VOL. VII, No. 3 ALPENA, MICWGAN Monday, November 23, 1964 Over Half 0 The Sophomore Class Voted Smoking At ACC Creates ProblelJI _ _ It has been observed by many of the students study- ing at the school on Tues- day evenings, that the Bank- ing Class which meets on this night has been smok- ing in the student lounge. Van, the Custodian at A.C.C., has been approach- ed on this subject. When asked if it was a~thorized for these people to smoke in the lounge he is quoted as saying, "No one has told me these people can smoke in the lounge, and there- fore it is wholly unauth- orized." As most of us know the lounge is not properly ven- tilated for such smoking, also there are no ash trays, and therefore should not be allowed. But when the stu- dents see these people smoking in the lounge they figure they have the right to smoke there also, so they "light up". Mr. Ritter has been ob- served walking around the !o ,nge !king to sthese people on their break and so far has not apparently mentioned it to them that smoking is not allowed in the lounge. Now it is the opinion of most of the student body that if this smoking is to pe continued by the Tuesday night Banking Class some- , thing should be done to get the Fire Marshall to ap.:. prove the lounge for smok- ing. Ron Brinkman ACC Collegiate Singers Plan Musicales The Collegiate Singers will soon enter the busy holiday season with at least two programs planned. Shortly before Thanks- giving vacation begins, the group will perform before the student body in Cen- tral Hall. During the yule season, the singers are to present a program at the Christmas Convocation to be held at Masonic Temple. Recently four mem- bers of the Collegiate Sing- ers traveled to Grand -Rap.: ids to take part in a spec- ial musical program at the MEA Convention. Sally Hartman, Mark-Nordrum, Harriet Klann, and Bill Maywood sang in the All- State Junior College Choir. Directed by Mr. Dov- aras, the group meets every Tuesday and Thursday. Gene Dooley Sophmore Class Officers, left to right, Blaine Pool, Brian Mitchell, Frank Schultz and Sylvia Curley. Speech Class To Present Queen And The Rebels The play The Queen and the Rebels will be presen- ted in December, at the Alpena Civic Theatre. The students who have been assigned roles in the play are Marge J as key as Argia, the star, a strong, rather brassy, but a good person; Prudence Arthur, as Elisabetta the real queen who is between 40 and 50 years old and who plays a good, but not too long, char- acter part, Mike Stasik as Amos, a young dedicated romantic type; a sort of Richard Burton with a Cas- tro beard. Another way of thinking of Amos is the Ian Fleming type of hero or the man from U.N.C.L.E. Lennie Brinson, as Biante, a nagging Castro; a rather gruff general type. Biante has a rather small part, as he gets killed off quick- ly but it is a well-devel- oped character part. Ron Rowland as Riam, the young lover, who is out for a fast buck. This is a good role, but Riam is not a real likable guy. He gets killed too, near the end. Lyle Cline takes the part of the Porter, a _rather small character part. Ken Sherey as Maupa, a glassy-eyed, excitable revolutionary type, and full of hate. Ken Smith takes the part of an Engineer, the typical bus- iness tycoon on his way up. Jerry Rowland a peasant, a -small part that can develop any way the actor wishes. Jill Barlow a peasant wom- an also an understudy for Argia. John Suliot is the student director and Don- ald Heady the faculty dir- ector. fohn Kell Phi Theta Kappa Phi Theta Kappa, the two year old honorary fraternal society at Alpena Commun- ity College, i~~ society in which young men and young women can be -members if they have an average of 2. 5 and their.: record in the CoL- lege is above reproach. The society -had its first meeting this year at the Grove and elected new of- ficers: Sally Hartman, President; Erdine Klein, Vice President; Sue Haus..: ding, Secretary; and Mary Lou Chroninger, Treasur- er. The sponsors are Mr. Oosting, Mrs. Hartwick, Mrs. Glennie, and ten alumni. Membership also will be open during the second se- mester. - John Kell. Debate Team Has First Tryout The debate team at A.C.C. under the direction of Mr. Heady has had try- outs among themselves and they believe they have enough facts on the subject to compete with various colleges throughout the stat~. _ Some debaters believe they are not adequately pre- pared