Lumberjack, Issue 5, February 8, 1990 pg. 8 ACC LUMBERJACK'S IN ACTION AGAINST ST. CLAIR SHORES Boyer felt the improvement of his skills over the past two years was significant enough to allow him to contribute to the Lumberjack squad. With family support, Boyer made the commitment to play. Joining an established team in the middle of the year may not be as hard as it first appears, according to Boyer. He already knew most of the basketball players and so the major problem is o~e of learning all the established plays--not an easy task--but many plays are similar to ones already learned by Boyer. He also finds the relaxed atmosphere and supportive coaching in the college atmosphere to be a plus in becoming a member of the team. In addition to the exercise, Boyer hopes his play for the rest of the season will result in a scholarship for next year and perhaps a scholarship when he transfers . . Alpena Winter Carnival ICE FISHING CON'l1ES'l1 BOYER JOINS TEAM Jlosted by .1-1/pena n.A.S.S. Club SuLunluy Only - Fcbnmry l Ot It The Lumberjack team lost a player due to academic ALLAltEALAlrnS WlTll w1m:11 ST,\'1'11 >N J\'I' L<JNU LAlill COUNTY PAHII. l',\VJLl.ll>N . ineligibility and has added another to keep the squad at its current strength of 11. Joining the team mid-year is Steve Boyer, a law enforcement major, who will be playing the shooting forward or number two guard position. · Boyer played for Alpena High School, graduating in 1988, and has played for recreational purposes for the past two years. He did not play for ACC prior to this time because of work and academic schedules. -C, No gnlry Fee, bu~ would like lo sec nil pa, litipa11ts ",•:,1 i111: n cnrnivnl Lutton for rurlhN lnformnllon Cnll .. · Recruited by Coach Frank Mccourt at mid- ear Joo C1t1I 471 -2MO nvr1•110-: Ch;ufit) l'lornd :15,i n,o, Ch)": l)icle 11t\llf'lll J~ 7'.\11'\/ Coach's Comer · "It's very seldom a person and this year is involved with a "longer bench" still try to Community college, and win has the opportunity to change three junior high schools in "press" or "run" the Alpena one other conference game. careers. I feel excited and Alpena, Rogers City, and team, which means the ACC Harbson's overall goals, challenged to have had that Posen on the supplemental team "must play more however, are to continue to opportunity at ACC," stated grant. Harbson feels that the intelligently and stay out of strive for teamwork and Terry Harbson, Director of most difficult part of the job foul trouble," according to academic success for his Talent Search and first year is to arrange testing sessions, Harbson. The team and students. He feels this has women's basketball coach. field trips, and on-site visits coach now know each other, been achieved. Harbson, who is married, which require coordination of which involves adjustment of Harbson shared his and the father of two the high school and junior the players to Harbson's personal philosophy by daughters, comes to ACC high, ACC, and universtiy style of play. All of the comparing it to the Earl. from Northeast Michigan schedules. women on the team Nightingale school of Mental Health, where he Assuming the basketball succeeded academically this thought. First, you have to worked for the past 15 years coaching position late in the semester with three of the have a purpose. Then the in the development of ,y ear brought special players earning a 3.0 or keytosus:cessistoformulate services for the challenges to the new coac_h. better. positive habits. Sometimes Developmentally Disabled. Beginning with only eight Harbson is a person who this means you do what At ACC, he is "wearing players and losing one due to sets goals. He began the failures don 't want to do. two hats"; he finds both medical reasons, created a season with the goal of "This includes everything positions challenging and problem. In addition, the keeping the team in tact and from playing defense in interesting. coach and players were not avoiding forfeiting any basketball to studying for Talent Search is a familiar with each other games. This goal reached, midterms," said Harbson. federally- funded program to arid for the freshmen players, his new goal is to make the Looking toward next encourage high school adjustment to a new academic state playoffs which involves season, Harbson feels he s tu den ts to pursue environment made things the top six teams in the state, needs to recruit a team of at post-secondary education at even more complicated. and/or to have a 500 record. least 10 players, but hopes to ACC and includes a But, challenge seems to Presently, the ACC squad have at least 12 or 13 supplementary grant to assist be Harbson's favorite word. has a 3-7 record in the individuals who are 7th and 8th graders in He feels that, given the conference and a 4-10 record committed to the program. choosing a career. Harbson circumstances, he and the overall. There is still a . Returning players will be Tuori, Gwen Thompson, and Lisa Jones. To this group, Harbson would like to add players who have height for rebounding and ball-handling ability for the guard positions. Harbson is looking for players with intellectual abilities, desire · and motivation. When asked about his "free-time hobbies," he stated it was basketball m the winter and golf during the off-season. Where would he like to be five years from now? Harbson said, "Here at ACC, coaching women's basketball and working with Talent Search in some capacity. I'm doing what I like; lots of people can't say that." works with 12 area high team have overcome most chance to make the playoffs Joyel Hyvarinen (present scho,<:>Jf<:m, the,prim~ gr~f ,'_'p(t~y obst~tl~s. Te'$AS,with,'/ )f \ tpey:,b~at ,,Henry F'91:d ,\',le .. aclin$. sc~rrt),~ ' :5,teppap.i~\ ,, \. \ ~ ' ' '