AUGUST 27, 1973 A.C.C. 's Accreditation Is Renewed by North Central Association On July 30, 1973, the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools voted to continue the accreditation of Alpena Community Col- lege as an associate degree-granting insti- tution. This recognition by the North Central Association that ACC is accom- plishing its stated purposes and goal to serve the higher education needs of the people of northeastern Michigan identi - fies it as meeting the same accreditation standards as Michigan State University, Central Michigan University, Lake Su- perior State College, etc. Alpena Community College began pre- paring for its recent accreditation review immediately following the last accredita- tion examination in 1963. However, the writing of the "Institutional Profile" and the preparation of the "Basic Institutional Data Forms" were completed during the 1972.73 academic year under the leader· shi p of Mr. Joh n Heimn ick, Dean of the Faculty. Many faculty and staff members - ~ ntheprepar~ ion crlt he ba;Jc institutional data and the writing of the 154·page Institutional Profile. During the Examining Team's visit on April 2, 3, and 4, they met with students, faculty, administrators, staff members, Board members and local citizens. The interviews provided the examining team with a composite view of the college by which they were able to recommend to the Commission that ACC continued to meet the high standards of the North Central Association's accreditation. The next accreditation review can be expected about 1978, according to North Central Association current review policy. Rare Book Collection Added to ACC Library The future addition of rare books to the ACC Library is now a reality, with all of the promised additions on hand. For those new students unaware of this donation to the library, a new collec· tion of books has been added, which are considered. "rare" because of their anti- quity. As Mr. Hartwick, Head Librarian, stated, however, "A rare book does not necessarily have to be an old book; a rare book could be published to be a rare book and is called a 'limited edition.' Only a few copies are printed and no more .' ' The collection of books were donated by Mr. & Mrs. C. A . Gordon of Harris· ville for the continuing education of our students. This collection of books will be on hand for interested students to view, but must not leave the library. Mrs. Grimes, Technical Librarian, revealed recently, "We hope to obtain a display case to show interesting facets of the collection from time to time." Because of the large num- ber of books, this would be necessary for the students and faculty to view the en- tire collection over a period of time. ALPENA COMMUNITY COLLEGE, ALPENA, MICHIGAN VOL. 5, NO.1 Mr. Whitkopf Mr. Morse Mr. Wisener Six New Faculty Members Hired by A.C.C. Six new staff members have joined the ACC faculty this fall. They include Mr. Owen Whitkopf, Assistant Dean of Stu· dents, and five instructors : Mr. David Braunschneider, Mr. William Morse, Mr. Leonard Puustinen , Mr. Arnold Pyne, and Mr. Robert Wisener. Mr . Whitkopf comes to ACC from Oli- vet College, where he was director of ad· missions . His specific responsib ili t ies at ACC concern ad missio ns and fi na ncia l aid. He is located in Roo m 106 , Va n La re Hall. r. -ra~ sc lleiaerwiT- oe teacffing- law enforcement classes. He comes to ACC from East Lansing, where he was a police officer with the East Lansing Po· School. lice Department. Mr. Wisener will be teaching business Mr . Morse is a physical education in· classes . He has eleven years of experience structor and succeeds Robert Holup as in the business community, working in basketball coach. He comes to ACC from personnel and production for both large the Col lege of Racine, (Wisconsin), where and small corporations. he served as athletic director and head Returning after taking a one-year sab· basketball coach . bat ical leave are Mr. Russell Garlitz, biol· Mr. Puustinen will be teaching psychol· ogy instructor, Mr. Wesley Law, history in· ogy classes . He last taught at N. Dearborn structor, and Mr. Lawrence Aufderheide, Heights High Schoo l. English instructor . Mr. P ne succeeds Mr . Odes Blev ins as Also returning are Mrs. Brenda Buch· an au O s'eriechrni =-~==:a:,-""n=e-r, secretana science msfrtrctor""', ""an~-=;i,,r~-=~. ~-==---4 ter. He comes to ACC from Alpena High Sonya Titus, speech instructor. A MESSAGE TO STUDENTS WORKSHOP TO BE HELD FROM PRESIDENT STOUTENBURG On behalf of the Alpena Community College faculty and staff, it is a pleasure to welcome you to the college commun· ity. Whether you are a new student or a returning student, you are probably aware of ACC's commitment to excellence in its academic program. The college's pri- mary objective is to contribute to your intellectual and personal development so that you will be prepared to lead a crea· tive and productive life and to function as an effective member of our democratic society. The college attempts to serve you by offering a high quality curriculum and a wide variety of extra·curricu laractivities. Our faculty is genuinely interested in mak· ing your educational experience at Alpena Community College exciting and reward· ing. Your primary responsibility should be to meet the college's academic expecta· tions and to take advantage of the many opportunities for development provided by the college's program ofextra·curricular life . You and your fellow students have much at stake in Alpena Community Col- lege and can personally influence its de- velopment as well as your own. Your participation will help shape the charac• ter of Alpena Community College and set your future goals . Dr. Herbert Stoutenburg President SUMMER SESSION OFFERS 39 COURSES; TOTAL OF 287 STUDENTS PARTICIPATE Thirty·four on·campus classes were of· fered in the 1973 Summer Session, and five aviation classes were offered at the airport. Within the courses offered here on the campus, 232 students participated in these additional educational activities; within the aviation department, 55 students took part in the summer courses. A wide variety of classes were offered on campus, in seven different areas. In the English area, American Litera· ture 223 was offered, along with English 111 and Speech 121. Offerings in the Art department in- cluded Paintin!l 223, Ceramics 225, and Jewe lry 227 . Comparative Religion was a unique offering in the Social Science area. Other classes included Psychology and Problems in Anthropology (Archaeology). The largest group of classes offered were in the Vocational·Technical field; Concrete Finishing, Forestry and Fisheries Summer Co·op, and Auto Service and Re• pair were some of the courses offered . Aviation courses included Private Flight Training, Commercial Flight II, and In · strument Flight. Additional classes were held in the Mathematics, Business, and Law Enforce- ment areas. Classes will be cancelled after 3:00 p.m. Thursday, August 30, to enable the be- ginning of the first all college in·service training session on the Alpena Commun· ity College campus for the year. The workshop will concern itself with minority education and the Minority Af· fairs Office in particular, dealing primarily with the Native American Program that is housed on the campus. Resource people from throughout the state, who are in top positions of government and educa· tion, and who are themselves Indian, will be leading various general sessions and group discussions. Although the workshop is mandatory for all administrative, faculty , and staff members, that does not mean that it is just closed to those individuals. It is an open, all college function, and, as such, any interested students may attend. For further details, contact Mr. Louis Baca, Director of the Native American Program, in Room 108, Van Lare Hall, or call 356·9021, extens ion 216. LIBRARY HOURS The 1973·74 academic year will once again have the following hours available · for study. at the college library: Monday through Thursday •· 8:00•5:00; 7:00•9:30 Friday •·································· 8:00•4:00 For students unfamiliar with the loca- tion of the Alpena Community College Library, it is located directly behind the . Besser Technical Building in the Natural Resources Building. An elevator is avail· able for your convenience in reaching the library, which is located on the second . floor of this building.