but their instructor disagrees and will keep them slugging away for more facts and ways in which to present them. This final meet will be with Flint on the fifth of December. As previously stated the subject for this year is: Resolved that the Federal Government should establish a national pro- gram of public work for the unemployed. By Doug Heath Frank Schultz Is Sophomore President Out of the 129 students of the Sophomore class, 72 voted and expressed their opinions of who they want- ed for class officers on Oc- tober 28 and 29. Frank Schultz was elec- ted the President of the Sophomore Class. He is going to organize a meet- ing of the Sophomore Class Officers around the 10th of November. At that time they will decide what plat- form they are going to work Circle K Expects Outstanding Year As traditionatA.C.C. has it, Wednesday nights are the most interesting nights of the week. This is re- sulting from the fact that the most active club on Campus, the Circle K Club, meets at 9:15 every Wednesday night. Pres- ident Clair Haupt quickly disposed of old and new business and turned the meeting over to Bob Gun- derson and Joe Rick for their Secretary and ·reas- urers reports respectively. Vice-President, Bill Paige provided as usual some pretty good entertainment and will provide in the fu- ture for some very infor- mative and interesting speakers._ A controlling body like this could only be matched with the added honor of having one of its members, John Gunderson, elected to the rank of Lt. Governor for this Michigan District. The old saying that "two heads are better than one" is projected even further by Circle K at the board meetings. Along with the four officers, four repre- sentatives were elected to keep officers on the "straight and - narrow." The representatives are, Sophomores: Blaine (Jers) Pool and Tim Delongchamp; and Freshmen: Robin Spen- cer and Dave (Chicago) Paf- fi. Project chairman, Herb Knowlton informed the club that a real bang-up year is to be expected. On the club agenda so far, the club intends to clean up the water front behind A.C.C., provide a Student Directory, and expects to establish another A.C.C. first, with a special home- coming. Anyone interested in joining the Circle K Club should get an application and reference sheet from any of the officers on any Wednesday night before De- cember 1st ..... Delongchamp for. He said, that he is not going to make the of- fice a figure-head but would try to do something for the class with emphasis on so- cial life. Frank is a grad- uate from Alpena Catholic Central in 1961. Brian Mitchell, a grad- uate from Alpena High in 1963, won the office of Vice-President. He was very happy to be elected to the office and will try to do his best for the class. He wishes to say thanks to everyone who voted for him. The Secretary of the Sophomore Class is Sylvia Curley. She graduated from Oscoda High School in 1963. She said, "I was very hap- py and proud to be the Secretary of my class and plan to work for the future improvement of the Sopho- more Class." She also said, "Thanks to everyone who voted for me." Blaine Pool~ befrer known as Je'rsey, won the office of Treasurer. Jersey is from River Edge, New Jersey. He graduated from- River p ell Senior High, Ordell, New Jersey in 1963. Jersey said, "I felt it was a real honor to be elected by the Sophomore Class." He also said, "I will ·try to do my best to uphold their faith in me." ErnieRoy SEA A minor traffic accident involving guest speaker W. R. Owen, Student Programs Consultant of MEA, caused the cancellation ofthe Stu..:- dent Education Associa- tion's program planned for the November 4 meeting. In place of the program the twenty members in atten- dance heard a brief sum- mary of the code of ethics of the teaching profession presented by Mr. Oosting, Club Moderator. The group also set up a tentative schedule of activ- ities for the next month. According to Sally Hart- man, local SEA president, December 2 will be the date of a special program to be presented to the Future Teachers Clubs of the two Alpena high schools. Now planned for December 16 is a luncheon for SEA mem- bers. The next meeting is scheduled forNovember 18 at 12:00 noon in room 101. At that time Mr. Gene Geis- ert, Assistant Superin- tendent of Schools, will be the guest speaker. Stated Miss Hartman, "Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting." Gene Dooley