Z, Fridaf:,-April 21, 1967 ARE SPRING A.C.C. TO HAVE 1.-M-. VOLLEYBALL Intramural volleyball teams are being organized at ACC for both men and women students. Teams are limited to eight play- ing members, but a team may play a game with six players. Team rosters may be handed to Mr. McPhil- lips. It is hoped that partici- pation by both men and wo- men students will be good so thH the intramural vol- leyball program can con- tinue. SPRAGG WINS THE TITLE Alpena Community Col- lege journeyed to Delta College Saturday March 11 to participate in the Mich- igan Junior College Con- ference annual wrestling meet. Earlier in the week an elimination round was held to see who would represent Alpena in the conference meet. Weight Class: 123 - Mike Ableidinger; 133 - Helerio Gonzoglos; 140 - No representation;. 145 - Art MacNee wrestled Gary McKay and lo§t, Rich- ard Fortier then challenged McKay and won. Fortier represented Alpena in this · JAMES CORNELL REMEMBER MOTHER With A CIRCLE PIN f THE TIMBER-CRu1sd SPORTS Mr. Cornell, the new economics and accounting teacher at A.C.C., has just graduated with a Bachelor of Science and a Business Administration degree from Bowling Green State University. At Bowling Green he was a statistics major and received a Mas- ters in business Adminis- tration on Janua;y 2~, 1967. Prior to his enrollment at Bowling Green, Mr. Cor- nell attended Bettsville High School in his home state of Ohio. Since his career at A.C.C. he has this following statement to make about our college: _ "I feel that A.C.C.'s teaching is chal - r Page 3 SPECTACULAR? By JIM O'NEIL How many students in ACC have ever been to a Lumberjack baseball game or tennis match? Are there more than five people in school who know who is on the track team, or even care? With the exception of girl friends, roommates and ,-,--, immediate families of the team members, no one s~ems to know or care about spring sports. I am going to talk to the lenging and interesting as Dean and see if he can't well as providing a back- make the teachers ease up , ground for further prepar- o~ the homework and ter- ation." nble study loads so a few Mr. Cornell hopes to re- turn to school to receive his Doctor's degree in business. For relaxation, Mr. Cor- nell enjoys golf, bowling and reading. SALE _While They last ACC LUMBERJACK SPRING JACKETS only $3.50 --- ACC SWEATSHIRTS only $1.95 TONY & NORM DOWNTOWN ALPENA people can have time to attend the ball games. Why is it that no one is interested enough or hasn't the time to give the ath- letes some moral sup- port? I feel sorry for the coaches, who have to try and drum up enthusiasm on the teams, when the players have no incentive to play. Why play hard, and give your best when no- body is there to watch. Perhaps, the reason for the schools' pathetic rec- ord for attendance at these events is the lack of pub- licity on the part of this paper and other informa- tion sources. I hope that is the only reason, be- cause something can be done about that. But nothing can be don&..J,Qr general apathetic feeling the part of the student body. If nothing can be done to bolster enthusiasm at ACC, the administration could eight -lasS-;, ..1 52 - McKay wrestled Romero and won, MacNee challenged McKay and won, Romero moved to the 167 class an.d MacNee represented Alpena in the 152 class; 157 - Howard Kemnitz~ 167 - Tom Rom- ero; Heavyweight - Darryl Spragg beat Ted Spragg 2 out of 3. Darryl repre- Your fa\Ilil y' s story beau- tifully to'id, with each -b1rthd or anniversary represented by a simu- lated b\rthstone. .,......._. ________ ....., ________ ;,..-______ ,,-.! bee;; e rcl.1,1&.t t. t _ ,.-.-,•■=~l!!l!!l!ii.:::--.....:rT"Jmmcioney for coaches and 25 SQ. INCH equipment..: for a dead sys- PORT ABLE ONL tern. If there was a for only $129-95 $6.00 KENNEDY'S B&B SALES & SERVICE announcement ·st::i"· that "Due to lack - - participa~ tion by the student body, baseball, tennis, golf and track will be discontin- ued," there would undoubt- - U.S. 23 SOUTH_ sented Alpena. DOWNTOWN ALPENA (Continued on Page 4) Open Mon, Thru Fri, 9-9 Sat, Until 5: 30 In the n~:st round Kem- ~b[{f !fI!}~~¥~~~~] , }l·~···········-w5E,£·· ............• :,t:_:!1_l:_l.:_[:_;::_1:_:: in the Second round and Art ::::::::: 101 N. SECOND AVE. PHONE 354-8606 ALPENA, MICH_. M N . :-:-:-:-: ... ac e.e was out-pointed. ::::::::: . ::::::::: Only one Alpena wrestler ::::::::: GIITS, COSMETICS, AND GREETING CARDS. :::::::: remained after the second :•.·:=::: ::::::::: round; Darryl Spragg. :!·!·!·!: SPECIALIZING IN ALL NEEDS FOR :•[·[·[· Spragg pinned his man and ::::::::; :•::::::: won the match and the :·:··~·: ::·:·:·•: heavyweight championship :•q.::::: THE COLLEGIATE. ::::::::: g~~~ e~ et~~~!~~~~~~ Junior ?,=:=:=·-~)···;· ···=-rr =·~·n-=·r ;:f -~l;l;•;;;) :~t;l;~;l~l~~;l;~;liii~iiiii~;iii;l;~;i;i;lili~ilililt;tl;ltili ·.i;l;~i;i~i~lilil :===·=:=: ~"&if c;;ttfz;;;~ ~ ':ic/l!!!!!lt-lliiiil THE COLONEL WAS SO PLEASED WITH YOUR ~ ~ RESPONSE ON THIS COUPON; HE'S EXTENDED ~ ~ IT FOR ANOTHER MONTH! ~ ~ --- To: Any A.C.C. student who shows his iD co,d I ~ From: Colonel Sanders ~ ~ Redeemable At: Kentucky Fried Chicken; ~ ~ ..,___ for ?ne dinner at only 99¢ (Reg $1 . .30) ~ ~ Take this card with you ■ Colonel Sanders will fix your dinner '1 '.,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,.,,.,,.,.,,,,,,,., "If we don't have the record you want .... we' II get it for you." THE RECORD SHOP 113 RIVER ST. lsn 't it amazing? A Giant Burger only 39~ every Tuesday at LUD'S!!