Northeast Michigan Oral History and Historic Photograph Archive

The Timber Cruiser Vol.4, No.8, 19 April 1962, p. 3

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Thu~day, April 19, 1962 THE TIMBER-CRUISER Page'3 JaCks Are . Ready for Spring Trip to Sollth Sportarama 'I1he Alpena Community College baisebaH squad is ailmost ready to depart to the sowllhland\S, for their annual spring baisebald trip. 'I1hls 1mip has brought atbout many opin- ions and I would liike to express mine. The golf team this year has an ama2iing total of four meets. When asked why this was so, Mr. Heim- nick repJ.ied, "W eJll, Tl'averse 0ity does not h>ave a giolf coach this year and there are other sc;hooi[s whiclh are too fur away." Wlith two weeks of practice un- der their beillt in the cold cldma,te of 1Jhe nooth tlhe Mpena Lwnberjaeks are ready to make their tl'lip furoUJgh Kentucky. Rain and snow have hampered ,the Jacks in pracbice sessions but co-acll Dutcher has been able to narrow hiis team doWl!l considerably since the beginning of practice. 0atchin.g will be a strong point for fillis years team which is a large asset to any team. 'I1his year the ,team, is we'.hl stocked witJh four cat- -chers. Lyle SClhroeder will probably get the nod, but he is backed up by Jim Glennie and Olin Kaufman who also play the oUJtfileld. John -Doyle also catches but he has been playiing first base. Coach Dutcher says that tlhe in- field will be good and tlhe outfield adequate. Well, if tlhis dtoesn'it take the cake! The baseball team gets a nice spring v>aootion whihle the golf team as wel!l as the other spring ,sport teams, stay home with no -competitive teams. President Ken- nedy has stressed a strong physica.J edooation program in every insti- ,tution. Tu; this Wlhalt one would call -a strong,J education pro- gram? How can any athlete get anything out of a spo;rt without any competition? Oh, yes, one can com, pete with one's team members. Coach Dutcher and three of his Kentucky Travelmates "Ready for the road" 'J1he infii:eld is pretty w~M sm with Darrel Hendriclh, Don Sauters, Bob J-ohnston and John Doyile reading from third to iiirst respectively. Linke's Flowers, Inc. Special Arrangements .For EASTER - ---,-.)31 Mi-I' & 1236 Washington Alpena, Michigan "We Grow Our Own" EL 4-8202 Choose your , pa,rtner I am not sayiing th13Jt the basebailif trip is wrong ror it is very wortlh wmle and a good educational ex• perience. But, why should one sport be favored and not the otlher? Some one could at least do something a• •bowt setting u:p mror~ competition with other junior coldeges for the spring sport teams at ACC. ·Some aithl.etes may think thalt their sport is just as important as another. 1:Jisn't it - what do a:M spring spcmt teaII!IS strive fur - vicl:ory for the Mfil"OOn and Crl'ay of Alpena Com• mumty College - Dave McNeiJil TENNIS SCHEDULE May 4 Port Huron ,a,t Saigin,aw May 10 Soo at Home Miay 12 F1lint at FJdnt May 17 Traverse ait !Home May 18 Soo ,at Soo May 19 State Meet Amon who hcJ chosen his partner and finds her agreeable .next must choose al'lother part11er in the transaction if he is to make her the . happy and proud possessor of a · diamond ring. That other partner is a ieweler. Yes, he becomes a I partner alright! For while the ring will forever reflect the young man's sentiments, it also will reflect the jeweler's reputation for integrity. It will remain a trvly shining example of the kind of value the jeweler gives and it will soy to the world, in addition Bridal pair ot newest fashion. Eosy Term,I Fine value. .$125 to "We're engaged", "Look at the kind of qua I ity our je'l(eler sells". We are proud of what our rings do for our store, as well as for our customers. ' ................................... . Engagement ring with splendid diamond. 14K gold. Poy Weekly $200 .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •, • • • •, ei TABER ·JEWELRY 210 N. Second Ave Alpena, Mich. "Misfires" Edge "Blanks" Tuesday nighit mru:ked -the open- ing matc'h of ,the newly m1garu.zed Collegiate Rifle League. Wtth a slim turnout, on~y two teams could be organized, burt; competi,tion was keen. The "Mis.fires" scored a narrow v-iotory over the "Blwiks", 12450 to 12449½. The biig difference was Bill KeHey's perfect 100 in the s1t- iting position. Larry Schultz was USl'm. S!Janding scores ranged from John lJarnen's 85, for •the "Mis- fires", to Doug Siegert's 40, for the "Blanks". Bob Murray was hest in kneeling. Keiith WaUace giave a speech on ,gun safety, following the meeting. A future leet._ure on shotgun teclh- nique wild be given by Sheilia Wil- kie. Mia,tdhes are he'ld in the Armory basemeI!lt, under the dir~n of StanlfY Kaniecki. iM~ET WITH THE iE}LITE AT Dave & Jim's Pizzeria OUR "STUDENT UNION" An Editorial Re LAST MON'NI'S P.ROPOSA!L ON A.~ IiNTRAMlJiRAL SPORTS PROGRAM: Speaik!in,g from the viewpoint of ,the weaker sex, we are taking the :liberity of expressing our -admi1itedly inexpert opinions on the subject. An eilitoratl pmnited elsewhere in thLS issue suggests -that the school dispose of at least one or two of 11he spovhs, and use funds for subsidmng danceis and the TIMiBER-ORUISER. To this we add it.he idea: dispose of a'll bwt two (baek-efea, place funds in a pool for il11tramur- -a1 activity. Had AOC an admirable record 1n aH of these ventures, we would not -be so bold as to mention these <thoughts. Investigation indicates, however, :that •aill previous indul,g- ing in such "e:io!lras" as golf, tennil'l, track, etc. have ended merely in fiascoes. Should one bring up the favorable adveritisdng oppol'tunities to be found in a wide variety of inlter,oollewi.ate sponts, we refuite with a reminder of 11he hereJtofore miserable semblance ·of a big- -school sports program, and with the preVli.ous su,g:gestion--6ubsti1JJI- tion of an Intramural program. Tihe advantages of Intramural ispo:rts are many; we list here only a few. 1. Such a program is capa,ble of reaching more students -itihose odlhel'Wise unable to panticipate. 2. If emphasized, the .program could prove just as valuable for publicity puTP()SeS as the wide in- ter-collegiate framework presently >Simul,a,ted. 3. The expense of such an un- del'ltaking would be minimal in comparison with the present plan. (See SPORTS EDITORIAL Page 4) PROFIT The outfield is still not decided on. Coach Dutcher h-as Jim Glenil!ie, Jay Robarge, Larry Shwtz, Vic Ner- kowski, Olin Ifaufman and Ken -Hawes. The hiitming wfuH be good in •the outfield burt; the fielding may leave iornething to be desired. Larry Burger, Wayne Somers and Jlim Hornack made up it!he "Big Three" of the pd.tcll!i.n,g staf;f. Hor- nack is the olJlly lefit hander on tihe team. Gary Burnham will aloo be used. Aiiiter their rmum from Ken, tucky the Jack's will be ready for the conference season. ZIMMERMAN'S FOOD & OFFICE MACHINES Announcing The New Royal New and Used TYPEWRITERS TO RENT For your term papers Adding Machines - ,. . - Calculators Ph. EL 4-8797 115 Water Street throug·h reg~r savings! Start the habit itoday, you'll soon find it worthwhile. Small accounts soon add up to good balance at Alpena Savings ,Bank Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporcttion

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