Alpena, Michigan March 1972 Vol. 3 No. 4 ACC HA§ NEW §Kl CLUB ATTENTION all Buffs and Buffoons, Vagabonds, Strange Student Fa_csimiles, Abominable Snowmen, and All Other Students: President -- Glen Betzoldt Vice-President -- Hal Bigelow Secretary-Treasurer -- Ruth Allbritten Student Government Representative -- Dennis Doran Advisor -- Mr. Richard Counsellor This is the first year ACC has had an official Ski Club. There are over 90 mem- bers. The Club is open to all ACC stu- dents, faculty, administration, and staff. The Club also has a guest policy for friends who are not affiliated with ACC. The Club membership fee is $1.00 per school year, which enables members to attend Ski Club activities. (And all you can drink, beer bust this spring). There are no attendance requirements, but, of course, the more you participate the more fun you will have . The ACC Ski Club is here to help pro- mote skiing. At least a quarter of our members had never skied until they join- ed the Club. That's what the Club is all about; "To help non-skiers learn to ski at a super discount rate." We don't have to tell the people who already ski, the ad- vantage of skiing in the Club. DIS- COUNTS on rental equipment, lift tick- ets, and lessons, skiing with your own gang, plus an all-you-can-drink beer bust th is spring. The Ski Club meets on Tuesday nights from 6 to 10 at Mt. Maria Ski Lodge. Car transportation is available from Wil- son Hall to Mt. Maria which is located at the south end of Hubbard Lake. The cars will leave the dorm at 5: 15 and the cost is 50 cents round trip. The Cost of Skiing--!!! $3.00 for lift ticket and certified ski in- struction. $2.00 to rent skiis, boots and poles (if you do not have your own). ALSO Mt. Maria usually has a good ski movie to watch while you are inside warming up. Don't forget the Ski Club Spring Beer Bust!! If you have any questions contact Glenn Betzoldt, 354-8902. Stoutenberg Forms New Committee Recently at ACC a committee was for- med concerning the evaluation of in- structors. The purpose of the commit- tee is so instructors can be evaluated by students, by department heads, and by the administration for tenure purposes. The committee was formed by Dr. Stout- DORM IN ACTION Mr. Drew Albritten, Director of Hous- ing and Activities, now has one semester and some odd weeks of dorm directing behind him. What this article will at- tempt to do, is reveal what he did first semester and what he intends to do _ sec- ond semester. When asked what his first semester goals were, Mr. Albritten stated that when he arrived at ACC, one goal was al- ready waiting for him; this being simply to straighten out the dorm. It seems a few tiles were broken and there were oth- er problems which made the dorm a mess. So Mr. Albritten went to work by reor- ganizing the dorm as far as policies and rules go, and establishing some dorm ac- tivities, such as ice cream eating, banana eating, and tug-of-war contests over a pool of mud. Also other activities to keep the dorm dwellers happy and busy. All in all, a total of 23 activities will oc- cur through first and second semesters. Lack of activities was a problem wait- ing for Mr. Albritten when he arrived. After looking the situation over, Mr. Al- britten decided that the dorm needed enburg, and includes the involvement of more intramural sports than what they students; Sue Dunk and Tom Zielaskow- had. So he lengthened the old four =--==s·h; =J;.aetetl-t-y=memmifS,- M·r--. -M-i-ese · a ~ -=rnt.r-arn-u.r.-al-acti-V-i-ties~tG=tl;w---Aew 1-a- i-nt4'-·!¼--'-,-=""---,---" AAC Requests The Academic Advising Committee re- cently met between semesters to screen all student grades, determining the stu- dent with the low grade point average. This was done to follow the advice of The North Central Accrediting Associa- tion, who will soon be doing an evalua- tion to determine ACC's accreditation. Five faculty members comprise tha Academic Advising Committee; a chair- man, counselor, and three other faculty members. These people are selected every two years by the faculty. Mr. Garlitz now heads the committee in screening students after every semester. The purpose of the committee is to en- courage academic standards. The low be- ing first semester, probation 1.7, second, 1.8 and below 2.0 for the sophomore year. Students are screened for possible dismissal if their grade point falls below a 1.2 average. When asked about this Mr. Garlitz re- plied "The committee is concerned with the progress of the student, whether or not to dismiss him, put him on proba- tion, or try to persuade the student to Student Opinion change to another area through councel- ling." This past semester five students were dismissed because of a low grade point average, and no legitimate explana- tion for this type of performance. Any student dismissed has the right to appeal to the committee for readmittance . In past semesters the students that appealed their cases to the committee and had leg- itimate explanations of why their perfor- mances were so poor, 35-40% were read- mitted and helped through counselling. Mr. Garlitz also stated that "It is a policy of the institution that anv. student dismissed will be readmitted after an ab- sence of one semester." A justification given for dismissing students is, "If you dismiss a student who is doing very poor- ly, he serves as a positive incentive to himself, and to the other students, and by this method they improve also." Problems in this area are numerous and the committee would like to have some type of feedback from the faculty, and student body on what their thoughts and feelings are in thi.s very important area. Mr. Russell Garlitz, chairman of the Academic Advisory Committee. Mr. Lamb, and the administration, Dean mural activities, And thanks to the stu- Heimnick and Dean Reed. The total goal dents' help, the first semester goals have of the evaluation of instructors is to help the instructors improve their educational effectiveness. The suggested procedure, given by the students, to attain this goal, would be all faculty members give out e- valuation forms to students ;n the middle of the semester. In addition the depart- ment members would determine what e- valuation forms to use. Many forms have been used ror sampling for the depart- ment heads to look at and use. The power of the evaluation is only recom- mending, though, and is not policy. The student concern is very important in the evaluation, because the evaluations would not only be used by the instructors, but would also be used in determining tenure. (Tenure is usually granted or refused af- ter two or three years of teaching . It is given by the administration and unoffici- ally gives greater security to one's job . If tenure is not granted the instructor is ex- pected to improve.) In the evaluation the department heads would also evaluate the instructors in and out of the classroom, and the administration, Dean Heimnick, and Dean Reed may also evaluate them if chosen to. Since the instructors discuss the evaluation with the department heads, and the department heads discuss the eval- uations of the instructors with the deans in an indirect, and informal manner, the student voice will definitely be heara. B. Other Activities 1. Intramural basketball, indoor hockey, softball, canoeing, ar- chery, track, etc. 2. Other school activities. Open House at LJorm (outside people) Community activities Spring Weekend progressed quite well. When asked what his second semester goals are, Mr. Albritten said that a dorm bowling reague was being set up. A young man named Charley Erickson was doing the work required to set up this ac'. tivity. So if you participants enjoy th is activity, let Charley know he did a good job. Another of Mr. Albritten's second semester goals is to set up a Human Re- lations Board at the dorm; the idea of this being to keep the different races in the dorm unified. The final question asked of Mr. Al- britten was if he thinks his second semes- ter goals would work better than his first semester goals. To this he said he thought so; he feels he is receiving more cooperation all the time. DORM ACTIVITIES --- Want to know where the action ii.? We always hear that nothing ever hap- pens at ACC, but all you have to do is look over at Wilson Dorm. Below is a list of activities planned for this semes- ter: A. Dorm Activities 1. Dorm Bowling League 2. Eating Contest (Marshmallow) 3. Chess Tournament 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. Checker Tournament Shuffleboard Tournament Pool Tournament Dorm Weekend Little brother & sister weekend Human Relations Board Dance Contest Wr ist-wrestling Tournament, etc. Dance, February 17, 1972 Ping-Pong Tournament