The Polemic • Wednesday, Fehruary 21, 1996 Science instructors I seek fresh recruit By DEBBIE PARKS STAFF WRITER Mark Milostan, biology instructor and John McGill, biology and chemistry in- structor, have been trying to recruit a new body from a ma- jor medical school. They are applying to a medical school that has a body donor pro- gram, in this case Michigan State University. If accepted, Alpena Com- munity College will be able to rent a cadaver. Cadavers can only be rented temporarily. Currently it costs between $700 and $1000 to rent a ca- daver, depending on if it is prosected or not. A prosected cadaver, Milostan's preference, is when designated parts of the body, such as an arm and a leg along with the chest cavity, are opened for display. In order to have a cadaver, the science department must have a room to store the speci- men. One possibility, according to Milostan, is that when the new building is complete, the old media room may be free to be remodeled per the require- men ts of the cadaver. Surprisingly, a cadaver does not have to be refriger- ated. It just requires a lot of ventilation, and a steady temperature of 65-68 degrees Fahrenheit. Of course, the specimen will have to be moni- . tored for molds and fungus that have a tendency to grow on a cadaver. After using plastic models and organs from various ani- mals, learning from a cadaver will be a nice advancement for biology/ anatomy students at ACC. According to Milostan, some four-year universities won't allow biology qedits to transfer unless students are introduced to cadaver study. This cadaver will also be made available to students in the nursing program. After a maximum of two years, the cadaver is returned to the donor program, which then sends the body to the family for proper burial. Pftotos69 1Je66ie ParK§ Zoology lab gets face lift By DEBBIE PARKS STAFF WRITER A lot of new and excit- ing scientific equipment is being obtained to improve Alpena Community College's diverse science department. Room 155 in the Natural Resource Center has been renovated into a zoology lab. A new paint job and curtains gave the room a much needed face lift. The zoo lab was fur- nished with octagonal tables instead of the old long rectan- gular ones. Deborah Hautau, biology and botany instructor stated, "The teacher has easier access to individual students with these tables." Each table is equipped with four electrical outlets and drawers, each with a dissect- ing kit. The new chairs are a bar-type chair, raised to the height of the tables, making it easier to peer into the micro- scopes. Hautau said, "These are probably the most comfort- able chairs on campus." There is an assortment of anatomy models in different variations, such as a torso of the musculature system, a torso of the inner chest cav- ity, and a skeleton. Assorted animals that are preserved can also be seen around the lab. There is also a computer station where Hautau hopes to obtain anatomy software for student use also. Using surplus money that was set aside for an ad- ministrative position that has not been filled, Hautau has: been trying to purchase a cen- trifuge. A portable centrifuge can cost as much as $20,000, according to Hautau. The centrifuge will be_ available for all science classes, but botany students will really be able to take ad- vantage of the machine. The centrifuge will be able to isolate and separate the mitochondria, chloroplasts, and DNA. The biology labs also have acquired a DNA testing kit. Students using a Gel-Elec- trophoresis Unit will be able. to do an AIDS-Elisa test. An AIDS-Elisa test, which at ACC. is only a simulation, is a blood test to check for the HIV vi- rus. Paternity suits are the more common test for this testing unit. The greenhouse now has con trolled heat all year around and Hautau hopes to - eventually separate sections, so there will be a tropical greenhouse and an aquatic greenhouse. A water testing kit is also a new acquisition at ACC. This kit allows tests for the levels of minerals such as iron, magnesium and potas- sium, among other tests that can be done They even have a new in- · . sect collection being created .. • If anybody stumbles across an . unusual bug, grab it. There· · may be extra credit crawling . in your hand.