News page 2 ~ POLEMIC Vol. 3 Issue 5 December 15, 1993 Student Senate seeks sophomore No party affiliation is necessary BY Sl-iAWN DEMPSEY STAFF WRITER Student Senate has been hard at work, as usual, and it's in the planning stage for another banner semester. The first thing on the SS agenda is to fill a vacancy. The secretarial position has been filled by Dena Luckett, who was elected by the SS at the Dec. 2 meeting. Luckett, formerly a sopho- more representative, was nominated for the position after former secretary Tina Jones was impeached. Luckett had been fulfilling many of the secretarial duties before the impeachment. Due to Jones' impeachment and Luckett's position change, there is an opening for a sophomore representative. to the SS constitution in the Scott. One hundred seventy- student handbook. five people attended and 145 Representatives receive a were children. six credit tuition waiver. Everyone seemed to en- Any interested students joy themselves, according to should pick up an application Angie Eller, activities director, from SS Advisor Rob Roose's and she thought the turnout office in VLH 101. Applications was especially good since the must be returned to Roose's date was changed. office by noon, Dec. 16, and The next Family Day will they must be signed by the ap- be some time in March. plicant, the applicant's advisor, The ACC community can and ten students. thank SS members for the SS will review the entries decorations in VLH and NRC. and vote on them Dec. 16 dur- They did not include BTC in ing the regular 2:00 p.m. their Dec. 6 decorating day be- Thursdaymeeting. The positions cause BTC is already decorated will be filled by a majority vote for the ground breaking. of the SS. SS members will be repre- Even with a shortage of senting the student body at the members, SS has been hard at ground breaking for the new ad- work. dition. Watch for their new The December 4 Family T-shirts. The representatives' duties are "to serve as liaison between the student body and the Stu- dent Senate" and "to faithfully express and uphold the senti- ments of the students,• according Day was a success. ACC stu- SS has also been asked by dents, staff and their children ACC President Dr. Newport to watched "Free Willy" at the help campaign for the millage Royal Knight Cinema and then renewal on February l. He sug- headed for East Campus for a gested informing students, McDonald's catered lunch. talking to friends and family, and Afterwards, hayrides were pro- manning the phone banks would Photo by Linda Simpson vided by Jim Powell and Dick be good ways to participate. Connie Mousseau and her daughter Michelle are served lunch by McDonalds Store manager __________________________ Steve Corwin during ACC's Family Day. Lorraine, contined from page 1 She chose to stay with the program even when she left high school teaching because, "The MIP A helped teach me to run a class . . they gave me so much support. When I finished, I stayed with them." She plans to continue her work with the MTP A. Reuther also teaches at MSU's School of Journalism, something she plans to continue. She thinks highly of her time here at ACC and is pleased to have learned of the value of community colleges. work in higher education ad- ministration doing something that will allow her to learn and grow, something she never ACC~Campus~!Jingles MYou can't be successful unless you helieve [in what you do]," and she believes in what ACC does. She plans to continue to wants to stop doing. BY MELODY SHARP "I'm looking for an oppor- STAFF WRITER ~~~~ng~~ ~~:~:ng~~:" m~i: W Tis the season to be jolly. discloses, searching the thesau- And you can really be jolly on rus in vain for words to better Dtcember 23. That is the last describe her desire. But better day of college for another year. words don't seem to exist. So be prepared to start your sleighs at 5 p.m. and head out river and through the woods to another college? You'll want to go to the "Transfer Forum" Thursday, January 27, in TLC at7 p.m. Local computers surf the world to celebrate the season. '3,' If you'd like to see the earth move before the holidays ~If you don't have the money of we three kings to make that transfer, you might want to jingle your bells to Student Sup- port Services for their new computer program "College Cost Explorer." It's free, con- venient and easy to use. By GARY PINOEL STAFF WRITER Have you ever surfed a computer? No, they don't float very well, but they can ride the waves of electronic mystery in cable or ether to perfection. Envision a worldwide ocean of vapor magnetically charged with realms of informa- tion beyond the wildest imagination, vast pools of data on nearly everything, spilling over like breaking surf. With a computer you can skim the..<.;e waves picking out the bits of in- formation you wish to know. local K-12 system and the county library have resulted in plans to install "nodes" in Alpena, Gaylord and Petoskey, with Title III monies from the state library in Lansing. These nodes are connection points for a host computer to become part of the internet. This means anyone in Alpena could thenaccesstheinternetwiththeir computer and a local telephone call to the host computer site. The site for installation of the Alpena node has not yet been determined. At present two pos- sibilities are seen, ACC or the county library. available. Since hoth points are stop at the "Breaking New needed, the choice of a site is Ground" ceremony on Decem- still open for debate. ber 17 at noon behind BTC. '1' How about easing your termi~:tp~~/sth~h~:en:f~~ :: ~ Do you want first choice :i~-!