September 30, 1987 - - LUMBERJACK Lyn Kowalewski "Have more activities that people could get involved in, Something they're interested in." Lynette Urban "The parking lot is too· far away. We need something closer Rick Kaszubowski - "Get rid of the parking tickets." No-t· P1 c_;h.> ,e. d Matt Schaffer "I think the college would be better if the dorms were open. It G0uld be efa o peop •. a a bigger variety, too." STUDENT OPINIONS Pat Hawks "More varsity sports to compete with other colleges." Bill Deschamps _"Clean the goose shit up!" Annette Agius "Something should be done about all the gees~ droppings." Brian Suszek "Give Circle K a lot of money." Tllrn y ro.._ Kvtte/ "We need more social activities, like dances,maybe." Mike l,~hm?nn "Over by the auto shop doesn't look t~o pretty." Campus Club Introduction Tutoring Service Offered Editors ' - Editor Ann Marie Meldrum Assistant Editor Lisa Smith Staff What are your interests? Do you enjoy skiing, acting, or helping others? Why not join a club? Belonging to a club lets you be with people who have the same interests as yourself. It not only can be fun, but it also looks great on your record! ACC has a club for everyone. Just to acquaint you with them, the Lumberjack checked into what is happening with each one. ACC Players The ACC players is an organization formed by students interested in all areas of theatre. Whether it is on stage, back stage or production , the club has a job for everyone. No theatre background is required to join - just a desire for theatre work. There are several activities being planned this year, and all interested students should contact Mrs. Sonya Titus, instuctor and advisor of the club, in rm 127 VLH. Law Enforcement Are you going into law enforcement? Any law enforcement student interested in membership must join by October 1st in order to be involved in the many · activities held throughout the year. Club activities will include bake sales, car washes, and raffles to raise funds which go toward law enforcement scholarships and even . a class trip. Students wanting to join should contact Herm Bordewyk rm 120 BTC, or the club president, Ron Hall. Besser Tech Association What exactly is the Besser Technical Association (Better known as the Tech Club.)? The Tech Club is a gathering of students, made up primarily of technical and drafting students together, to create a better understanding between technical groups. The club -goes on field trips into industries, utilizing some of the things the students are learning in their field. To be able to do this, they must hold fundraisers to raise the money needed- their first being a raffle on November 11. Last year's raffle winner received approximately $300. President of the BT A is Kathy Tachick, and advisor is Oweff Lamb. Concrete Club The Concrete Club of ACC, entering into another year of operation, .seems to have what it takes to be able to make it through another year. Matching if not bettering, the success and accomplishments of those in the past. Advisor of the organization, Jim Donajkowski, appeared optimistic of the upcomming year stating that, "The concrete organizatiorls interest level this year· seems to be higher than any other group I have ever worked with. "Plans for the Concrete Club this year include fund raising activities ranging from the sponsoring of the homecoming dance to the holding of raffles and a traditional frisbee toss event later in the year. Other ways the club has been raising funds have been through the installment of curbs and benches at the Alpena County Library and also the construction -and placement of headstones in and around the Alpena Cemetery. Once the funds have · been raised an annual field trip to lower Michigan will take place. The field trip involves tjle observation of different sized concrete plants which were not specified as of yet by Donajkowski. With a strong foundation beneath the Concrete Club it will be interesting to see their accomplishments during the 1987-88 year ahead. If you are a currently enrolled Mary Bartz Tom Krist Kevin Konczak Pam Loop David Lipski A.C.C. student and need help with Joe Bastow any of your classes, then the Brian Barber Learning Skills Center (LSC) Stephanie Davison tutoring service is for you. , ' Kara Dulac Paula Ed~onds Karen Nowicki Individual appointments are -' Don Elliot Susan Nunnely available and you may arrange for Dwayne Haken Brenda Roy one session or as many are needed. Jill Herrick Sheila Lewandowski You may also stop by the LSC for drop-in tutoring ana you will be helped if a qualified tutor is available. If a tutor is not available, arrangements can b_e made for scheduled tutoring. Study group tutoring is also availabe. Students who are in the same class and who benefit from studying together may do so under the guidance of one tutor. The LSC has ::i staff of qualified peer tutors for all subjects. These tutors have a 3.0 and better GPA and they are there to help the student. The LSC Tutoring Service _is free of charge. To apply for tutoring contact Pat L~e at Room -~3 in the Natural Resource Center. To find out what else the Learning Skills Center has to offer, stop by Room 253 NRC or call Audrey Voigt at 356-9021 Ext. 284 or Bonnie Urlaub at the same number Ext. 255. Photography Dwayne Haken Kara Dulac Tom Krist Kelly Belew Admin. Advisor Mr. James Miesen Typesetting Staff Members the Lumberjack 666 Johnson Street Alpena, Ml 49707 The Lumberjack is a communications medium of Alpena Community College. It is published bi-monthly, September through May--except during vacations and examination periods--by the students of Alpena Community College. All articles published are the _ sole responsibility ' of the author( s) , and the opinions expressed in such articles do not neccesarly express the views of the editor, the advisor, or the administration of Alpena Community College. The Lumberjack is printed by the Alnena News.