TtiE TIMOl=V-CVUISEl2 Published B~ The Journalism Class of Alpena CommunitJ College VOL. VIII, No. 1 ALPENA, MICHIGAN Alpena College Enrollment ,I Nearing completion is the new Museum addition to Alpena Community College Freedom Shrine Given To A.C.C. Mr. Harry Walchuk received historical documents from Lt. Governor Milliken on behalf of Alpena Co11tmunity College. Mr. Milliken talked about the :fine job that om· students do after they leave here and enter Tom Jon,es To B·e Pre~ented Nov. 12 The Radio • Drama Club of Alpena Community College will present the stage play, TOM JONES, on Friday, November 12, 1965 at the Masonic Temple as the kick - off play of the 1965 - 66 -season. • Thursday., Septembe:r 30, 1965 Influx Of Freshmen Reache_s A New Hig~ F~r-Jhe 1965-66 Moonlighter~. ~.oJ~ Unusual Jobs·-.-.-.- On campus this Semester· are some students with unusual oc- cupations. Many students hold part-time jobs in local businesses,. Not very many, however, have been professional journalists or youth workers. Mr. Bastow, who is or was a youthworker at the Congrega- tional Church, is taking cours- es at ACC to facilitate his be- coming a teacher. .Mary Spens, previously W o- men's Page Editor for the Al- pena News, is attending classes this semester. She is working toward furthering her journalis- tic ambitions. .Student enrollment has risen .Weil over the 700 mark at Al· pena Community College wihich is an all-time high. The iincreas- ed enrollment is mostly beoause of a large influx of fi:nst year students. Adding to the number are many students returning to school after considerab;le periods of absence. The number of stu- dents enrolled in night classes has also mcreased sharply. Lf enrollments continue to in- crease in future years, expansion of the college facl1ities will be neeessary. NOTICE 1. Student parking is pro- hibited in the Central Hall area from 7 a .m. to 6 p.m., daily. 2. After 6 p.m. students may park from the oval entrance up to the Li- brary walk. 3. Student parking is pro- hibited at all times im- mediately in front of the Besser Building. . 4. All students' cars must be parked in the parking lots adjacent to the Bes- ser Building. 5. Students' car s par ·.,;;;=-.....,.. ... t· The leading part of SOPHIA a restricted zone will be subject o remo\•a: at owners expense. / also mentioned the fact that i:f one really feels that he is right about something, stick to it and believe it until it is a proven fact that you are wrong. Then be man enough to admit it. Other distinguished _ guests were Mayor Weinkauf and pre- sident of the Alpena Exchange Club, Mr. Earl Kingsbury. Sid- ney W. Hausding, President of the Student Government, was Master of Ceremonies and mu- sic was i;>rovided by the Alpena High School Band. Students Urged To Join Clubs A variety of clubs are avail- able to Alpena Community Col- lege students, ranging from a service organization such as the Circle K club to a Radio and Drama club. There is at least one to fit the curriculum of e"(rery student. When one enters college, it is not only to take a required num- ber of courses and receives a degree, but to adapt himself socially and prepare for contact with the public in his chosen career. No student is required to join a club in order to graduate from Alpena Community Col- lege. However, since the bene- fits of belonging to a club are many, every student should be- long to one or more. -'fheodore Bugg MR. LARRY TORKELSON Mr. Torkelson New Music Coordinator Mr. Larry Torkelson, our new music coordinator, is a gradu- ate of the University of South -Dal!;ota. He graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 1962. As a student of U. S. D. Mr. Torkelson's activities were university choir (member and soloist), student music educa- tors national conference and, Sigma Alpha Epsicon, which is a social fraternity. Mr. Torkel- son was also a member of the (Strollers), a men's honorary service organization which pro- duced an annual college musi- cai----·show. :,Just co show he is a man of diverse interest he al- so participated in instramural athletics, track specifically. Mr. Torkelson also attended the University of South Dakota's graduate school and received a Master of Music degree in mus- ic literature. Thees are a few of the more rmportant achieve• ments of our Mr. Torkelson. - Ron Heinz A.C.C. CROSS COUNTRY SCHEDULE October 6 October 12 October 22 October 26 October 30 Traverse City Flint Delta, Concordia Traverse City Conference meet There Here Delta Here Concordia 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p,m, and the part of TOM JONES will be taken by TOM JONES, a student from Pontiac, Mich. TOM JONES will be follow- ed by three, one - half hour ra- dio dramas which will be car- ried over station W ATZ and the PAUL BUNYON NETWORK at bi • mouthy intervals during the rest of the college year. Grimes Is New Librarian The Besser Technical School has a new librarian this fall. She is Mrs. William Grimes, a native of Wisconsin. Mrs. Grimes received a Cer- tificate of Librarianship from Washington University. St. Louis, Missouri in 1964. She held positions as a librarian in Lady- smith Public Library, Wiscon- son, St. Louis County Library, and the John M. Olin Library at Washington University. She has also worked in school libraries for children and young adult re.ading programs. The Grimes family, which now resides at 1229 Washington, con- sist of Mrs. Grimes, her hus- band, William, two sons, Ste- ve and Warren, one daughter, Marcia, and one adopted daugh ter for the year, Dorothea Spe- itling of Braunschweig Ger- many. Mrs. Grimes has a great love for music, she has taught piano and organ. She plays as church organist in her church in Al- pena. Joel Brown Egg on Face IPSWICH, m1gland (UPI)- George Barham is proclaiming a new world titk that possibly may be left unchallenged. Barham claims to have won the world's egg - swallowing championship, consuming 56 raw eggs within 2 minutes. J. WESLEY LAW Mr. Law Joins Ace· Staff Mr. La'w, a new member ot _the history department at Al- pena Community College, was born in 1936 at Lilly, Pennsyl- vania. After graduation from Lilly • Washington High School he was the assistant manager of ' a men's shoe -store for sever- al years. He has also been a salesman of wholesale hard- ware materials. Mr. Law served in the United States Army Corps of Engineers --for two years. One year of his service time was spent in Korea. In 1962 Mr. Law entered Ohio Northen University at Ada, Ohio While attending there he was a member of the Education Ho- narary Kappa Delta Pi. In 1964 he graduated from Ohio North- ern with "High Distinction" in the history aepartment. His graduate work was done at Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. Mr. Law and his wife, Delor- is, live .on Long Rapids Road, Alpena. • Theodore Bugg 6. Parking tickets of $1.00 will be issued to violators for first offenses. New Western CIV. Teacher For ACC Miss Anne Evelyn Goggans An industrious young teacher, Miss Anne Evelyn Goggans is the new History of Western Ci- vilization instructor. We are happy to see an new teacher in this field. Miss Goggans former home was Tuscaloosa, Alabama. i:;he attended the University of Ala- bama, where she earned her Baehelar of Arti; degree, and the University of Michigan for her Master of Arts degree. List- ed among her honors are Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Alpha Theta (national history honarary), and Pi Sigma Alpha (national poli- tical science honorary). Miss Goggans is intensely in- ( Continued ~n Page 3)