Page 6 THE PdLEMI C April 25, 1973 A.C.C. Track Team Members in Action Don Harvey exhibits his winning long jump form . In tramural Hockey Added to Schedule by Tom Mitchell Due to a group of enthusiastic stu- dents, and some unselfish aid from the in- tramural fund, a new and virtually un- planned sport was added to this year's in- tramural program -- ice hockey! Actually, this couldn't be too unexpect- ed. At present, hockey seems to be the fastest growing sport in North America. Not only is professional interest rising, but high school and college teams are constant- ly being developed, while artificial ice rinks are springing up everywhere . Such was the case in Alpena this year, and the stick wielders from ACC were not about to sit back and watch the action. Beginning on Monday, November 20, the college obtained the ice at Mich-E- Kew-ls Park from 10-11 :00 p.m. For the twelve following Mondays, through Feb- ruary, the skaters from ACC took to the ice. At the end of February, the intramural funds ran out, however, and with the help of Dean Souden, a loan was obtained to pay for ice time through March. Through a skating fee, the twelve to twenty men who showed up regularly continued play- ing hockey and paid back the loan. Things didn't go as smoothly, though, when outside competition was sought . In February, Kirkland Community College agreed to come to Alpena for a game. Be- cause of the time factor and limited a- vailability of the ice, they cancelled the outing. Finally, a group of players calling them- selves "The Over-30 League" along with the ACC Hockey Association, playec;l four Wednesday night games. The first game, learned of and played on the first day of Spring Break , was, · needless to say, a bad ex perience for' the ACCHA. The last three games were bet- ter played as one win, one loss, ·and a tie were recorded; the loss, incidentally, oc- curing in a sudden death overtime, 4-3 . Taking everything into account, it may be very wise to begin planning now for next year. With some help and co-opera- tion, the college and city could provide the students with more ice time, or pos- sibly create a league. Even with a little foresight, a non-var- sity or varsity team could be established, bringing to ACC a sport which is quickly becoming a national favorite . World Record Claimed An unofficial world record has been claimed by a student presently enrolled at ACC. The student, for obvious reasons, has preferred to remain anonymous, but has declared that he (or she) has amassed twenty consecutive hours during a two- wee_k period, parked in areas banned to students. No, a faculty sticker wasn't "ripped off" -- and it wasn't done during night classes . The student swore, under oath, that th_e incidents occured on college prop- erty between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. in four different parking lots. The streak of luck was finally halted only after a crafty eye spotted his (or her) vehicle, and a ticket was issued . Unless anyone can come up with a longer ti me span, the record wi 11 be of- ficial. Are there . any cha I lengers? Richard Weatherford, Curtis Bridges, Steve Skeldon, Henry Harris, and Dave Satrridersprae-tieeat- t-he---AH-S-tt-aek. - ~---- --=- -~-Ov-er---th-e--..Hil-1- - Henry Harris practices his high jump form. Rod Seder and Coach Dominic review a few minor pointers. DID YOU SAY, HPINK SPOTS THAT ITCH?!" by Kate Troupe I came home from work Sunday night to see my first filial lying on the floor like a rain-soaked doily, listlessly looking in the general direction of the T.V. With- out losing stride, I swooped a maternal hand down on the pale forehead, and head- ed out to the kitchen in search of the thermometer. This action has its usual Pavlovian ef- fect on my younger hypochondriac, who trailed after me, declaring his illnesses . When the thermometer bore out our I suspicions that something was amiss, we had the dubious pleasure of sitting it out .. . waiting to see what was going to de- velop. It is at times like tnese ·-- w'hen the pair of childish big brown eyes looks up at you . knowing YOU must have the diagnosis -- that you really get the taste of clay feet in your mouth. The next morning, the temp was down and the boy looked human again . "But momma, I don't feel good ." "Hey, Sean, I don't hafta . . . THE BUS! MOMMA, my COAT!" Just in time the bus driver saw me. wonder how many mothers she sees fly- ing over the gravel barefoot, in nightgown and unzipped housecoat, flailing their arms at 8:40 a.m.7 Thank the Lord I don't have a 9:00 to- day. Wouldn't it be a gas if I got the chicken pox. At my age! And all the people I've exposed! What a prize to bring home from a bowling tournament! earth Magazine To be Sold m May earth magazine has gone to press on time for the first time this year. As you remer:iber, the first semester magazine didn't mi3ke it to press unti I January, due to the lack of co-operation betwiren -- to the lack of co-operation between stu- dents and staff writers and the lack of "Got any tests at school today, Sonny?" commun,ication between members of the "I itch mom, and I've got these spots staff. But we finally made it, and the magazine was sold in February. Frantically I dug for my treasure book (translated: · Dr. Spock) ... Groan!-' It's at mom's and the bus is due in five min- utes. This calls for action! "Lessee now -- what was it the kid down the road had awhile back? The one that ri(Jes your bus? Chicken pox!? Hel- lo Ma? This is me again, hey! Can you dig out Spock's recipe for chicken pox ... no, I never had them either mom, remember, all I ever had was mumps, on one side . . . yeah, I sure did look funny trying to eat a h,ot dog without the bun . .. unh, hunh, fed .. . lift your shirt ... itchy ... yup ... put on your pajamas, fellow ... ". Continued next column This semester; earth is proud to say that we made it to press on schedule, and we should be out selling magazines at the beginning of May (all interferences barred). Officials of this school were con- cerned that the magazine would not be on time this semester, and henceforth there would be no more magazine because of this. We the staff have been lucky in that the co-operation in the magazine has gone up . We thank this co-operation and we hope for it's continuance, so as to "stay the hand of death" to the college maga- zine. A grateful thanks! See you in May! earth magazine