Page4 TH E POLEMIC Jw1uc:J1 Y29 ,1 97 1 College Catalogue Creates Inaccurate Picture of ACC Campus To a person who has never seen Alpena Community College and has o_nly read the college catalogue, a visit to the campus might be quite disillusioning, One might expect that in choosing pictures for a college catalogue, the rational would be to give prospective students some idea of what the school has to offer, The pictures in the ACC catalogue, however, in no way present an accurate view of our cam- pus, Only one of the six pictures in the catalogue was taken on campus, and this picture, of the collegiate singers, HERE IS WHAT WE MIGHT SEE was taken against a cement block wall, certainly not a feature unique to our campus. One picture is an artist's concep- tion of the proposed Natural Re- sources Building, The caption reveals that the building is proposed, but it is doubtfu I if the construction wili include the 30 foot elms and the clear stream pictured in front of the building, In any event, it seems that a picture of one of the buildings already on campus would give the reader a more accurate idea of what to expect. Another picture is of a . basket- ball game being played in a large well-lighted field house,. The vi sit in g student would soon disco ver t hat a ll we have at ACC is field- no f ie ld house, The visiting student will al so d is- cover that we don't have th e la rge auditorium where graduation ce re- monies are pictured taking place ; nor do we have the statue of three lum- berjacks stepping over a log, That is 50 miles away on the Au Sab le River , The final pictu,e- or rather a map- is the most deceptive of all. Accord- ing to the map, ou r ca m p us includes the Wildfow l Sanctuary, A lpe na Gen- eral Hosp ital, and extends north half- way to Rogers Cit y. The visiting student wi ll f ind t hat, w hat looks like the center of a bi g ca mpus on the map, is in rea l life a field with waist-high weeds and lots of stones, The rationa l used in se lecting pic- tures for the co ll ege ca talogue seems to have been that a fa lse image must be created beca use no 0ne would come to ACC if they saw it like it really is. T h is may be true, but a catalogue shou ld have at least one picture of the ca mpu s. !I=" THE RATIONAL USED IN PREPARING l HE '71 - '72. CATA! nGuE IS M IIINTAINED, Mom and Dad Are you afraid to send your son or daughter away to college campuses corrupted with Free Love, Free Speech and MARIHUANA? flTey may never c1Jme b-ackl There is one school that still holds to the traditional values that made this county great! Send your chi ldren to Alpena Co mmunity College.