COUPON * * * * * a :eal taskmastr,_ ~~e?" ~.~ disgust . ~=--......,-~.._ ....... ..,..• • .... *-..=*-... e , , no, woutiun it say at, "Weill I __ ,, ·said· another !l"eindeer. giving :the ' mis COUPON WORm $5.00 On the Purchase of a Topcoat over $39.50 GOOD UNTIL JANUARY 2, 1961 -MARTINSON'S 100 N. Second Ave .. * * * * * * * $5.00 COUPON * * * * * * * * z ~ 0 t.) 0 0 -· Q .-1 * * * * * * * * * * * $10.00 COUPON * * * mis COUPON WORTH $10.00 On the Purchase of a Suit over $55.00 GOOD UNTIL JANUARY 2, 1961 MARTINSON'S 100 N. Second Ave., * * * $10~00 COUPON * * * Kowalski Dry Cleaners * * * * Main Plant 131 W. Wisner ALP EN A, MICH. DRIVE-IN PICKUP, 3rd at Washington * * Featuring exclusive STA-NU Process as Nationally Adverti1sed in Ll'FE· • . ESQUIRE, VOGUE, and other maigiazines. SPECIAL NOTICE, Upon presentation of ONE AD~from any of the fore- going named magazines the beafer will be ent,itled to one .garment clean~ and finished on a NO CHARGE basis. * z 0 ~ 0 u 0 0 ~ .-1 ~ * leader a dirty look. 'Santa's a "There isn',t any Dancer," he fine man and we am. love !him." contilll\led, enjoying my ignor- Across From The Post Office "Telil me," I said, peell'in·g ance. "In fact, my official title down into the chimney, "a:bout happens to be Squaidron Lead· er." how long does Santa spend in a house?" "Oh not long at aH," said ,the leader again. "Of course if there's someone waiti,n,g ,up for ·him witll cookies and eocoa he has to stay a litrtlle longer." · "Of cow-se;" I said. "Sa,y, don't you feilJlows ·get pretty tired, making tMs long tri'O every year?" "Naturally," sad-d anotlher reindeer. "But then, the work is so rewarding, we don't mind it." "Doesn't Santa ever run out of presents?" I inquired, .glanc· in,g at tlhe already ha:tf--empty See Us For TYPEWRITER RENTALS STUDENT RATES $18.00 for 3 months Portable Typewriters from $69.50 Choose from Olympia,, Oli· vetti, Smith Corona, the fin- est in po!l'1Ja:blei today. ' WE STOCK A COMPLETE LINE OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES THE YEAR AROUND ALPENA PRINTJNG S'flUDIO INC. Everyithinig for the Office. "Distinctive Printing" Phone EL 4-4107 "Oh," I said, disiUusioned. The gill: to rerneinber 365 days ayea.! ,,,., _,_ Only a perfect clra~ f CCIII reflect fuff ~ty , _, and brilnance • • • ,1, \ and KNpsalr.e guar-ant- perfection 'I' ~~ 'I\ . . ia ~ng, (cw replacement auured) · --- NATiONALLY ADVERTISED LONGMONT $500.00 Also $300 and 575 Wedding Ring 150.00 .Ai " .., •. ,. P-.:y. ~ ., $150.00 · Northside Jewelry "Thunder Bay's Finest Quality Jewelry "Student Accounts Invited" Budget Terms