Page 2 THE POLEMIC March 1974 S.A.O. Calendar Concerts 111 the past . Rock Concert Eden Sto11e Februa1·v 11 Manv students horn both the high ,chool and college attended the concert held at the civic center. L',"1ce1 ts coming. Overnight Low " March 6 The D,ary of Adam and Eve " March 28 1\,1,,1, ,es , n the past Dustv and Sweets McGee· January 31-February 2 Sk ,n Game · Febi-uarv 14-16 1\/lov,es com ,ng. McCabe and Mrs. Miller ' Februa :-v 28-March 2 A movie full of rich detail and power- ful moodiness, one that shows what the VVest was like , primitive miserable,violent, and tu 11 of despair. ' Flap " March 7-9 The story of the legal but hilarious efforts of a band of Indians to call atten- tion to the despair and futility in which they live on a Southwestern reservation. "Rabbit Run" March 14-16 Now recognized as a classic, this novel has become a candid motion picture deal- ing with a man's desperate attempt to avoid involvement and responsibi lty. "Malcolm X" March 21-23 "Summer of '42" March 28-30 A nostaigi'c 1:xcursion for some and an open door to a generation ago for others. But for everyone, it is a simple human comedy with a timeless feeling, as true today as it was then and will be tomorrow. Only the calendar changes. Lectures .. . "Kieber on Astrology and the Occult" March 25 *Students wishing to enter an Intercolleg- iate Karate Tournament on March 2 at Muskegon Community College, contact Mr. Allbritten *The times and locations for these events will be posted in the "Log" and "The Splinter" •••••••••••••••• pregnant? ( 3131 884-1777 DPt101t Abortions. 111c. the PAPER WORKS lV. Second Ave. Phone 354-8011 looks + Art Supplies Owners: Blib & Ada Dickinson Nursing Program to Receive More Funds The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare has announced it is releasing $21.7 million in capitation grant funds to 948 programs of nursing in hospitals, c:olleges, and universities throughout the United States. Release of the funds is the result of a successful law suit brought by the Nation- al League for Nursing against Roy Ash, Director of the Office of Management and Budget and Caspar Weinberger, Secre- tary of Health, Education, and Welfare. The N LN law suit, one of the ti rst impoundment suits filed against the Ad- ministration, was initiated last June. At issue were 1973 nursing capitation grant funds appropriated by Congress. Of the $38,500,000 nursing capitation grant funds appropriated by Congress for fiscal year 1973, only $16,800,000 had been obi igated by the Secretary to schools of nursing. The Administration had impoun- ded $21.7. The N LN complaint alleged that "The acts of the Secretary and the Director are illegal. The reduction of the amounts obligated for such annual capitation grants by the Secretary and the failure to obligate all funds appropriated for such grant program violates the intent of Congress in passing the Act and in appropriating funds for its implementation, and is therefore unlawful as an abuse of his discretion and as a violation of his statutory duty to plaintiff and to the schools of nursing. Although N LN filed suit on behalf of all 948 nursing programs, District Court Judge Thomas A. Flannery signed a final order on November 19 in favor of 793 N LN members. His final order stated that the 1973 funds were to be expended "to those qualified schools of nursing. which are members of Plaintiff such Continued next column Doyle Distributing Distributers of : Pabst Blatz D rewrys Imported and Domestic Wines Rt. 2 - M-32 DON & MURRAY'S Cold Beer on Tap Liquor-Wine also open Sunday 2 p.m.-8 p,m. 307 West Chisholm Street Alpena, Michigan Phone 345-8700 TAP ROOM Coneys special on Wednesday Serving Hamburgers Corn Beef- Ham Sand. Homade Soup & chile Every Day from 11 p. m. schools' portion of the full amounts of fiscal year 1973 funds appropriated by Congress for capitation grants ... " The Justice Department was given 60 days to file a notice for appeal and that time period has since expired. · When NLN initially filed suit on behalf of all the nursing programs, the first re- straining order granted last June in effect froze the total amount of $21.7 million and prevented the monies from reverting to the U.S. Treasury Funds at the end of fiscal 1973. Thus, monies due all 948 programs of nursing were sateguarded and it is those funds which HEW is now releasing to NLN members as well as those programs which are not