Page 2 THE TIMBER CRUISER Official Newspaper of the Students of ALPENA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Alpena Community College, 666 Johnston Street Alpena, Michigan Editorial Offices: Alpena Community College, 666 Johnston Street Published Every Three Weeks, September Through June at Alpena, Michigan Editor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- James Petteys Associate Editor ________ ___ _________________ ______ : _____________________________________ Dennis Fuerst Business Manager ------------------------------------ --------------------------- ____ Robert Lyngos News Reporters -------------------------------- Elaine E. Donald, Marilynn J. Hartnell Lois A. Gapczynski Sports Editor -------------------~-------------------------------------------------------- Roger Phillips Sports Reporters ------------------------------------ Karl Benghauser, Dennis Ledsworth Wesley Nunneley Advertising Manager -------------------------------------------------------------- _ Thomas Spain Assistant Advertising Manager ------------------ ------------------------------ John Losinski Photographer -------------------------------------------------------------------------- James Darnton Cartoonist ----------------------------------~---------------------------------------------- Nick Dumsch Faculty Moderator ------------------------------------------------------------------------ M. D. Orr Welcome Freshmen To A.C.C. As president of the Student Council I would like to take this opportunity to welcome each new Freshman student to A.C.C. You may have already become aware of the great difference between life as you were used to it in high school and the life which is carried on here at A.C.C. As college men and women you will have an obligation both to yourself and to the college. To yourself you will owe the desire to advance your present knowledge ; to the college you will owe your interest and ability. This is your college and it will become only that which you strive to make it. The administration can spend millions of dollars for classrooms and other tangible assets but without the spirit and enthusiam of the student body, the college cannot possibly achieve all of its objectives. In previous years it has been stated that apathy was present at A.C.C. This may well have been true in the past but it does not have to exist now or in the future. "'1tis up to each and every one of us to stamp out apathy before it begins. There are many student activit ies and college organizations which could use your support this year, but you must take the initiative to join and contri- bute to these organizations. Also the Student Council wel- comes any suggestions or criticisws which you may con- sider to be of importance. In order"'for the Student Council to be a useful tool of the student body you must work with the council to help achieve your goals. Only by taking an active part in your college can you hope to receive a com- plete college education. Denny Fuerst, President, Student Council. NEWCOMERS CUJbE TO ACC -- Which group of students on campus works the most assidiuously? Which group has the widest background in liberal arts coupled with a specialty? Which group is the most sought for employment upon graduation with an As- sociate in Commerce degree? And which group manages to combine pleasure with diligence in the classrom? By this time, you've guesed the answer. Yes, it's the two-year Secretarial Science majors. (Ed. note: Personal opinion in a news item?) The Secretarial Science program has been identified with ACC since its inception in 1952. Being so closely related to the "front office" of the business community, the secretarial program has constantly sought to keep pace with changing office trends. As offices become more thoroughly automated, the secretary increasing- ly finds herself placed in the role of an administrative assistant. This means that the current secretarial student must have a wider background, must be mentally agile, and most adaptable. As a result, the girl next to you in Introduction to P and B, History of Western Civ, psychology, or any liberal arts course may be a potential "gal Friday". She strives to perfect her English, spell- ing, and punctuation. ( This one concept alone would endear her to an employer.) Her vocabulary must be above average. She must be able to compose a letter, answer the telephone, or greet a client with equal equanimity. She must learn to live with innumerable interruptions and maintain efficient production. Her secretarial skills of shorthand, typewriting, and transcription - including machine transcription - must be high enough to meet the needs of the most discriminating employer. Profile of the perfect secretary? Perhaps. These students have a professional goal toward which they are working. A snap course? The secretarial students don't think so. But the brightest friendliest smiles in the building come from them. They're inter- ested in their progress, but they do have fun in the process. You'll find they make excellent associates. THE TIMBER-CRUISER Lloyd Devol Lloyd Devol, who teaches economics and accounting at A. C.C. came to Alpena from Bay City, where he had taught at Delta College. Mr. Devol r eceived the de - gree of Master of Arts in Economics from Ohio State University. T. W. Jeffries Additions to the faculty this year include Mr. T . W. Jeffries. Mr. Jeffries will replace William Stinchcombe as instructor of Western Civilization. ROYAL TYPEWRITERS Zimmerman's Food and Office Machines Man,ual TYPEWRITERS TO RENT $5.00 per month RE-CONDITIONED TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE ADDING MACHINES - - CALCULATORS 115 WATER STREET Ph. EL 4-8790 Tuesday, October 1, 1963 DEAN'S COLUMN It is my pleasure to again welcome students to Alpena Community College. The college is happy to have the sophomores returning for the 1963-64 academic year and freshmen entering their first semester in an institution DEAN VAN JARE of higher learning. There are also a number of transfer students who have spent from one semester to three or more semesters at other institutions of higher learning and are now coming to Alpena Comrr..11nity College. ::i. believe students this year can an- ticipate an exciting and interesting ex- perience. A number of things suggest this. The faculty has been enlarged and instructors are teaching courses more closely related to their major field of interest. A counselor, Mr. Valli, has been added to the staff to provide special counseling services to students. This does not take the place of the faculty adviser but is designed to augment the counseling services provided by the faculty-adviser system. The Besser build- ing is in final stages of completion and will be used by students this year. The expanded technical education pro- gram provides a wider range of choice for students and training in greater depth. A librarian has been added to the staff, working with M;r. Hartwick half time and as librarian at the technical library the other portion of her time. It is hoped that the college can be of greater assist- ance in student activities this year. Mr. Ritter will have more time to work with the student council administering the program of student services. Mr. Dutcher has been assigned to the college full time and with Mr. Ritter will conduct a full program of intramural activities as well as administering the athletic and physical education activi- ties of the college. The Student Council last year took many precedent breaking steps designing a new constitution and in gen- eral exerted a major leadership role in student activities. They faced their problems with a mature point of view, taking into consideration all elements of the problem and carefully considering the effect on the college as a whole both for the present and the future. It has always been my feeling the students at All)ena Comrnum y College ave a unique oppor uri1 y o partici- pate in a great historical event for Nor theastern Michigan. Many t imes people with great discernment tell me that the -----------------Continued on page 4 WBSTCBBSTBR TRADITIONAL~ Ha ndsome Crisp Popli n Slacks 65% Dacron Polyester 35 % Lustrous Combed Cotton Automatic Wash and Wear means that these slacks always have that fresh look ___ _ $4.98 TO $7 .98 Kotwicki's DEPT.STORE