VOL. VII, No. 4 ALPENA, MICHIGAN Monday, December 14, 196-l C!irtstmas Board Provides Student Center For College Persian Students Mano Mossggou Fred and Mano came to the United States from Teh- ran, Iran in February of 1961 and November of 1963, respectively. After arriving in the Uni- ted States Fred went di- rectly to New York where he stayed for six months. He then applied, was ac- cepted and attended the University of Tennessee for two terms where he studied to be a Petroleum Engineer. In 1962 he became a work- er for Delmonte Food Prod- ucts in DeKalb, Illinois, driving a tractor on a farm. This being his first job was bad enough, but to top that he had never driven a tractor before. In Septem- ber he attended the Eastern Tennessee State University for part of a term and then returned home. In March of 1963 he left Iran again and traveled to Greece, France, Belgium, England, Switzerland, and Germany before returning to the United States. In April of 1964 he got a job in the Chicago Pasavant Memor- ial Hospital where he as- sisted with the operation of an artificial kidney. Then in July Mano came to Chicago. Together, Fred and Mano have traveled throughout the United States taking in the sights of Tennessee, Kentucky, Maryland, In- diana, Washington, D.C. and Oregon. They then return- ed to Chicago where they both were employed by Del- monte Food Products for a period of two or three weeks before coming to Alpena Community College where Fred is still studying-to be a Petroleum Engineer. When asked why he came to Alpena, Fred said, "I like a small community!" Next year he plans to go to either Texas University, Oklahoma University, or Louisiana State University where he will hopefully complete his studies. Mano, upon arrival in the United States went direct- ly to Chicago, Illinois where he stayed for a period of eight months. During this time he attended the Central Y.M.C.A. where he studied the English language. He also went to all-night thea- ters where he watched the same movie over and over which also aided in his learning the English language. In September of 1963 he came to Alpena CommuniJ:y College where he is major'- ing in Psychology. When asked why he came to Al- pena he said, "I was look- ing for a quiet little town so that I could get most of my studying done." ---rTlis past summer Mano went to Detroit and se- cured a job at the Spartan Store operating a lift truck. Then in July he went to Chicago where he met Fred, After traveling around the United States with Fred he and Fred returned to Chicago where he was em- ployed by Delmonte Food Conttnued on page 4 EXODUS AB COLLEGIUM As white, soft blankets of snow cover the hard ground, and naked trees sway in the wintry-winds, we are reminded that win- ter is finally here, in all its glory! As the month of December swiftly ad- vances, and Christmas - music can be heard on the radio, and drif~ing through the downtown stores, anothe r thing is quite evh dent ••• that Christmas is coming! Just as in other t Former County Home of Alpena County turned over to College by the Board of Education for use by Students of A. C. C. "Let's go over to the student center building." This typ- ical part of campus conversation will soon be a part of the Community College Campus as it is at other colleges across the nation. ---,·.··-:-· •···)'::K--::::-1·· ,., .. . .. tw- . . ..... : .. .. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Ritter announced that the Christmas Convocation will be held in Central Hall, Decem• e..- • in• formation is available concern, ing the program to &e present, ed. The Board of Education in their regular meeting last Tuesday night approved a proposed plan for the con- verting of the former coun- ty infirmary to a student center for the college. The pl an was formulated by a sub-committee of student government members and submitted to the Board of Back Row - Left to Right - Bill Maywood, Dan French, Bud Chapin, Dennis Davis, John Neumann, Gordon Snow, Mark No-rdrum, Mr. Dovaras . Front Row - Left to Right - Elaine Smith, lrmogene Man- ning, Melinda Charboneau, Jill Barlow, Harriet Klann, Karen Laymen, Jane Vashon, Mari Medor, Barbara Wegmoyer, Sue Hausding, Sally Hartman, Beverly Voss, Sue Schaffer. Collegiate Singers To Sing for Annual Yule Convocation The Collegiate Singers, under the direction of John Dovaras, will present a medley of Christmas carols at the annual Christmas Convocation of A.C.C. which will be held at the Masonic Temple this Frida,y. Resplendent in their red robes the group will under- take their most industrious program of the season at the annual event. Their medley will include the traditional "O Holy Night," "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks," and "A Babe is Born In Bethlehem" along with the German Carol "O Tannen- baum" which they will sing in German. Rounding out their medley will be the modernistic "Virgins cra- dle Song" and secular num- ber "Winter Wonderland." The Collegiate singers, about 25 in number, will be performing through the re- mainder of this and the next semester, Director Do- varas said, and have as tbeir accompanist, John Neumann.