September 28, 19177 · · Alpena Community College, Alpena, Michigan New President Donnelly Airs First Impressions, Objectives " .. .I'm impressed with the college ... " East Campus is· •. ACC, Addiitio1n By Michael ,Centala In past yearsJ as new departments and activities became incorpor_ated into the Alpena Community College, facilities had to be either created or rented .. An example of recent, creative campus expansion riow stands; "East Campus", newly-acquired home of activities such as continuing education, com- munity services, Art, Physical Education, Athletics, By Mike Murphy · and Intramural Sports. Formerly "Catholic Central High School'·, and "Like any other c;:ollege, ACC is suffering from _ then "Central Junior High School", the "East Cam- financial difficulties, but, otherwise, I'm impressed pus" area is represented by a single building and · with the college as it is." Those are the words of the land that it occupies, approximately one half Dr. Charles R. Donnelly, recently appointed presi- . mile east of ACC's main campus. First owned by de'nt of Alpena Community College. Dr. Donnelly, ,., the Catholic Diocese of this locale, the property a nativ,e of Allen Michigan and a graduate of the_ was sold to local entrepeneur, Ralph Fletcher, who University of Michigan with a Ph.D. in higher ed- in turn sold it to the college. The Besser Foundat- ucation, comes to us most recently from the Uni- ion, whose contributions in. the past have greatfy versity of Nevada System, where he was presiden1 aided Alpena's educational system, has also donated of the Community College Division. the funds which enabled ihe college to make this : expansion. Dr. Donnelly and his wife, Marilynn, have six,1 __ ..:.._ ___ ~e,;,.,_:...:,; _ _:.;j_:,_ _ __!~•iiiilE ... Besides providing ample space for the college children, th ree boys and th ree girls, ranging in age programs housed there, it is also noteworthy that from fifteen to twenty-nine. the college is visibly and healthily expanding its The, soft-spoken Donnelly also says that the campus. dorms here_ are a sore financial spot. There are not enough residents to meet the expenses incurred by A bit of sage advice from an experienced edu- . the running of the dorms, therefore, some funds- cator; "While here, students should use the excel- must come out of the operating budget, which ul- lent programs here to further themselves and also timately causes a lack elsewhere. The new presi- get involved in extra-curricular activities because dent went on to state that this is a common prob- the learning experience takes place outside of as . lem among community colleges and the dorms will well as in the classroom." · continue to operate. Dr. Donnelly doesn't plan any radical changes in Donnelly cited the uniquenes of such offerings the near future, although he has rearranged the ad- as forestry, concrete technology and the fisheries ministration. Continuing the good programs here program, and said that the educational opportuni- at ACC and remaining open to future needs are ties offered here are unusual and students should Donnelly's main objectives. take advantage of them. · DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE LIBRARY IS? Voice your qpinion It's on the second floor of N RC in case you wondered. Pot Bill to be reconsidered Expected up for passage by the house is a bill which would .decriminalize the possession and the up for reconsideration thls month stated, "As it use of one ounce or less of marijuana. The bill, in stands now HB4603 is a. compromize measure. It its final stages of preparation before the voting be- decriminatizes the use and possession of small am- gins on it sometime in the next few weeks. House aunts of marijuana without legalizing it or condon- vill 4603 was introduced in congress by State Rep- ing it in any way." Rep. Bullard has had informa- resentative Perry Bullard (Dem.-Ann Arbor,) would tion sheets circulated throughout the state in order not legalize the substance, but instead of criminal to stur up citizen lobbyist groups. To voice your records being kept and jail sentences being handed opinion on this or any other matter of Congres- out, a one hundred dollar fine would be issued. En- sional interest contact E. Dan Stevens Rep.-106th forcement would be by citation rather than arrest. Congressional District, State Capitol, Lansing, Ml Bullard, when_ asked to explain the bill which is 48909.