:Page 2 '°L 3 Issue 6 Jan. 26, 1994, Campus events move the Earth BY SHAWN DEMPSEY A special award was presented people not seen on campus in NEws EorroR to Lorraine Reuther, ACC's years," noted Newport. former foundation director, who "[The ground breaking] put A phenomenon not seen at ran the foundation for the past reality to this dream,• com- Alpena Community College three years and planned the mented Przykucki. The event since 1977 was witnessed by ap- event. was the culmination of a two proximately 200 people on Senator John Pridnia and and a half year planning and December 17. The ground be- State Representative Beverly fund-raising period. tween ACC's Natural Resources Bodem were unable to act as The new building, which Center and the Besser Technical ground breakers due to their leg- is already being referred to as Center reportedly broke, at a islative duties, but both sent The Center, will contain a new record $7.2 million on the mon- representatives. Other ground gym and workout facility, stu- etary scale. breakers included Dr. Donald dent lounge, cafeteria, library, The Student/ Community/ Newport, ACC's president; Jim auditorium, and corridor con- Business/ Learning Resource Park and Steve Fletcher, fund- necting BTC and NRC. In Center ground breaking was raising campaign co-chairs; addition, some renovations will commemoratedwithaceremony DickWilson,BesserFoundation; be made to BTC, NRC, the and reception. David Svanda, Governor Besser Annex, and the BTC Eight hundred people, in- Engler's rep; Jack Lee, the parking lot. Some of the blue- eluding donors, local officials, building's architect; Roger prints are on display on the wall faculty, and student organiza- Bauer, chair of the ACC Board outsideBTC 101. tions were invited to witness the of Trustees; Jim Arbuck1e, After final approval from event, and a large number of ACC Foundation president; Bill state officials, which Director of community members attended. LaHaie, Alpena's mayor; and Planning Mike Hood hopes will "We always find it gratify- Melanie Karschnik, Student come within the week, adver- ing to see the community support Senate president. ti sing for construction bids can and friends we have: says Car- A reception immediately start. The bidding process will Jene Przylcucki, ACC's director followed in the lobby of BTC. go for three weeks before a of public information. She feels Music was provided by Dot company is chosen. it provides reinforcement that Gonia and Candy Petterson, and With construction expected the college is doing a good job. punch and hors 'doeuvres were to begin in March, Przylrucki The ceremony took place served. Phi Theta Kappans were thinks it's going to be an excit- at noon in a tent which was invited to serve as hosts. ing semester for students. erected between NRC and BTC "[The event] was fantastic, The Center is expected to and featured speakers and the both the turnout and the organi- be in use for the fall '95 semes- ceremonial turning of the earth. zation. We had a number of ter. For pictures and more information on the ground breaking, please see page 8. Student Senate shares the wealth BY KENDRA foNES STAFF WRrrER If you were driving through the Van Lare parking lot on the morning of Dec. 15, you may have received one dollar. Student Senate members Dena Luckett and Katie Zhytowski were giving out dol- lar bills to everyone wearing a seatbelt as they were leaving the parking lot. The women were also taking a survey questioning gender, age and seatbelt use. As car after car stopped, Luckett handed out dollar bills, or else said, "You don't have a seatbelt on, so I can't give you a dollar. Please buckle up next time. A one hundred dollar do- nation was given anonymously to the Student Senate to he used for a seatbelt awareness project. The donation was linked to the recem deaths of two young Al- pena residents, 18 year olds Ryan Kelsey and Heidi Talaski. Kelsey and Talaski were killed in an automobile accident in late fall of 1993; neither were wear- ing their seatbelts. Fewer than 50 percent of Americans across the nation buckle up on the road. In 1991, 337 fatalities occurred with seatbelt use, 758 people died without. Seatbelt laws are manda- tory in 41 of the 50 states and seven of those states require ev- ery passenger in an automohile tobe buckled up. went ~;~~~:/on ~:~~b~~~ l~ The law states all passengers in the from seat, including the driver, must be buckled up. Also, people ages 15 and under are required to buckle up in the backseat. This Van Lare parking lot scene, which is ramiliar to students and raculty alike, was made more pleasant to those who wore seatbelts by the presence or Student Senate members and their dollar bills. Open 24 hours Servicing Alpena in two locations Photo by Linda Simpson SERVICE-LEARNING MEMO To: ACC Students and Faculty From: The Service-Learning Center If you have any ideas or community projects that need volunteers to be com- pleted, contact the Service-Learning Center in the Volunteer Center on ACC Campus. We . may be able to turn your projects into extra points in your class if you're a student. Contact: Julie Smigelski or Barb Dault, ACC (5171 356-9021 ext. 373 2565 B US 23 S. Alpena, Ml 49707 (In the Lutes Shopping Center) 354-4461 Hours: Mon. thru Sat. !Oamto6pm4/. Dr. Donald Newport and his wire Dee enjoy an exhibit at the bi-annual ACC Student Art Show. The show, held in East Campus on Dec:. 