8 THE PolEMic Josh Helsel Helsel, 20, from Lake City, is in his second year at ACC majoring in business. He enjoys sports and recre- . ation as well as drawing and writing. His ultimate goals in life are to live comfort- ably, have a good time, and have a positive influence on others. Along the way, he would like to coach cross country and, perhaps, be a successful business man. He plans to transfer to Grand Valley State at year's end, where he will continue his education and compete m track and cross country. Melisa Colon Colon is a junior study- ing business administration and w ill receive her associate's degree from ACC this semester. She will con-. tinue to work toward a bachelor's degree though LSSU. Married with two children, Colon likes to watch professional football, college basketball, boxing, and her son's soccer games. She likes· to play .softball in the summer . and to hunt in the fall. , She lived most of her childhood in West Branch and graduated from Ogemaw Heights High School. · Sun 19 26 Kate Splitt Splitt lives in Hubbard Lake. She has lived around Af pen a for very, very long tiine. She graduated frorµ Alpena High School in 19**, and she's in her third year at ACC for a degree in· jour- nalism. She has a son named Jason and a dog named Lucky. Her interests include fishing, hiking and photog- raphy. She wants to write about the outdoors, fishing, hunting, trapping and the en- vironmental issues that are a part of those activities. She hopes to finish school next year, but, because of her ad- vanced age, her primary goal is waking up each morning. Caroline Carps Carps is a native of the . Detroit suburbs and came to ACC for an edu.cation. She graduated from Ferndale High School in 1998. Carps attended Eastern . Michigan University last year, and then transfered to ACC. She lives in Lincoln at her parents' cpt- . tage. Carps has two sisters and two brothers who live in California and Michigan. The move to Alpena has been a big change for her. Mon 20 PHoro· EssAy· .Meet the . 1999 Polemic Staff Amy Wallot, Co-Editor This is Wallot' s third year at ACC studying el- . ementary education. If that fails, she will go to truck driving school because she loves to drive and eat at greasy little joints. · Other hobbies include photogra- phy, music and professional wrejtling. \ Jessica Rutan Rutan, 17, is a dual en- ro 11 men t student from Hillman.. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, spending time with friends and being outdoors. In the future, Rutan would like to either work for well-respected tab~ loid that assigns reporters to dig through celebrities' gar- bage or be an operator for a psychic hotline. Heidi Skuse, Co-Editor and Sports Edito Skuse, of Sprue , has gone to Alpena schoo s all her life . . .She is a sophomore at ACC, majoring in second- ary education. She hopes to teach physical education, journalism, yearbook and coacn. Skuse loves sports. She play~d volleybaJl and ran track in high school. She is a dedicated sports fan and loves to watch almost every sport. If she isn't at home, she is at a court or field some place. Seon Clarke Clark, 21, is from Montego Bay, Jamaica. Her . hobbies are singin,g, listen- ing to music, reading novels and modeling. She is acer- tified fashion model and also did substitute teaching from 1997 to 1998 wl).ile in Ja- maica through a school leavers program. !She is ma- joring in journalistn at ACC. Septeml>er 19 9 Tue Wed Thu 21 22 Grand Valley State rep.28 VLH Student Lou»4e 29 :00-4:00 tt 12 "Global A wareneu Series .:rraasl erjack Shack 0- f2:30 "Environment Ill. ~" 10:30 - 12:SO NRC 101 Global Awill'elless Series 7:30 p.m. "African Democratization" NRC 101 7:30p,m, SEpTEMbER 28, 1999 Jo.celyn Haske This is Haske's first year at ACC and she is tak- ing the Journalism program in the hope of enhancing her writing skills. She grew up in Hawks with a pair of neat parents, five siblings· and a pet dog named Tilly. Her interests include: art, people, 4-H, reading, writing, con- · versation, antiques, travel, trying new foods, walking, vintage clothing, photogra- phy, and history. She also enjoys autumn, umbrellas, kites, creativity and imagina- tion. Haske's dream is to one day work as a proffesionc.tl photographer for a magazine · such as the Smithsonian or National Geographic. Chris Bedford Bedford, 18, is in fos first year at ACC. He has lived in.many places because his father was in the mili- . tary. H~ likes to draw, paint, listen to music and read. Bedford recently b~gan teaching himself to play gui- . tar, and is content making whatever cool noises he finds, so he's avoiding les- sons for now. Bedford has no concrete plans for the fu- ture. As long as he can do some kind of work involv- ing art, he will survive. Fri 2 24 30 Fisher's Focus Bible Study Center 118 12:15p.m. er'a F~ Bible Study (Jenter 118 12;15p,m. 12:15p,m. t Fisher's Focu.s Bible Study Center 118 t2:15p,m. t Melinda Yax ' Yax is a freshman at . . ACC. She is majoring in ; journalism with hopes to { someday work with Rolling , ' Stone Magazine. Melinda is from Detroit, but for the last three years she has resided with her grandfather in Oscoda. She is open minded about almost everything, ex- cept people who lack a sense of humor. Catherine C. Gilmet Gilmet is an ~lementary education major, dual en- rolled at ACC and Spring · Arbor College. She looks forward to graduating in the year 2000. · . Lora Bauer Bauer is an elementary education major enrolled at both ACC and Spring Arbor. Sat 25 Fp.11 Harvest Day Jesse Besser Museum 10:00 - 4:00 College Day tor Women 8:30-3:~ t 2 9