members of the organization. The suit brought by NLN is unprece- dented in nursing circles. In support of its initial action, NLN noted: "The Congress has specifically found that there is a critical shortage of registered nurses in all regions of the United States, which has been the cause of physical neglect of patients in many institutions." The National League for Nursing is composed of registered and I icensed prac- tical nurses, other professionals working in the health field, concerned citizens, and agency members such as hospitals, schools of nursing and nursing service agencies . These members work together to help meet community nursing needs and assure quality nursing education. Highways to Accomodate Bicyclists (Lansing) - - Attorney General Frank: J. Kelley has advised the Michigan Depart- ment of Highway that bike paths may be built with money from the Highway Fund even though they are not directly attached to a highway, street, or road. "What the law requires," said Attorney General Kelley, "is that the facilities be built 'in conjunction' with a highway, street or road . For instance, a path could be physically constructed away from the road involved and still be in the same service area, This would permit the bi- cycle rider to be away from the dangers and distractions of the highway travel." The law says that bike paths and faci- 1 ities for other non-mototized means of transportation may be built in conjunc- tion with existing highways, streets or roads. In addition, the statute states they shall be built in conjunction with a high- way, street or road being constructed, re- constructed or relocated - - unless it would be impractical or unsafe, ·11///II//I/I///IIIIII/II//I/I////I ---,. THUNDER BOWL LANES OPEN BOWLING DAILY CUE ROOM ADOBE ROOM ENTE RTAI NM ENT 5 NIGHTS A WEEK HIS WAY - PARABLES FROM LIFE In a Frog's Eye I I learned something about frog's eyes the other day. An Associated Presi; story tells that engineers have made an electronic version of the eye of a frog and they plan to use the principle to construct a new group of computers. They say that a frog's eye sees alot, but it sends to the brain only what the brain needs to know. For example, if a fly is moving away from the frog, the eye sees it, but doesn't bother to tell the brain, But if a fly is moving toward the frog, it gives the brain the message. The project engineers says, "The frog's eye is a natural computer, because it makes I ife and death decisions for the frog without bothering its brain, which is very limited . It screens out everything not important to the frog and transmits to the brain only those things which directly concern him ." And that set me to thinking. Wouldn't it be nice to have eyes like a frog? Because then, our brains would re- ceive only that information which was essential to our health and preservation. We would be conscious only of the essen- tials. But instead, we have brains that trans- mit to our consciousness the most trifling, useless and insignificant things. For instance, if I see a fly, it doesn't matter whether it is flying away from or toward me, I must waste time thinking, "There is a fly", Too bad we're smarter than frogs, Or are we? When the froq receives a life or death i message, he acts upon it at once. If a frog-hunter approaches with a gun, and the frog eye sees him, it trans- mits a message to the frog's brain and commands "Frog, jump!" And the frog jumps - - and incidentally, stays alive, But because our brains transmit to our consciousness both the essential and the non-essential, sometimes we get so mixed up we cannot distinguish between them. How do I know this is true? Because many a man will get a message from his brain which says, "Let's go the ball game this afternoon," And at once he acts on this piece of relatively non-essential infor- mation, But that same man can sit in church and hear the Holy Spirit say, "Accept Jesus Christ and live - - reject Him and die." And when his brain transmits this message to his consciousness, he utterly ignores it and does nothing about it. Now all this does not, of course, prove that it is better to be a frog than a man , But it does prove that one had better think twice before he exults in man 's superior powers of thought, For it appears that sometimes frogs are smarter than men - · At least they know when it is time to jump! ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt