Photo Feature · ACC on the green for scholarship scramble PAGES etober 200 Volume 10/lssue 1 ·college responds with more student parking ALICIA WELLS Staff Writer More parking has been pro- vided for students at Alpena Community College. The biggest change has been at Van Lare Hall. Last year many students had a hard time finding a place to park in the Van Lare lot. Two rows of the staff park- ing, about 30 spaces, were changed ove1 for the studt'.lnts. To assure that the staff have enough parking, the lot in front of the Briggs University Center, wa<; expanded for the staff. The stu- dents now have former staff space and three-quarters of the other two lots. Some students seem to think the extra spaces have made a dif- ference, while others still have trouble finding a spot "All of the parking backups may not be just because of the number of spaces," said parking lot attendant Terry Szczesniak. "Some class times overlap and the students are trying to park before the students from previ- ous classes have left." Overall, more parking space has helped. If you don't mind a short walk, there are also three parking areas designated for stu- dents directly across the street The Parking Control office has stated that there is available parking at the Natural Resource Center and the Graphic Arts buildings. A new lot has also been made for Concrete Tech- nology students to park in. Fall's Splendor Photo by Richelle Sieland Brilliant reds contrast against a lone wheel along U.S. 23 north of Alpena. Fall colors are at their peak in North- east Michigan, attracting tourists and local residents alike Editorial · · What's on the trashy side of big business. PAGE2 ,,~ ., ·. · · Sports , . . Women's volleyball heats up for first season PAGE? The Polemic Photo Dy Jocelyn Haske More staff parking was added to the Briggs Center lot to allow more student parking nea:r Van Lare. ACC helps soapmaker start her own business SHAWNA K. THOMPSON Staff Writer Any student who has visited the ACC bookstore in search of gifts knows there are a wide vari- ety of things to choose from. How- ever, one display in particular tends to stand out on its own. It's soap-by Nature's Echo. Patty Pike of Rogers City turned a hobby into a growing business on Kindmere Farm about three years ago. She de- cided to market her soaps made out of milk from her Alpine dairy goats. Pike hrought her finished product, complete with logos and labels to ACC's Small Business Development Center. She re- ceived help with contracts, taxes See SOAP,· Page 5 1ty College City geese hunt called a success. . . , MATT FRANKLIN Staff Writer Shots were fired for the first time on the morning of Wednes- day, Sept. 6 as Alpena's first of several goose hunts took place along the Thunder Bay River. The hunting continued Sept. 7 and Sept. 8 with all of the hunters bagging their limit of geese each time. Alpena Public Safety Direc- tor Thad Taylor said that each day was very successful with a total of 77 geese taken. "To me," he said, "this is just another step in helping the Cana- dian goose population in ~pena." With the success of the first hunt, Taylor proposed a second hunt. This hunt took place Sept. 22 and Sept. 29 with 38 geese being taken and 115 being taken overall. Taylor also said he hopes that this has made an impact on the population of geese in Alpena. "We've tried everything from spraying areas to keep them away to transplanting them some- where else and this seems to be the only thing that is working," he said. There were four main objec- tives that needed to be accom- plished to make a successful hunt: no injuries, no property damage, few if any user conflicts and tak- ing geese. Taylor said that each was accomplished and that he was very happy with the outcome of the hunt. The hunters showed up, checked in, hunted and checked out with no problems: The hunters expressed bi's or her appreciation for the ch~rice to hunt and to have a great time while doing it. They also made it clear that without the city officials and the great job they did none of this would have ~ver taken place. 1 \ Hunter Romeo Bourdage, an Alpena High School counselor, got to try his luck at an evening hunt. "All of the effort put into or- ganizing the hunt was definitely worth while," he said. • • He also stated that it W:a;: much tougher to hunt these bird; : than most people imagine~ -Th~ geese had their patterns set up and if you got them to move off them you really did something. Hunters received permission to hunt only after submitting a let- ter explaining why they were quali- fied, what type of equipment they had and what shape it was in. "Safety was the first thing we made sure of before the hunt, during and after," said Taylor. The hunters also had to at- tend a mandatory meeting ex- plaining the meaning and regula- tions of the hunt. Any hunters who . didn't show up for the meeting were not allowed to.hunt. Domesti violen-ce needs intervention "Don't be fooled by the face I wear, for I wear a mask, a thousand masks, masks that I'm afraid to take off. None of them, are mine.". -Anonymous DAWN TRIM , Contributing Writer The preceding, desperate , words were written by a survivor of domestic violence who chooses to remain anonymous . The possibility that any ofus might be il}jured or have our homes in- vaded by a stranger is frightening to contemplate. Hundreds of thousands of Americans face an even more devastating reality. They are harmed not by strang- ers. but by those they love and trnst. They are victimized, not on the streets or in the workplace, but in their own homes. Domestic violence is defined as abusive behavior that is physi- cal, sexual, psychological or a combination of any of these. Domestic violence is a pattern of forceful control that one person exercises over another. Abusers use physical and sexual violence, threats, intimidation and isolation as ways to dominate their part- . ners and get their way. This be- havior creates a state of immo- bility and fear, which leaves its victims often times powerless to help themselves. The home is supposed to be a place of safety and security, but instead for many it becomes a place of danger. The shadow of domestic violence falls across their lives and they are forever changed. The conse- quences of this behavior on the abused are devastating. FBI statistics show that a woman is beaten every 15 sec~ onds in America by a spouse or partner. One in four murders na- tionwide involve family relation- ships. Two million American women are beaten each year. The U.S. Surgeon General ranked abuse by husbands and partners as the leading cause of ·injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44. Domestic vio- · Jenee crosses all racial, age and economic lines and shatters lives at every level ofour society. In October of 1993, Nicole Brown Simpson told a police 911 dispatcher, "He's going fu-ing nuts." A few months later:G.J~ Simpson was arrested for the murder of his ex-wife. Since:tb~flj : that 911 call has been played'and. replayed on television and radio. Simpson called the batteri-pg-of his wife "no big deal." Last June . when the 9'11 call was releru;~eq from evidence, Aqierica coiitq tis-. ten to the rage of a j)µblicly known man. Anyone could hear by the - terror in her voice· that \\'.h~t. See ABUSE, Page 3- -· ·