~ms::;,;:~~1~1~:~.t~:~\~ in more direct access since the at classes? Then deck the halls "An Evening With The Arts," host computer will be here at with bodies and register early Friday, December 17 in East the node location. before December 23 or wait for Campus at 7 - 9 p.m. The ACC Among the many ossible late registration after the Fa la collegiate singers, drama and art uses for the internet co ection la la las are over. students will be putting on the :;i;~!:o;~~ ~~~: i::~;g:ssri; ~ lf you have been away in exhibition. someone in their mailbox at any the manger and it hasn't dawned ~ Would you like to unload one of the other internet loca- on your midnight clear yet, your packs so you could fill tions worldwide. For only the exam week is December 20-23. Santa's? The Bookstore buy cost of a local phone call, you Put down your figgy pudding back is December 21 and 22, could say "Hi" to your friend in and start hitting the books. from 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. and De- Japan F:r y;: si;~:!~tOhioAcc ~ Planning on going over the ;::ba:: 2~~;e a~:~k4 r~~tli~~: would have a computer window going on! '7 The main Elf at ACC is Lumberjack of the Month, Sandy Eastway. Eastway has been teaching for 25 years and is "having a good time." Eastway is married and enjoys hunting, fishing and bowling. Upon receiving the award Eastway stated, "I was kind of shocked to tell you the truth and totally surprised.• tf Bah Hum Bug, another parking alert! A pedestrian shall not, except in a marked crosswalk, cross a roadway at any other place than by a route at right angles to the curb or by the shortest route to the oppo- site curb. Parking Patrol will be there to ticket you. If you can't figure this out, it's because it does not geometrically compute. A To those Yuletide kill-joys clisses resume on January 10. We at The Polemic would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. At ACC, we may soon be able to more easily access the Internet, a global network of computers and their interconnec- tions. Joint efforts by ACC, the ACC has the needed tech- nical equipment and the manpower to maintain it, but the county library plans to have a collective regional directory to the world; more features such s • II as ,eceiving m,ilboxes m,y be PSB competed on II Lip erv1ce added later. Kappans are getting around BY KENDRA JoNE.S STAFF WRITER ACC students Missi on Lip Service at the MTV stu- "It was a lot of fun and we dio in New York Dec. 2. PSB met a lot of nice people," Smith was defeated by an opposing expressed with enthusiasm. "Ev- BY SHAWN DFMPSEY STAFF WRITER coming months is Craig Brown, who was elected to fill the re- cently vacated position of public relations secretary. Thursdays, received rave reviews from last year's participants who were invited to enter the first offering of the class. "lt's the perfect classroom environment,• says Brown. "It's fun, not for- mal. You apply what you learn.~ Behring, Dena Luckett, and team from New York, but came eryone was rooting for us." Wendy Smith, asPSB, competed away with fond memories. In early Oct., PSB audi- , r------------------, tioned at MTV for the TV : segment of Lip Service. The au- dition came about because of , Smith's older sister who called the Lip Service Hotline. Phi Theta Kappa is plan- ning an earth shattering December and a crusading January. One Kappan stepping for- ward to lead the way into the Brown has extensive stu- dent leadership background and completed the PTK Leadership Seminar last semester. Sociology 252, which is scheduled for 2: 15-5:00 The P Used Book cl!Jerb Exchange c1cks 354-4461 Hours:Mon. thruSat. l0amto6pm The class uses group dis- cussion to study theories of leadership and interpersonal skills. Materials are provided at no cost and special permission is required to register for the course. Editor's Note: The R.J.D.D.E.R.S. aUB (Realizing Indepen- is not1~ a;+~n~~s~:!;r::~e:~ l ~::ur:=,~;;;'::;1sE~:~~ 1~!~:':;;;;:_n:u~d ~~;:~~: to fill a sociology elective, con- which -.vill be contributing to The Polemic each issue. Their first contri- taet Advisor Wes Law, ext. 310 bution is in our Featuresectiononpage4. or Dave Eger, ext. 242. To the students on our "other campus": Welcome and thonks for Kappans' out of class ac- your involvement! tivities will include acting as ~::::::;:::A:::A::::::;Q::::::;U:::A:::::::L:::I:::T:::Y::::::;T::::::;A:::X:::ID::::::::::E:::RMY:::::::::::::::::::::~ :~:::~:~:~:ta:d1:~;~~~ to me~tn o::v::~:~y \;~:3E:::y ~~~d~-~~~!n ~~~! ~:: for the new addition. ing Center we share and critique our works. We need more By Kappans are also planning people! If you like to write, meet with us and have some fun, Bob & Jerry Cummings J to take an active role in the Feb- too! We welcome this opportunity to unit with the campus main -~-"P=~r For the very best in Wildlife Art . - ruary millage renewal by stream and look forward to reaching out through The Polemic. If represeming the college in the you have some time, like to write, or have some idea~, pleas~ "You can see a dijference, because~ community,spreadingawareness stop in. we'll conjure up some words together! We anticipate :-- - there is a dijference" · - ,_. among family and friends, and this journey to find the true meaning of "freedom of the press", 2106 Werth Road Bus. (517) 354-2403 helping man the phone bank. 1 and experience the "power of the pen"! Mark your calendar for Alpena, Ml 49707 Home (517) 354-2832 Expect to hear them Monday at noon, Huron Shores Campus, inside the Learning calling! Center. For more information call 739-1445. The women returned to Alpena feeling good about the audition but were still surprised when a week later, a call came to Smith asking PSB to return in early Dec. for competition. The time between was spent in hours of preparing their lip sync/dance routine, and ask- ing for community support. The girls received great support from Lafarge, ACC President Dr. Newport, and many individuals in the surrounding areas. The week before PSB went to New York, they were busy filling out registration fonns, learning the rules of the game, and putting final touches on their routine. On Nov. 30, Smith, Luckett, and Behring left Al- pena, and on Dec. 2, they spent the entire day at MTV's Studio. The competition will be aired on MTV Jan. 8.