Page 2 : PdtEMIC Campus Ministry Dorm Problems at A.C.C. by Terri Cubic The Campus Ministry Program consists of four clergy members from the Alpena area Inter-Faith Association, who are here on campus located in room 8 Van Lare Hall for the purpose of counselling. The staff includes: Reverend Harold Nelson, who will be available on Mon- days from one to three o'clock, Reverend Jack Fitzgerald, who will be at the college on Tuesdays from ten until twelve noon, Reverend Sanford Wright, who is counsel- ling from ten until twelve noon on Wed- nesdays, and Reverend Dennis Stillwell, who will be available on Thursdays from one to three o'clock. Recently I had the opportunity to speak with Reverend Stillwell about this program. He feels there is a definite need for priests or ministers to be available for counselling, since many problems students face can only be recognized through spiri- tual counselling. He also added, however, that the counselling does not only pertain to religious aspects, but any problem which the student feels a need to talk with someone about. He expressed the de- sire that students would respond to this program for he sincerely wants to aid them in any way possible. Being a student on campus myself, I feel many students hesitate in some cases to discuss things with school coun- sellors for a variety of reasons, so this is when and why they should utilize the knowledge and experience that the Cam- pus Ministry has to offer. The true Student-Administration rela- tionship has never been brought out in the open, so all appears in order. In the ·past years, history has proven that the studi;i.nts of A.C.C. suffer many unnecessary incon- veniences due to the administration's lack to inform students. To the students 9t A.C.C., expecting this kind of situation is becoming a life style. Well, the cover is getting to th in in some places ... one is the dorm. As a sophomore and a resident of Russell Wilson Dormitory, I, along with others have seen a few of the Adminis- tration's actions. For briefness they will be called "Phase I" and "Phase 11" . Is it possible that they could be working on a "Phase Ill"? PHASE I . . ... . ... . Last spring, since there was a decrease in student enrollment in the dorm; there was to be a consolidation of Second and Third North, (both girl's floors). This notification came in March with just April and part of May left till the end of the year. The reason for the consolidation was to save wear and tear on the rqoms and furniture, and also to get the floor ready for fall (one of the six floors would be ready)! Half of 2-North was already vacant, and through much debate with students under constant fear of being moved, it was agreed upon by students and administrators in- volved, that if the one end of 2nd floor was completed by the middle of April then the girls would move. Continued in next column JOURNALISM STAFF PRESENTS ELECTION RESULTS The EARTH magazine and PO LEM IC newspaper have chosen their staff members for the 1973-74 school year. These people were chosen individually by applications which were judged by the administration and then approved by the Publications Board. The new EARTH staff includes the following people: Tim Shafto Dennis Styma . Kathy Walter Harry Gross Mike Centala Mary Schwark . Nick Stallard . Kevin Moran . Robert Alpers. June Hinkley . Joan Emerson. Ellen Hughes . Sandy Mahar . Madaline McGregor Anne Hughes . Valinda Glomski Terry Hall . Managing Editor Assistant Editor . Secretary · Photographer Business Manager 111 ustrator & Cartoonist . Photographic Details Layout Staff Member Staff Member Staff Member Staff Member Staff Member Staff Member Staff Member Staff Member . Advisor These people are responsible for publishing the college's literary magazine, EARTH, which is published once a semester. The POLEMIC staff's members include: June Hinkley . Valinda Glomski Sandy Mahar . Paul Gunderson Terri Cubic. Steve Blixt . Ellen Hughes Joan Emerson . Dennis Grenkowicz Kim Coggins . Mary Schwark Anne Swan. Dennis Styma Jim Miesen . Managing Editor Ass istant Editor Assistant Editor Technical Editor Page Editor Page Editor Page Editor Page Editor Circulation Manager Advertising Manager Cartoonist Photographer Reporter . Advisor This staff is responsible for publishing the bi-weekly newspaper on campus called the POLEMIC. Well the half of the floor was not finished and the girls did not have to move . But in the meantime they suffered much unnecessary, but typical inconvenience. PHASE II . ..... . .. . This fall when the students where get- ting settled into the dorm, they where noti- fied that they would be receiving 16 meals a week . This would have been acceptable to the students except that; the contracts that they signed were for 20 meals a week . The reason for the mi x-up was that the typing of new contracts was over looked and the students were not informed. In meetings between Jim Ewell, Nor- walk, Ohio; Jeff David, Wurtsmith AFB ; Student Representatives from the dorm ; Mr. Olmstead, Vice President and Business Manager ; and Mr . Rohm, Food Service Director; with about three weeks of run- ning back between offices, an answer was found. The Dorm students will receive 18 meals a week at the Student Center and 2 meals at Big Boy or Luci's . With a good bic and about one hour, this whole thing could have been avoided! PHASE 111 POSSIBLE! . .. .. but not possible ... . . ? Room consolidations have already taken place on the floors at the Dorm . (Consolidation is the eliminating of rooms with one person in it or suites half filled, by moving people together and moving pairs of people to fil I suites). Then as rumor had it; there was to be the moving of two floors to two other floors for further consolidation. This would not only inconvenience a large number of students, but increase the amount of noise on the floor, eliminate floor competition between the girls, jeop- ardize two staff positions, and many other effects. To make the residents move; (for some it would be the 3rd or 4th move) would be taking matters one step to far. Through the efforts of the Resident Advisory Staff in talking to Mr. Allbritten and finally to Dr. Stoutenburg, President of A.C.C ., word came that the residents would not be moved this year and no floor consolidation would occur, but room consolidation could take place . Dr. Stoutenburg was willing to explain why the Dorm was not carpeted, and why other projects were cancelled. Upon an invitation to speak at the Dorm, Dr. Stoutenburg readily agreed to come to talk about the college and answer the questions of the students. He a!so prom pity arranged for Dean Souden to attend. Many of the problems could be solved before they became problems if the Adm inistration would take the time to see how their actions might affect the people involved . Let them follow the above ex- ample set by Dr. Stoutenburg, and realize that the students are not just numbers or names on a file in their office! October 31, 1973 Dean Alan E. Reed Who's Who? by Paul Gunderson During this past sum mer a change was made in the administration. This change brought about the unity of the liberal arts and vocational arts departments . Those people involved in this switch are Dean Reed and Dean Heimnick. Up until this year, Dean Reed was the Dean of Applied Arts and Science. He is now the new Associate Dean of the Faculty. Dean Heimnick was the Dean of Liberal Arts and Science previously, but is now the Dean of the Faculty and in charge of the entire faculty . The reason for this change was to bring the two areas, liberal arts and voca- tional education closer together and to bring a unity between the faculty . This decision was made by Dr. Stout- enberg, who felt that with only one person in charge there would be less problems in making changes in curriculum . The two de ans will still work in the areas that they previous ly worked , but now they will work together. The only differ- ence is that Dean Reed will be responsible to Dean Heimnick, who in turn will be responsible to Dr. Stoutenburg! Evaluation of Orientat ion Class The Student Government Survey of the orientation course results have been com- piled into percentages. These results will be published at a late r date through all student information sources. The con- clusive views of the 249 students that participated are that the students would prefer a two to three day pre-registration without any follow-up during the semes- ter; if an accredited course during the first semester was offered it should not be required for graduation; or manditory for all students . If it was made manditory no fee should be charged for it. This summation is based on the survey results, without personal interpretation. We, the Student Government, wish to thank all those who participated in this survey. A definite course of action has been pre- scribed, and we will do our utmost to see that these feelings are taken into account by all those involved .