Page4 • • ~11lti'\~ Newman Club Elects Officers For 1963-64 The Newman Club held · its first meeting of the year October 29 at St. Bernard school auditorium. Busi- ness for the meeting was conducted by Fr. Joseph Friske, advisor for tne club and the following officers were elected: President, Kal Whitson - Vice Presi- dent, Jim Kowalski - Sec- retary, Janet Reinke and Treasurer, Pat Barrett, The following chairmen were also selected: Pub- licity, Maria Skiba; Mem- bership, Neil Steinorth; So- cial, Carlene Milostan and Francie Hier; Religious, Sue Barrett; Civic, Dennis Burns; Cultural, Karen - Kadrich and Entertain- ment, Phyllis Tucker and Marie Gallagher. _ The purpose of the young Christian movement in the ~rea was outlined briefly by Fr. Friske. Goals and activities for the year were discussed at the second meeting held Sunday, November 3 at St. Bernard school. It was de- cided that regular social activities would be ar- ran~ed as well as group proJects for the club. The hopeful conversion ·of the St, Bernard Church base- ment into an activities cen- ter for the club was dis- - cu~sed with remarkably promising results. What Is Thanksgiving For? During the average school year there are four main holidays for which students are excused from college. These are Thanks- giving, Christmas, New Years and Easter. _ Being Thanksgiving is the tirs_t to appear on the calendar, all college stu- dents who are away at col- lege are eager .to come home and the students at A. C. C. are also eager to go home. I have been pondering the following question and still haven't come up with a very good answer. Why are college students so eager to get home? Is it because they miss their parents or• is it because they want a good home- cooked meal. To tell the truth, I believe, we are all eagerly awaiting this holi- day because Thanksgiving is the first time we can all ,get together with our friends and have a big party! This isn't what Thanks- giving is for, but this is what it's used for. Being a college student myself, I love to have fun, but I think this year we should all_~e thankful for our .lib- erty and our blessings and then go out and have fun instead of having fun and then being thankful - you didn't get caught! Delores Godfrey Michigan has over 13,000 manufacturing establish- ments with over 800,000 employes. The annual membership drive is now b_eing con- ducted by the club. All -:..__ young Catholic adults who are high school graduates but not yet married are eligible to join. A. C. C. students who are interested in more information about the activities, projects, and meetings of the Newman Club are invited to contact l\eil Steinorth or Kal Whit- son, Under the direction of ~r. Dovaras, the colleg- iate singers performed be- - fore the student body and faculty in the lounge on· Wednesday, November 20. Selections which were sung: Oh Eyes of My Be- loved, Jesu Dulcis Ave Maria, Cumbanche;o and Serenade, The choir did a wonder- ful performance and will appear again for the Christmas Convocation on December 19. - Lois Gapczynski DRAMATIC NEW CREATIONS New high-fashion styling brings forth a magic radiance from within each perfect Keepsake center diamond. Rings enlarged to ~how detail. Prices include Federal Tax. NORTHS I DE JEWELRY 417 N. Second Ave. Alpena STUDENT ACCOUNTS WELCOMED THE TIMBER-CRUISER Circle K Holds Regular Meeting Students Attend Human Relations Workshop Rex Mccallum reported that the long awaited stu- dent directory will be ready Birds aren't the only for distribution by Circle ones who go south for the K before the school closes -winter. for the Thanksgiving holi- On the weekend of Oc- day. tober 25, 26 and 27, five Current projects include students and a faculty donations to the Traverse member from A. C. C., City State Hospital, and to Bruce Cash, Delores God- the Pied Piper Center -- frey, Bev Meden, John Kon- Alpena' s schoeil for the winski, Bill Josephson, and mentally retarded, Mr. Oosting, went to the Club president Bill Ham- 12th annual Michigan Col - bidge appointed Bruce cash lege Workshop on Human to find out if the Alpena Relations. The conference I--bspital would like to have was held at St. Mary's Lake the Circle K organization in Battle Creek. put on a Christmas party The conference was for the children who will sponsored by the National remain there over the holi- Council of Christians and days. · Jews, Inc., but