4 The Polemic Features October 2000 File Photo He's a fellow·star Wars fan, would rather be titled the Dungeon Master and dedi- . __ c.c\tes himself to the education of ACC students. He's librarian Charles Tetzlaff. ::ACC's Library houses many >~resources for students' use TINA WILLIAMS _.' Staff Writer• There is an entire world of information just waiting for us - in the library. There is so much . to l~arn and so many ways to find just the right ruticle, book or jour - nal. Charles Tetzlaff, the self-pro- d;i.irped Dungeon Master ( a.k.a. llbra~ian), dedjcates himself to pro"'.lding us with that plethora of . i/1formation. I had th~ privilege of experiencing Tetzlaff's tour of the library and its resources; I · . leamed more than I could have ~v.erjmagined-! . We started with the search engines in the research comput- , ers;: Within them we can find a - , regional catalog, a worldwide · · catafog, 800 full-text journals, and over 60,000 full-te~t poems just to name a few. The resources we have in the library depend on us. For ex- ample, a search engine that goes unused for a year may not be there the next. It's important we know what programs are avail- able to us and use the ones we like. In turn, if there were a pro- gram we wish to ·see in the library, Tetzlaff wo1,1ld be more than happy to hear our suggestions. After the searching tools, the Dungeon Master took me to the multi-media room. IBM and I- MAC computers with Internet access make research easy and fun! We also have an Apple com- puter with a scanner and personal TV NCR equipment for watch- ing informative videos (the library has over 1,000 videos in stock). Next to the multi-media room is the conference room. If ever we have a group project we have our own private room to meet in. nings and weekends. How can we ask for more? It is obvious Tetzlaff gives his all to making the library the best resource center it can be under the circumstances. He arranged the room with students in mind . The bookshelves are strategically placed as sound buffers so stu- dents can study in the back of the library. He also put another com- puter in the back so we don't have to walk all the way up front if we forget a call number. He even adds some character to the room by displaying his own wa- ter fountain next to the entrance. As term paper deadlines come closer, article summaries fall behind and the stress of aca- demics is increasing, we can't forget our library. We should all take the time to learn how to use its resources and get to know our librarian ( or Dungeon Master, if you prefer). He is there to help! Surviving college tests author's ·coping skills . . ..----,------... - _-_-_ -_ ----_ -_ -__.__ I have cringed with anxiety RICHELLE SIELAND Co- Editor I have been attending ACC since 1994. People always ask me how long I have to go before I am whisked off to "Career Dreamland." I try to have an easy . and socially acceptable answer, but I just blow it off. I know that it is not simple or short. The learning process is life long and one is able to ponder the deepest mysteries oflife only while living it. It is not like a drive- thru. The purpose of this editorial is to strike a chord in you, not from the flute of fantasy, but from the fear-shaking sound of gunfire. Career dreamland, for me is the equivalent of "Never Never Land," the setting for the story of Peter Pan. The sound of gunfire happens anywhere one must fight for one's life to survive. This involves the right skills, tactics and wit. One could think of an inner city where injustice and turmoil is recurring. But don't be chastened to think of a Northeastern Michigan col- lege campus as a quaint little ref- uge for innocents. Don't be so na'i"ve to think that you will be told al I of the answers for your future with somebody to hold your frightened little hand. Don't believe for a second that this is a cake walk and baked to the flavor of your choosing. If you' re Donald Trump's kid there may be an exception. But for the rest of us don't bet on it. I am here to tell you: College is seri- ous business; .don't be caught dead on campus. "Survivor" was not just an entertaining show about a bunch of naked people competing in silly games for a $1 million . If one would look beneath the back- 'HIGH VOLTAGE drop, the show is an illustration of how one person had to know how to maneuver to fulfill their goals. College could be like "Survivor" in the challenge of choice making and the hunt for valuable information. As every- one may find out, some students will get caught up in the entertain- ment of it all; the roles that are played out in a semester drama while trying to learn Anthro- pology and History of Western Civili- zation. I have seen it in foll color since my first year of col- lege. I have witnessed drugs, vio- lence, and van- dalism. Other real life ac- counts of date rape, abortion, eating disor- ders and death had an effect on me through those who experi- enced these circumstances. These are the subjects that I learned most about in my first years of college. As anyone fighting for college survival, I am leciming the jargon of an Academic Institution. And my battle scars run deep; From lost federal aid forms and advis- ing misinformation. My early days oflndecision 101 are bittersweet as I wonder ifl will ever gain my bachelor's degree. wondering if there is one more class that was overlooked on my requirements. And as a working adult, I have doubts about my career choice being just as unfulfilling and political as the one helping me through school. It is adapting to procedure, to "get it in writing", and matters of dates and deadlines. I bear the frus- trations of waiting on financial aid and student loans wrapped in the red tape of forms. I am learning the etiquette of appointments and the transition from student thinker to proving how much I have learned. At times I have wond~red if it will all be worth it. lshare with other ACC stu- dents a newly cleared path of the "dually en- rolled". We are holding a skel- eton key of de- sire and a map of credit evalu- ation forms . There is an un- sure feeling in theair. Mynew challenges re- vert back to the gunfire as I'm sailing away from Never- Never land. Peter Pan is dead. The cake walk is over I am not looking back. This editorial _is not only a re- minder to those new to the col- lege experience but to myself and those struggling to do the best they can at this institution who wonder how on earth they will do it. Don't be disillusioned. Watch and listen and read the fine print. After all, it's money I'm borrow- mg. If you are a student, get on your camouflage and hang on. .. •. • .Fall of 2000 brought new searching tools as well. Now we can access Athena from our home computer at <http:// -198 .. 