• PAGE 6 Continued from Page 2) IN PRAISE OF BOARD culate manner, the questions and com- ments from the Board lost some of their initial hostility. Indeed, the discussion of representation itself was a key example of the need for such representation. The administrative representative would have certainly presented a different picture from that presented by the faculty and student spokesmen; alas, the admin- istration probably wouldn't have presen- :ed any picture at all. After the Board decided to re-consider the requests, tb the mild surorise of the faculty and students, and to reach · a ;'.ecision at the April meeting, it was ..uorising to note that the acting chairman of the Board, Mr. Vic Werth, continued to ask for questions or discussion from the audience -a practice never before seen. I am glad to see that the Board didn't yield to administrative pressures, at least not yet, and did not hear the faculty and students presentation with open minds. I think that all three groups, the Board, the faculty and the students gained or should have gained an increased respect for each other's ability to deal with problems in a most orderly and reason- able manner. I am not sure whether to include administrative representatives. Their attitude remained especially hostile THE POLEMIC Most noticable,was presiden-t Petoskev's accusation that on&•·Af :tne groups; be did Rot specifically say to which grol!J) he was referring, was trying to "jump administrative procedures whatsoever." Apart from Mr. PetogkP.v' s remarks the entire meeting was one of reason, ~on- trol.and communication. Norm Malmstrom HOW ABOUT TREATING YOUR BEST GIRL TO AN OLD f ASH ION ED ICE CREAM SODA? BUD'S DONUT SHOP MAKES THE BEST April 28, 1970 GOOD-BYE JACI OPEN 6AM. TO 9PM. ON RIPLEY ENJOY EFFICIENT DRIVE -IN BANKING AT THE CAMPUS BRANCH of OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 7PM SATURDAYS UNTIL NOON US 13 North ALPENA SAVINGS BANK MEMBER OF F.D.I.C.