Page 2 - THE TIMBER CRUISER, December, 1966 Domestic Affairs By Jim Herman ISOLATION After a large storm hits Al. pena, all area scrols are re. quested to close. The reason for ,this is to facilitate the Highway "Our youth we can have !but; we may always Department in its efforts to clear find time to grow dld. " Bishorp Berkeley, an irish phil.- true rowds anid to keep traffic aL osopher in the early 17th century,. said this while exp,Iaim.- a minimum; thereby reducing danger to life and limb. ing the old adage that " age is ,the only material thing Most schools respect these which can !be lost but can never ihe found." True, we may pleas and close; not so at ACC. say while as:suring ourselves that we still have our youth lt is standard procedure here - and vi~or; our lives to each of us seems e,ternal. to ignore the dictates of c0m- , '"' mon sense as well as the die. For example; 1the other night I was sitting in my taties of the City Police, State apartment enjoying the daily newspaper. My reading of Police, and the Highway Depart- the Viet Nam War and it's 5,0.00 American fatalities was ment. Those in power have been lucky so far in that on,ly minor intermpted by a knock at the µoor. Answering the door I damage has bleep. contracted dur. came eye to eye with a happy, personality-bubbling life ing these fiasc-os. (Such as a insurance salesman. After introductions and explanations particular instructor's station wa. gon being sideswiped by a slid, be hit me w'ith the -conforting thought that one out of iug car in the oval.) three men die before reaching the age, of 65. "WeU, I Hope is expressied by this stu- thought, "he's doing his job. I'm sure I'm one of the two- dent that those in powea· will thirds. During his propounding of the one out of three ;;~:d.up before someone gets ratio, explaining thait even if two- thi'rds of the male pop- ·----------- ulaton do reach the age of 65 they don't have a thing to ------------ show for their lives (momentarily), I withdrew a cigar- ette from my diminishing pack and began to light it. " Cigarette smokers," he chimed, " have an even lower ratio of survival!" adding, wiithout explaining his own fiery weed. [}race g.{awe Editorial James Allyn The optimist fell ten stories and at each window bar, he shouted to his friends .... "All right so far" In the U.S., there remains a 100-year supply of :man- ganese, a metal fundamental to the production of steel. Over 90% of all water used by city and industry is use- less without costly treatment. At prresent rates of con- sumpti1on, known tin reserves wlill last about 25 years. In 1880 ores with 13% copper 1corrtent were considered impracticable, now ores with .01 % -corpJper content are be- ing mined. In ten years the size of our cities will triple. At the turn of the century the world win have twice as many inhabitants as it has today. In 1946 an estimate was made by the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organizat:ilon of the increased annual food production required in India in order to meet the mi11imun nutritional requirements <Yf its g1,ow- ing population. During the •course of the year 1966, one million people will sitarve to death in India. If the world could dissolve all existing pdlitica:l prob- leins it would still be faced with the ut:fuia,te enigma of population. People need to spread out; no,t because there is too little land, but rruther that there are too many people. Humans die of hunger noit 'because there is to'o little food1 but rather that there are too many humans. By giYing countries nutritional aid without adding Before this crude man '1ef t I was placed by hi:m in a bracket called ,the " whole number bracket," or the people with no chance of survival. I didn't buy the policy but I sure started thinking . .,..:::;..e.,..,,.;;;..~...,..I,.piQked,p.p a Newsweek magazinG- ncl. read th-a.t-at ·least 33% of U.C.L.A. students smoke marijuana, that a record of 732 people were killed in automobile accidents over the Thanksgiving holidays and that 15,000 to 20,000 babies between 5 months and18 months suffocate each year. I read that in the U.S., · annuaHy, 101,000 illegit- imate babies are born to girls 1between the ages ,of 13-19. birth control measures, the situation is only compounded. SHOPtfJJ~~NTER This act increases the lb:irth rate and decreases the death - . = =--..:=i~e. I-t is not i-m os-s-i:M ifput--cun1rc'tceptic ais ~ <Ccher Now I ask Bishop Berkeley where our youth went and where the lividing line !between gr-owing o'ld and en- j,oying youth now lies. THE RECORD SHOP 118 RIVER .STREE'r PH. 354-3519 BEST WISHES FOR A .... MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM {J)es @hamjis Smart Campus Casuals For Gals 109 W . CHISHO,LM ALPENA, Ml.CH. AP~ supply or in wheat or r~ce. Neither is it impossible to put THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST SPORT'SWEAR births under government limitatilons. Politicians have steered dear of this fact for a specific reas,on; it is explosive. Yet when religions or groups b(lock birth contr-ol they actually condone sfarvation and want. It is iTonic that in an era of such great wealth, an era that has provided a glimpse of what a beautiful life could be attained, man shuold sow his own destruction through his most natural act. Moreover, it is criminal that those in power should deny mankind this great future by ignoring this problem which, in reality, is the crux of most oithers. GIFT WISE IT'S SWEATERS KLEMENS' MEN':S WEAR 125 W. CHISHOLM Open Every Evening Until Christmas MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM MICHIGAN CONSOLIDATED GAS COMPANY SERVING ALPENA 114 WEST CHISHOLM ALPENA, MICH. ~