108 .228. 3/athcgi/ athweb.pl> flip through over 6,000 e-books and review over 280 full-text nursing journals. Tetzlaff made it his goal to get the new programs in working order for the fall semester. I was greatly surprised at some of the resources available to us that I didn't even know we had. The library offers a good size collection of children's litera- ture, classical CDs, and approxi- mately 60 audio books. We can listen to "Schindler's List" or·a Charles Dickens classic thanks to the people who donated them. Foiled ass,ault brings greater awareness He chooses the programs based on student and department needs. This can be a tricky feat. Operational and material costs are rising faster than the library's annual 3 percent budget increase. He must evaluate and chart the use of programs to decide which will be cut and what will be added. If you h;we <l newsworthy opinion, comic or stoty ide<1, The Polemic News would like ~o he<1r fr9m you. pol em ic8@netsca.pe. net There has been some con- cern by students for more library hours particularly on Saturdays. Tetzlaff addres~es this issue in his 1999-2000 Annual Report: "The staff is only three persons main- taining 62.5 hours a week with no additional funds for overtime or additional staffing." Nothing has changed. Those three dedi- cated people rotate working eve- Spotlight Series The Glenn Miller Orchestra Oct. 26, 2000 Alpena Civic and Community Center Richard Glazier, pianist Jan.25,2001 Mogue Doyle March 10, 2001 Kathy Ko:,ins & the ACC Jazz Ensemble April 3, 2001 All shows at 7:30 p.m. Tickets at 356-9021, Ext. 373 RICHELLE SIELAND Co-Editor It was the summer of 1992. I had gone to Ann Arbor to visit my best friend. Being of legal age we decided to go to a huge nightclub. While my friend was getting us a drink, I walked around and checked the place out. I remember for a brief second glancing at a man as I shifted through the shuffling crowd. I was not checking the man out. I simply noticed his height. At the time, I didn't thir.k anything of it. People look m each other all of the _time in drinking establishments. My friend and I had only two drinks. · We just enjoyed each other's company while we talked and shot pool. We did not inter- act with any people around us. We were not looking to meet anyone. I did not introduce my self to anyone as I have at other ED KLIMCZAK Owner times in socializing with others. It was close to last call when my friend and I decided to avoid the rush of the exiting crowd and headed out to her car. The park- ing lot was huge and we were parked at the other end. About halfway to the car, a man came from between a row of cars and began approaching us. He was about 6 feet 2 inches and wear- ing white pants. I I couldn't hear what he was saying until he was headed straight for me. It was the man whom I had passed in the crowded walkway earlier in the evening. Another man appeared from under the lamplight and. snuck through another row to double back around behind us. It was at that moment I real- ized I had no idea what to do. It was as if a deep nightmare was about to catapult itself into reality and I was not prepared for it. The man approached and started to MO._I. P■INl'IN6 SIE■•l<E 829 W. CHISHOLM ALPENA, Ml 49707 e-mail: modelOlreeway.net WWW.moclelprtnUngMrVlc:e.com PHONE: (517) 356--0834 FAX: (517) 356-2123 walk circles around me. His voice in hand she shook her fist and was taunting but I could not un- yelled, ' ' I know what you fu- derstand what he was saying. I -s are up to and you better be expected him to grab me or hit prepared! One step closer and I me. am screaming my a- off and Whyme? headin' for that door!" I didn't have an answer other She was about to run back than he could tell I was from out to the bar for help. Rather than of town by my dress, my body succumb to the threatening ac- language and he assumed I was tions of these strangers, she was alone when I was walking threatening them. The man who through the club. If he was a fre- snuck behind us tried to approach quent visitor of this club he prob- her until he knew she had the ca- ably could recognize that he had pacity to damage his wanted or- not seen me before. gans. He was not much taller than I have always gone places she was. If provoked, she could with no fear until that moment. I outrun him and hold her own began to crumple like a rag doll. against him, although he was rela- Everything was happening so fast. tively the same height and weight. I couldn't understand what he He realized that her stance and was saying and was not aware of unanticipated street knowledge what was about to happen to me. was what controlled the situation. I couldn't think, let alone react. I, on the other hand, thought Seconds before the man ap- that she was going to run and proached me, my friend, a born leave me. My body grimaced and bred Detroiter took five huge See ASSAULT, steps backwards. With her keys Page 5 -W.bpage Destgner- Dlln:y Cllrlst1N9oa 517-771-1271 dar1st1Whotlnall.cowt 1111 S. Llllcolll Rd. ■t.PIMNllt ■I 41111 i .