Page 2 THE TIMBER-CRUISER Official Newspaper of the Journalism Class of Alpena Community College Published Monthly - September through June at 666 Johnson Street, Alpena, Michigan 49707 Editor ----------------------- Richard Ham ilton Assistant Editor ____________________ John Miller Feature Writer _______________ _ _ Cherryl L. Allen I.B.M. Composer _______________ Sandra L. Hartnell Reporters __ __ E. Christine Kuchemann, David E. Hughes Sandra L. Hartnell, Michael Cornelius , Janet Stump, Janis Norris Sports Editor ___ ______ _____ ___ Lawrence R. Link Sports Reporter ______________ Richard J. Kuchnicki Advertising Editor _______________ Harvey W. Davis Advertising Staff ________ Frederick W. Brown , John Riede Cartoonist ------------------------ Janis Norris Business Manager ___________________ John Miller Circulation Manager ---~------ E . Christine Kuchemann Chief Photographer _____________ Douglas W. Morgan Photographer ________________ Douglas E . Hardman EDITORIAL ... Friday February 16 , the Navy Recruiter was on our campus and heard the recent cry of "Uncle Sam go home". It reminded me of this question that has been asked lately. "Why should I go to Vietnam and get killed if all I have to do is go through a few more years of school?" This is the ever rising cry of male students at A.C.C. and throughout the U.S . . The question that comes to my mind is why should the person who isn't "college material" be required to "fight (and sometimes get killed) for our country" at the early age of eighteen when the college student sits back at home in good old U.S.A. and enjoys college life. The only solution to this problem seems to lie in the idea of having no deferments. It should be manditory that each person , upon graduation from high school or when he turns eighteen years old, will serve the country through the Armed Services for at least two years. There are jobs that each man would be suited for and any man regardless of race , color, or creed would serve hi~ two years and then be free to do as Im pleases. Of course. you need to leave room for exceptions which are flaws of eve ry law that exists. -Richard Hamilton CUFF'S QUOTES: By LarrJ,' Link This semester the Timber-Cruiser sports Department · is under new management. With this changing of the reins , we of the sports staff promise that the reading quality of our section of the Timber-Cruiser will be as good if not better than it has ever been in the past. Tim Lutes is the only member of the varsity basketball team who is attending A.C.C. on an academic scholarship. As is often the case with academically inclined athletes, Lutes has seen limited action this season. Rumor has it that freshman flash , John Thomas scoring ace · for the A.C.C. Lumberjacks, is thinking seriously about attending a four-year school next year. The loss of Thomas would have an almost irreparable effect on the basketball team, and on a small scale , it could be likened to the San Francisco Warriors' loss of Rick Barry to the American Basketball Association. Needless to say, it would take a top notch job of recruiting to obtain a player of Thomas' ability to replace him. Table tennis is supposed to be a relatively light sport, but the number of table tennis rackets that have been broken over at the Student Center might lead one to believe that ping-pong paddles require the same kind of wear as hockey sticks or baseball bats. Since the instannient of ping-pong tables in the Student Center early in the semester, several table tennis rackets . have been literally demolished. The exact number of paddles stolen, broken, burned or otherwise removed from the facilities at the Student Center is not known, but at least 13 raekets, out of the original sixteen placed there for the three tables are missing. At $1.25 a head, the cost of ping-pong paddles could start to take a nice chunk out of the Student Activity Fund. Perhaps it would be wise if the Student Services Office discontinues the purchase of table tennis equipment SUPPORT OUR LUMBERJACKS THE TIMBER-CRU!SER STYLES ON SLOPES ARE PLUS-FOURS For the fashion conscious skiers the now thing on the ski slopes is plus-fours, better known as knickers. Not only are knickers sporty looking, but they are also very comfortable. , Th~y are available in different types of materials_, the most popular being wool or corduroy. Ski shops and stores which carry a large stock of knickers often have matching sweaters, jackets, and socks to complete an outfit well worth admiring. ACC ESTABLISHES FACULTY COUNCIL The Alpena Community Col- lege faculty recently established a faculty council. The organi- zation .was formed to improve the overall educational program at the college, to provide a channel for expressing faculty desire in determing the growth and development of the college , and to facilitate communications within the institution . Mr. Keith Titus , instructor of speech and drama, was elected president of the council. _ Other officers include Mr. J. Wesley Law , vice president; Mr. Richard Moreau, treasurer; and Mrs. Viola Glennie. secretary. Three standing committees were created by the council: the academic advisory committee chaired by Mr. Thomas McPhil- lips: t-he personnel poliGies om- mittee, chaired by Mr. Charles Neurn~n: and the curriculum committee, chaired by Mr. Henry Valli. SUPPORT THE JACKS Thursday, February 29, 1968 ?QUESTION? Recently, I read an article by Dr. Lloyd Motz, Professor of Astronomy at Columbia University and noted theoretical physicist, concerning his philosophy of education. Dr. Motz discussed some of the shortcomings of many of our modern colleges. Upon reading this article, several questions came to mind, concerning required courses and the selection of department heads. What is the basis for establishing required courses? How are these courses determined? Exactly what factors are considered in this decision? Should we have mal).y required courses, or should the student be allowed to concentrate almost completely on his chosen field? More basically, just how important is a well-rounded, liberal education? · Also, how are department heads chosen? What are the require- ments for such positions? Are department heads selected on the sole basis of their ability, or are other political factors involved? Are these selections always just? Or, is this just another unsolved mystery? - M. Bradley Cornelius ,.:...._';,R_:_.; . •: · ··=·~ ·:·.·:• ·:•:· ·.·:.·.·.·. ::. : ... :.·.·.· ... ·.· .... :.·.·.·.·.•.·_·_·_·_·_·_:_·_•_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_•:~~ I ~ : I fill 101 N. SECOND AVE. PHONE 354-8606 ALPENA, MICH. :\~ 1111111: GIITS, COSMETICS, AND GREETING CARDS. !jl~ -:•:::•: SPECIALIZING IN ALL NEEDS FOR ::; 1.'.'.L%lllili1!';=1:~::~rnimM!"··' -~!to~~~!~e!!~r -7 EXCLUSIVE APP AREL LINES FROM NEW Y0RK-CAblFOR--NI Lay away your bathing suit now!!!!! MODERATELY PRICED *** OPEN YEAR ROUND OPEN 9-5 7 DAYS A WEEK US 23 GREENBUSH • SEE OUR COMPLETE NEW LINE OF KEEPSAKE.SPRiNG STYLES Downtown A./pena_ BO LENZ JEWELERY STORE Convenient Terms Across. from. Penny's