Page4 THE TIMBER-CRUISER l . ,_ . ALPENA MUSEUM The Alpena Public School Board will re- ceive bids on the construction of the Besser Museum tomorrow Tuesday Nov. 24, and construction begins next spring The display will be hung by a long cable which has at its base a tip which, when the pendulum is swinging will etch its move- ments on a specially pre- pared surface. When the pendulum is set in motion it will swing back and forth but is forced to alter its movement by the revolving of the earth around its axis. The main museum build- ing will be a two - floor · building. Outside dimen- sions of the main unit will be 160 by 110 feet. It will be connected , by a 40 foot canopied walkway to a 100 by 50 foot exhibit building. Both buildings are to be constructed on the campus of Alpena Community Col- lege along Johnson Street, west of Besser Technical School. The first level of the museum building will con- tain three large art-class rooms, a workshop, 4 stor- age rooms and a large meeting room. The lower level will also have the planetarium. This was do- nated to the museum building by the citizens of this area as a gift to Mr . . Besser s Honor. Planned for the upper level are 3 exhibit halls each 50 by 4 feet in size, a re- ceiving room, a director's room, . a large terrace, a recept10n room, · adminis- trative offices and mechan- ical - equipment room. The floors will be variously covered with terrazo and with travitine marble. The exhibit halls will contain changing exhibits of historical, artistic, in- dustrial, scientific and as- tronomical material. The entire building will be finished in what the Bes- ser planners describe as never - before - seen - in- Alpena finishes, colors and textures of concrete ma- sonry units. The exhibit hall which will be connected to'the mu- seum by a canopied walk- way, will be used for hous- ing restored antique auto- mobiles including a 1928 Model A Ford and a 1913 Model T Ford. Also to be housed in the exhibit hall will be a large-machinery- of,-the-past display which will include such items as locomotives, steam don- ke)_'S and other machinery which have disappeared from the American scene. As special facilities in the main museum· the plan- ners call for a large ele- vator to be installed near the receiving area which will allow crated exhibits sent from around the world '"' 41< EDITOR'S NOTE: .- We have received several letters ad- dressed to Na~ Launders, but because they_ were unsigned, we are unable to pubhsh the~. However, if you wish :our_ name withheld, we will do so, and ~~1.:v11l not appear in the Timber-Crul- to be taken down to work areas, carefully uncrated, and set up -- then brought up by the elevator to the exhibit areas. Lighting throughout the new museum is to be the newest in modern lighting. Point, indirect and re- fracted types are included. One example of the lighting scheme is for the exhibit areas which will use spe-. cially tinted access to out- door light and indirect ar- tificial light to create re- flection - free - viewing of graphic-art exhibits. A Foucault (Pronounced FOO-co) pendulum will be suspended from the top of the building to the floor of the lower level. · The Foucault Pendulum is the only way presently known to man, to graphi- cally display the effect of the earth's revolving. Over a period of hours the arc will swing by the same number of degrees from its starting path as our latitude is from the equator. At the present time very few such exhibits exist in the world. As far as class-room . facilities are concerned, plans are for complete gra- phic art education facili- ties including art welding equipment, ceramic kilns, and other equipment unique to graphic arts education. The entire main building is to be equipped with air conditioning and a sprink- ler system. When the community's gift in honor of Mr. Besser the planetarium, was an~ Chrysler Corporation - Where Engineering Puts Something Extra Into Every Car Louis Motor Sales, Inc. 832 West Chisholm Street - Phone 354-4154 ALPENA, MICHIGAN LOUIS L JANESKI, Owner IMPERIAL - CHRYSLER - DODGE - DODGE DART - Pl Y~OUTH VALIANT - DODGE TRUCKS New s N 0 w Tread WHITE OR BLACK T I R E s 6.50-13 7.50-14: $10.95 NO TRADE NECESSARY "See Us Today For The Best Tire Buy." Ball Tire & Gas, Inc. AND ALL WCAL MARATHON DEALERS 1\Ionday, November 23, .1964 ALPENA, MICHIGAN nounced on his 82nd birth- day, Mr. Besser and the other planners made re- visions in their original plans to include the housing of the unit. Now, a 30 foot-in-diam- eter covered dome is to be installed at the center of the building. It will be sur- rounded by halls with the rest of the facilities enter- ing off these halls and from adjoining lobbies. The planetarium will be capable o isplaying not only stars and planets as we see them, but close-ups of distant planets, stars and galaxies and the view of earth as seen from points out in the universe. In all, Alpena Communi- ty College and the Alpena community as a whole is again to be the recipient of the. utmost generosity of Alpena' s leading citizen and greatest man --- Jesse H. Besser. CAN YOU SOLVE THIS SIMPLE EQUATION? ~ow many ways can you wear this 4-piece suit by h.i.s? ctually, you can go on and on - for in one wrap-up package here's a suit that keeps you looking your best all-ways! What's in it for you? You get a natural shoulder jacket with lapped seams, patch pockets, hooked vent - a~d a pul!-~ut handkerchief in the breast pocket to match Jacket l 1n1ng. You get a matching vest that reverses to a Tattersall check. You get a pair of Post- Grad sla?ks to ~atch (regul~r cuffs and belt loops). You get a pair of Piper slacks 1n a contrasting solid shade (extension waistband, no cuffs). Put 'em all together and you've got it made all year long! ••• COAT, REVERSIBLE VEST, TWO TROUSERS ALL FOR ONLY $39.95 MARTINSON'S "The store with a Heart in the HEART of the City." 100 N. Second Ave., Alpena