there were Two new board members members of other religious were appointed from among organizations present also. the freshmen members. Registration was at 4:00 They were Roxey Roach and p.m. on Friday the 25th and Wes Nunneley. from that time on the stu- Mr. Ray Banas, Presi- dents' time wasn't wasted. dent of the Alpena Kiwanis, There were general ses- and Mr. Dick Wilson, spon- sions, informal "let's sor of the Circle K, were talk" groups, and small present. Mr. Banas - spoke work groups. At 10:00 p.m. to the new members on there were social hours their responsibility to their I each night, but the students school, their club and . to had to rise at 7:00 a.m., their community. Follow- so everyone was anxious to ing this brief talk, each of get to bed. the new members was con- The main topics of dis- gratulated on his affiliation cussion were r elig'ious and - with me cluB. social issues. Some of ttie The next Circle K meet- informal " let' s talk" ing will be held at 9: 15 group discussions were p.m. at the smoker, Wed- Concerns and Contribu- nesday, December 4th. In- tions of Foreign Students, terested prospective mem- Interreligious and Inter- bers are always welcome. racial Dating, and The Role - John Klinke and of the College Press. Lyne Behnke. In the small group dis- cussions members of Out-of-State Stu4ents Go H__ome _ Wednesday, November 25 at 4:00 p.m. the halls of Alpena Community Col- lege will be vacant for four days. The out _ - of - s.tate students who are going to be traveling home for their Thanksgiving vacation will be: Donald Garthwaite - North Tonawanda, N. Y.~ Bill Hambridge - South- bend, Indiana; Sherm an Miles - New York, N. Y.; Paul Oberle - Richmond, Indiana: Blaine Pool - River Edge, N.J.; Janet Salcik - Chicago, Illinois. schools similar in size met and discussed problems pertaining to their schools. I, being a member of the group, would say that this conference was very worth while and would highly re- commend that students go again next year. I learned much from this experience and I'll never forget it th·e rest of my life. Delores Godfrey Michigan, with 140 li- censed airports, is served by 17 domestic and over- seas airlines. Monday, November 25, 1963 S. C. President Appoints Committee Studynt Council Presi dent, Dennis Fuerst, has appQinted a committee of five members to coordi nate all social activities at A.C.C. and to place such activities on a calendar which will be located in the vicinity of the main lounge. Members of this committee are, chairmap Dave Pet- tyes, Kathy Rick, Marilynn J{artnell, Wes Nun·neley, and John Klinke. It has become increas- ingly evident that a com- mittee of this nature is needed at A.C.C. There have been times during the present semester when it was not known by the stu- aent body until Wednesday that there would be a dance the following Friday. This is one type of problem that the Social Calendar Com- mittee will be asked to solve, along with the actual posting of these activities in - some central location. The Student Council will be strictly enforcing the rule which ·states that an organization must have any club - sponsored activity approved by the Council at least ten days prior to the activity. The reason be- hind this · strict enforce- ment is not to dicourage clubs . from sponsoring ac- tivities, but it is an attempt to _ make it easier to se- cure chaperones, make money from the Student Ac- tivity Fund available, if needed, and to assure suf- - ficient time for advertising the event. After a club sponsored activity has been approved by the Student Council, it must be registered with the Social Calendar Commit- tee so that they can place it on their calendar. The Student Council and the Social Calendar Com- mittee will appreciate the cooperation of the various clubs at A.C.C. in trying to make all social activi- ties more successful. - D.F. Manochehr Mashgguo - who is from Persia, will _ be remaining in Alpena for his vacation. THANKSGIVING DANCE Lois Gapczynski Student Council Continued from page .1 plow a path through the snow across the lawn. We need a sidewalk now, not in the spring when the mud is ankle deep and the lawn is ruined by scalping and traffic. - John Klinke and Denny Fuerst Sponsored By --- Alpena Community College Student Council Saturday, Novembe_r 30, 1963 THE GROVE 9 :00 'Til 1 :00 ~2.00 per couple Music By Bill Kuchemann - Refreshments