17, allowed art students to display their work from the rail semester. Drawing, painting, sculpting, design, and ceramic works were displayed, dramatic presentations were enacted by ACC Players, and a musical rendition was perronned by the newly rormed ACC Collegiate Singers. Photo by Linda Simpson New royal reign to begin at ACC ■Students to vote for the new homecoming king and queen BY SHAWN DEMPSEY NEWS EDITOR If you have a date you want to impress, escort them to the annual homecoming game and dance where you and your be- loved can mingle with royalty. On Saturday, Feb. 5, first head to East Campus at 7:30 p.m. to watch the Lumberjacks take on Highland Park, and af- terwards head to the Alpena Civic Center at 9 p.m. for the homecoming dance. The party will be in full swing until the DJ stops playing at l a.m., and refreshments (non-alcoholic) will be supplied. The new nobility will be announced by ACC President Dr. Don Newport at the basket- ball game. The king and queen will receive a gift certificate from The Grove. This year's theme, moon- through Friday, February 4. Pie- light and roses, features the tures of the candidates will be colors red and silver. posted at the ballot box. The nominees for court will Admission is free to stu- be submitted by various campus dents at both events. clubs and organizations and will Student Senate is sponsor- then be voted on by the student ing the homecoming, so if any body. student should 'get lucky' dur- Nominations will be an- ing this date, thanks can be nounced, and voting will take delivered to SS at any Wed. 3 place Monday, January 31, p.m. meeting in VLH 105. Student body count is low Enrollment for the 1994 spring semester, as ofJan. 14, reached 1,9l4students. "It really is going to be a flat enrollment, M stated Regis- trar Mike Hood. With a week and a day left for registration, the number isn't that much different from the fall semester ofl,941. Enrollment numbers have usually stayed near the same amount over the years. About 47 percent of ACC's students are full-time students, and the remaining 53 percent attend part-time. ~~~1ID;_~lU11JD®ij~ BY MELODY SHARP contact Jackie Timm at i:xt W i:nahle you t" !c.J.rn Jhout STAFF WRrTER 255 or Monica Bushey at ext. yourself and apply 1husc fai.:ts 350 to a career suited for you. Stop Welcome back students f---------------i in at VLH 102 or i.:all cxten- and staff to the frozen tundra Do you feel like you have at ACC. Speaking of frozen cabin fever. you're a single sions 286 or 240 f,,r :m appointment cubes that is what you would parent and one more snowday >---------< have heen at East Campus with the kids you'll scream? When you can't find any- opening day, hut those tough Then contact Bonnie in VLH thing to do in the snow on physicaltypesenduredthecold 102 for a support group that Saturdays there are always the until the heal and water were may be able to help you computer labs in Van Lare restored. It did make the f---------------i Hall (Rm. I IO and 113). They restrooms a wee bit unburr- A chilly parking alert to are open according to dates able the students who haven·, got- and times posted on the doors >---------< ten the message yet. The>---------; If you would like to see the northern lights twinkle, the Star Search '94 Committee is si.:heduling auditions. Phone 356-4831 or 471-2762 in the evenings. Auditio1t~ will be held at AHS auditorium on Feb. 22. Deadline is Feb. 18. Performance night is March 25 plowed out area at the far end Do y1,u think you might of the VLH parking lot is not have enough snowballs to meam for a parking space. graduate at ACC1 Then get Maintenance pushes the snow your mukluks over to Campus back to make room for more. Services and fill nut an appli- Those who park there will be cation by February 18. If you ticketed Also, remember to are going to graduatitm. mea- park between the lines or surements for cap and gnwns they'll get you. So equip those will be taken February 14-18 cars with a shovel, scrapers Cost for such is $15.25. If f---------; and a strong blow dryer to you're no1 going tn the cer- You may think because find those llnes. emony you can order a tassel the snow is above your car f---------------i for $3.00. Any questions call windows there might not be Are you looking for a ext. 223, school. To be sure call class way to entertain your Ice>---------< canc.ellation by using a touch Queen or a way to get the ~ tone phon~ and dial 356-9021; Abominable Snowman off the 1 after heanng the available op- couch? Then you will want t10ns, press 2; then following to come to the Homecoming the attendant's response, press Dance. It's going to be Feb- 9. ruary 5 from 9-1 a.m. at the 1----------< Alpena Civic Center. There ,,,, Does transferring out of this glacier maze sound nice? will be a DJ. refreshment.,, and of course the King and Queen. Top ice cube on campus is Lumberjack or the Month, Coreen (Corky) Williams. Wil- liams is married and has a son who will he two in March, and in her spare time enjoys mu- sic, horses, hunting and fishing. She has been with ACC since 1986. As an in- If that is your plan for next 1---------------i structor of Level I Nursing semester you'll want to attend ,,,- Does shoveling snow for Theory and Clinical, Williams the free workshop on finan- a career leave you out in the says, "It is easy to he moti- clal aid for four year colleges cold? Come in and Discover vated because my students at The Learning Center, VLH at the Career Center . Dis- motivate me. I get back a lot 127, Thursday January 27, 7 cover is a career guidance of rewards.• She felt honored p.m. For more information system which uses a computer to rec_e!~~ this recognition. /