,he Lumberjack 1 Apr~I 1987 pageJ! Board of Trustees sets new goals Lindsay blows his own whistle ACC expands to four-year university ACC Board of Trustees recently Alpena High School students made a proposal to make ACC a will have first priorities in being four year University. The Proposal accepted with the Presque Isle and was initiated at the last B.oard of Montmerency counties following. Trustees meeting after transcripts It is still unknown however how were being reviewed for the I 987- mai1y incoming freshman will be/or 88 acceptance letters to be sent_ can be accepted due to the faculty During a rather short ses- sion on Thursday , March 26, the Board of Trustees approv- ed plans to install anti-static carpeting in the - BTC Computer Lab. The new carpeting is to be installed by Kadrich Carpets and financed from user fees assessed Besser Company. The Besser Company is going to a completely computerized in- formation system and will be providing an intensive training program for their management supervisory and office staff at the Computer Lab. In other business, the board authorized the closing off the the outside exit in the BTC snack bar in an effort to cut energy costs. Since it is an optional exit, money will be saved by cutting heating losses there. o t and classroom sizes. u · Also, discussed was a pro- The enrollment at ACC has been -Due to the growing interest, posal to hire North Central consistantly increasing over the past accomodations ACC has to offer, f Cc Security to patrol the campus few years until this winter the and geographical. location o A amount of applications for admiss- (Central being the closest Univer- nightly from l 0: 30pm to 6: 30 sion into ACC raised drastically. As sity tQ the south ~nd. Lake Superior am. This proposal was pre- of Feb. 20,1987. 2000+ appfica- to the north) the Board of Trustees cipitated by the February , tions were received from mainly believe that the State of Michigan break-i,i at Van Lare Hall. The Northeast Michigan High School will agree to make ACC a 4 year trustees have decided to post- seniors and applications have still university and will financialfy pone the vote until after the been coming in rapidly. support it. millage has been decided. Because of the over abundance So · hopefully by the 1988-89 of freshman applicants for the 1987 scbool year A.CC will be a 4 year Finally, the Board received Fall semester, admission policies university accredited by many a report from the _ Faculty had to be stregthened to having a associations including the North Administrative Committee high school grade-point average of Central Association of Colleges and. that non-smoking stuc:lents are 3.00 or better, a minimum ACT _s_e_c_on_d_a_rv ___ s_ch_o_o_ls_. ______ boycotting the snack bats due compos-ite score of 20 o_ r SAT., to excessive cigarette smoke in score of 700. Come join The Round Table those areas. Revenues are BUD'S,,Donuts \ . at their new continuing to decline and the extended hours!! snack bars may. have to be 10% DISCOUNTS!! .. _. for all ACC students with ID card. closed. The next meeting of the - Board of Trustees will be April 16 at 7:30pm in rm 450 NRC. Americans have often been defined as career oriented people, but some have been known to give · up thier careers to seek a dream. Max Lindsey , assistant dean of students, has just announced his resignation from Alpena Community College (ACC). Lindsay has thrown all caution to the wind and has decided to -. become a professional referee. Lindsay has received numerous warnings from Dean McCormack about practicing his referee signals outside of his office, and to leave :his whistle at home. Lindsay has also been seen calling "traveling penalties" on those students in Friday and Saturday Open until 10:00pm Conquer the pizza urge 492 Ripley Blvd. Meet your friends for the best coffee In town. by ordering a pizza from Domino's Pizza. Sunday-Thursday Friday-Saturday HOURS: 3:30 P.M.-12 Midnight 11 :00 A.M.-2:00 A.M. VLH who are earring food from the snack bar to their tables. When Lindsay is not busy helping ACC students, he is rushing off to area high schools to referee basketball games. This may help explain why some students have seen him walking down the halls in his black and white stripe (zebra) uniform. In the future, ACC students and administration may see the once familiar face of Dean Lindsay on their ESPN station, racing up and down a basketball court. Alpena Community College would like to wish their best to Dean Lindsay and also wish a Happy AgrH Fools Day! DOMINO'S PIZZA DELIVERS(•) FREE. Call us. 356-6991 201 W. Chisholm Alpena