Page 2 THE TIMBER CRUISER Official Newspaper of the Journalism Class of Alpena Community College Published Monthly - September through June at 666 Johnson Street, Alpena, Michigan 49707 Editor ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------· Rick Hom i I ton Assistant Edi tor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Mi lier News Editor ------------------------·---------·-······------·-------··-··--····--------------- Dan Gilmet Reporters -----·--····-···-··--·----------·--··········-·------·-- Doug Hardman, David Hughes, Calvin Town, Cherryl Allen Sports Edi tor ·-····-······-··-·----------------····-····----------·----------···-··--·- Jere Marciniak Sports Re porter -·····------------------------·····------·-------------·-·------·-·······----Larry Link Society Editor -------------··--··---····-···--·-···-·-----·--------····-··--····-··-------_Janice Norris Society Reporter ----------·-·····--···-·····-------·-----···-------····------·---------- Cherryl Allen Advertising Editor ··--------------------------·---·----····-·-·-·-·--··-··---- Ge ra Id Newhouse Advertising Staff ·-····-···-··--·-··-·--------------------···---- Joel Secrist, Joseph Richard Business Manager ·---·-·--·---········--···---·-·---------·---------------------· Dennis Emerson Circulation Manager --··-··-··-·-·--------------------------------,------·-·----·- Joseph Richard Chief Photographer --------------·-------·····--···-----·----·--·---··-··--- ------- Doug Morgan EDITORIAL ... Quality, Not Quantity What's so good about a community college? Now that's a question which has been bouncing around for some time ·just begging to be answered. For those of us who have experienced the utter confusion in- herent in big university life, it is refreshing to note that there still remain a few educators and concerned individuals who are dedicated to quality rather than mass-production education. From this dedica- tion to quality education springs the community college which is far removed from the dehumanized world of the large university where, at tremendous cost, the student is mechanically educated. In the more relaxed atmosphere of the community college the student ha~ ample opportunity to determine, at a much reduced cost, whether Pr not he is actually college material and therefore capable of persuing additional, advanced education. At Alpena Community College the student-teacher ratio is such that it provides closer contact, thereby making education a much more personal and individual process. Further, there is more oppor- tunity to develop one's own unique personality, rather than being an anonymous member of a wandering flock of sheep known only to an impersonal computor as just another one of that seemingly endless accumulation of student numbers. . - Pardon me, but my prejudice is showing. . - David Hughes ' SOPHOMORE CLASS REPRESENTATIVES: Back row, left to right: Student Representa- tives, Joel Secrist, Dave Sparks; President, Doug Smith. Front row: Yice President, Bill Daleski; Student Representatives, Sue Doyle, Judy Oliver; Secretary, Chris Kuchemann; Tr'easurero Marv Ellen Godfrey. I- - --~:CH: i ;j;t GIITS, COSMETICS, AND GREETING CARDS. :lt!~ ~-Tf ·· 5·:.=·~v~~;.s~:~.~;~~~~-°--8 , ::,,,, . I THE TIMBER-CRUISER I Man on Campus I The skiing season is coming toward us very fast. A few guys grouped around the Central Hall lounge area were argumg uver which of the Blizzard or Head skiis were better and the feasibility of using four, five or six buckle boots. Ten ski resorts around the state are now open for the season. ACC's Ski Club would be well advised to begin planning for their weekend trips. The annual "Snowball" will prove to be a most en- joyable evening. The Soph- omore Class has done an outstanding job in plans and preparations. This year, the location is the Grove on U.S. 2:~ North. Beginning at nine o'clock and ending at (Continued on Page 6) Mrs. Edith Lazorshak, English Dept. Instructor, who resigned from the fac- ulty of ACC last September, has been replaced by Mrs. Florence Adams. Mrs. Adams, who has had 18 years of secondary- . teaching experience in the Beaverton and Gladwin area, will be instructing humanities, English liter- ature, and philosophy at ACC. The new instructor said, "I enjoy teaching very much, and the cooperation at ACC is just marvelous." She also stated, "It really feels funny to get paid for doing something that I en- joy so much.-" Mrs. Lazorshak, who has been at ACC for two years, will make her permanent home in the Detroit area. SEASONS GREETINGS FROM ED ARLENE, CAROLINE ED'S STATE AVE. PARTY STORE OPEN TIL' MIDNIGHT Monday, December 18, 1967 DORM HALL COUNCIL - Back row: Mike Mo- drzynski, Randy Shantz, Nelson Herring, Larry Link, Kim Simons, Norm Edwards, Brian Pettit, Mike Pynnonen, Steve Hein. Front row: Linda Silvers, Betty Ayres, Seleda Greene. Missing from photo are: Mary McKerring, Ken England, Mary Minelli. Students Leave For Holidays As the Christmas holiday Ohio; Mike Lundquist, Con- approaches many outstate necticut; Robert Nighland, students are making plans Todd Brady, New Jersey; to return home for the holi- Stephen Roadhouse, North days. The following stu- Carolina; Thomas Beals, dents are going home: Dave Vermont; Russell Sur- Henry, Tom Burns, Penn- brook, Iowa. syl vania; Mark Costello, Twefik Al -:- G harabally, Indiana; John Dale, Ten- Azzam Al-Otaibi, Anwar nessee; Chris Dairs, Dela- Al-Qanai, Mohammad Al- ware; Gordon Dice, Wis- Ramdhan, Kuwait; Issem consin; Benito Gareia, Attar, Marwan Dakkak, Georgia; Coral Grahm, Khaled Hassouneh, Abed Idaho; Doug Hardman, Ann Hijazi, Ibrahirm Hijazi, McGee, Gary Bates, New Mohammed Hijazi, Mo- York; Doug Hoehn, C,arl hammed Himzawi, Anwar Jones, Robert LeFevre, Hussein, Ibrahim Issa, Ab- Natalie Stein, Dave Sparks, (Continued on Page 6) SEASONS GREETINGS THUNDER BOWL LANES CUE CLUB 12th FRAME GRILL JOIN OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB / PEOPLES STATE BANK ALPENA POSEN OSSINEKE