the Lumberjack ON THE GO Children's Literature A conference on children's Literature is going to be held on Thursday, April 30, and Friday, May 1, at Ferris State College in Big Rapids. The Conference will - feature 2 well-known speakers. Margot Zemach, a Caldecott medal winning illustrator who will be at the con- ference, along with Llewellyn McKernan, published author of Children's Literature. The cost of the conference is $35 .00 for both days or $25 .00 for one day. The Student Activities Board has contributed $250.00 towards the conference to cover the registration and lodging of anyone wishing to attend. The only cost would be food and milage. Anyone who is interested should contact Sonya Titus, rm 127 VLH, ext 308, for more information. The deadline for a reservation is Mon- day, April 6. It is not necessary to be in the Children's Literature class to attend.- London Trip For anybody who is still deciding about the chance to go to London for only $850 .00, there is still room for 4 more people. The excursion begins on May 16, from Sault Ste. Marie Airport, Ontario. The next stop will be Toronto International Airport which will bring the group to London. The return trip to Ontario will be on May 24. The payment of $850.00 includes round trip air-fare, lodging, dinner and breakfast aboard the British Airways Jumbo Jet 727, a .trip to Stratford, tours of London, Stonehenge, Bath Oxford, and Warwick Castle. Also inc1uded are trips to various theatres and museums, Hyde Park. Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral, Picadilly Circus and Number 10 Downing ,Street. Anyone who may be interested . can contact Richard Matteson at 354-9021 ext 290 or rm 352 'NRC. Keep in mind, there are only 4 openings left! Student Senate's future activities There were Student Senate and and escort people. The Board Din - Student Activities Board meetings ner/Awards nigh banquet will be on March 17, 24 and 3 l. held on April 29 at the Holiday The items discussed at the Inn, there will be a three entree Senate meeting on March 17 were; buffet. the cost is $8.95 per person. phone calls for registered voters, Discussed having pens as memento~. they still need volunteers to help Spring Fling is going to be on call people to remind them to vote. May l. no definate plans have been Tawas High School Program, in made. which ACC stud<mts go to Tawas New business: a trip planned to High School to promote ACC, was St. Louis for a National Conference tabled until next meeting. . for students and advisors was dis- Next year's Student Senate elec- tions were decided to postpone the petition until March 31 and the voting will take place on April 8. so they could inform , and encourage other area high schools to partici- pate in the elections . · Letters to two nonactive Senate members were to be written to inform them to either attend the meetings or they will be dismissed. from their positions. Received letter from M ichae 1 Lee, a mim,e who wants to perform at ACC, this was tabled until next meeting. The Student Activities Board met on March 17 in which they discussed the following; the board decided to help fund approximately $250 for the trip to Ferris State College for the Children's Litature Seminar . The arrangements for Brian Husky have been prepared, , he will perform on March 30-31. at the Holidome between 7pm-9pm. There is going to be a Founda- tion Dinner Dance on April JO , in which 111ep1bers will help park cars cussed. The Lead_ership Conference is open to Community Colleges. It will be held in October for a week- end. There was a motion to put in request for a travel permit. March 24 Student Senate members met on March 24 to discuss the following; The Tawas High School program decided to cancel the program, due to the fact that there was not enough time to plan it properly. It was decided to sugges~ the program to next year's Student Senate. Phone calls were made to some of the area schools and still there are more phone calls to be made for next year's student elect ions. It was decided that the mime, Micheal Lee , was to be placed into the Student Activities Board to be discussed there. There were no 11ew ideas that were p1'esented at this meeting. 1 April 1987 Fournier When instructor Bob Fournie1 and his wife Priscilla moved to Alpena in 1978 they brought with them the business · of AQ Consultants. AQ Consultants is a business which is located at 537 Chishlom St. and deals With the systems analysis of organizations. AQ was founded on the concept of account- ability, and on the-ability to measure accountability, which is quotient. From these 2 words the name "AQ" is formed. Rose Hanks and Terry Connor,- both graduates from the data processing program at ACC, and present ACC students, William James "Duffy" Gorski_ and William Brown, are all part of the AQ Consultant team. The first step in doing business is taken when AQ investigates a client's business to see whether their services are needed . If so, AQ provides it's client with· a detailed report on how they can better use their computer and management resources. "What we are finding is many busin_esses are buying computer systems from sales people; they sell equipment and software without caring about what happens with the P8-98_ 3 A Q Consultant business afterwards." stated Fournier. Basically, AQ sells their know- ledge of computers to their clients so they don't get steered down the wrong road which ends in the waste of ·money. AQ also gives a business the confidence it needs to enter the change of a computer environ- ment by setting up, a computer system on the basis of their study . of the business needs. "One objective of i;ny business is to hire local people because we have the talent in Alpena ... without having to look elsewhere." Fournier further stated that the staff of AQ firmly considers Alpena as the warm and friendly port, which is the slogan being printed on their business cards. Fournier feels they are just get- ting started in this area and also sees the need for the services AQ consultants provides because event- ually every business will deal with computers, it is only a matter of time. Short on credits . for degree . requirements Some part-time students on this campus, who have applied in the past for graduation during their last semester of classes, now find that they have not met their degree requirements. Often these students run into · problems when they act as their own advisors in plan- ning their curriculum. Part-time students are assigned an advisor when they state their major upon regis- . tration at ACC. But, it is March 31 There was a Student meeting on March 31. · The items· discussed were; Pro- ject "87", in Which volunteers will call registered voters and ask them to favor the· millage on April 7. They are planning on keeping a tally of the voters response . Help is needed to make phone calls on April 5 and 6, if interested please contact Student Senate Office or Bob Fournier's office. Petitions were sent out to area schools for next year's senate elect ions. New Business; Ms. Wang Ying, an economk student from China, will be at ACC from Apri l JO through the 25. She will be staying with Dr. Davis. probable that most of these students are unaware that they have an advisor a:t all. Accord- ing to John McCormack, dean of students, "Maybe, the stu- dent has not been notified that he has an advisor." There are certain students, howyver, who haven't been assigned an advisor. These students are usually undecided about .their -major when they register at ACC. .Michael Hood, dean of administration,· stf1tes, "We've had to allow students to register without an advisor's signature." "We do recognize that we have a problem and we are working on it. We have accomplished one majm part of it with the PPR--Program Progress Review, a campus advising system," states Hood . The PPR is a computer program the lists degree requirements with individual transcripts. Hood explains, "I have.200 applications for grad- uation. I'll print one of these PPR's for each one. It will be a lot easier this time than doing it all by hand." "With the PPR, we still hqve a training and communica- tions problem in getting this information into the hands of students and advisors. We are just wrapping it up," says ~~ Phones: 3-56-0760 354-2844 HARRY'S OIL CO. full service· self serve Harry Szczukowski TOTAL GASOLINE - . MOTOR OILS FUEL OILS - KEROSENE - DIESEL PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE . 2222 S State, Alpena, Ml 49707 With this ad, you can save $1. 00 off on a Polish-Wax wash!! . -l 1 ➔ i ' 1 1