Lumberjack, Issue 5, February 8, 1990 pg. 6 Town Meeting Cracks Down on Drugs The first in a series of town meetings, focusing on the drug issue, was held on Jan. 22 in BTC 101. Vernie . Nethercut, Volunteer Center Director, is coordinator of these meeetings. Virgina Watson, Intermediate School District, and Cynthia Cook, Cooperative Extension Service, are moderators for these meetings. The local meetings are based on the original town meetings started 150 years ago in Massachusetts. NIF (National Issues Forums) initiates these group discussions to bring about a "meeting of the minds" on · topics of interest. Each year, NIF chooses three topics for discussion. · NIF stresses listening, as well as talking about problems and views. The meetings start by looking at how the values of individuals and the values of the community apply to a given topic. After discussion, the group looks at alternatives. The purpose of the ·meeting is. not to try to · change someone's mind; . it is designed to discover differing . opinions and solutions. Guidelines are set for discussion among the group: 1) The moderator guides the discussion, yet remains neutral. 2) Everyone is encouraged to participate. 3) No . one or two individuals dominate the · discussion. 4) Discussion focuses on the choices available 5) All major choices on the issue are considered 6) An atmosphere for discussion and plan of alternatives is maintained 7) Everyone listens to each other's ideas Four choices for a plan of COMMUNITY LLEGEMO TH February is National aided d~sign; art students Community College taught byJoe Donna and Joy Recognition Month and Skiba will be showing Alpena Community College painting and sketching is planning several activities techniques and the making of in celebration of this pottery; drama students under fact. the direction of new faculty The first event, a member Nan Hall will be reception for ACC Alumni, demonstrating various drama· took place as part of · techniques. last weekend's homecoming Many organizations and activities. Held in BTC prior clubs will be. represented. to the homecoming game, The day's activities are being college staff welcomed . coordinated by the Public alumni "back to the campus". Relations office and the ACC Carlene Przykucki, ACC Student Senate. Director of Public Relations, The month's third activity hopes to expand alumni which will. be held on Feb. membership through similar 16, is a social evening activities, involving past planned for college_ staff graduates in the growth and which involves attendance of expansion of Alpena · Alpena Civic Theater's Community College. production of "Vanities" , The month's second directed by staff person scheduled event has been Donna Gilmet. organized in an effort to raise Wednesday, Feb. 21 has public awareness of been proclaimed as Logo ACC. Exhibits, displays and Day. All people involved demonstrations of ACC with ACC are asked to programs will be showcased ".display a logo", (a past at the Alpena Mall, Feb.10, or present one) on a tee shirt, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. pencil, folder, etc. Scheduled participants Przykucki says "Carry it, include: Ivan McLaren's wave it, or wear it on concrete technology students your head, but do display it who will be demonstrating on campus and off to show computer numerical control your .enthusiasm to be a equipment; Owen Lamb's member of the college action were presented to the group: Choice #!--Stepping up the International Drug War; advocates of this choice want to see President Bush strictly enforce drug laws and cut off aid to drug supplying nations. Choice #2--Cracking Down on Dealers: the Enforcement Strategy; this choice says that more power needs to be given to law enforcement agencies with death penalties to dealers. Choice #3--Saying No: Targeting Users, Reducing Demand; this choice targets the "Say No" campaign to reduce demand. This tries to send a signal to users that society is serious in eliminating this crisis. Expanded educational programs and mandatory drug testing are emphasized. Backers of this choice support a "zero tolerance" of any drug use or possession whatsoever. Choice #4--Legalizing Drugs: Why Prohibition Doesn't Work; those in favor of drug legalization want to take the profit out of drug trafficking. Backers do not necessarily condone drug use, but drive the drug dealing off the streets and into legal, government- regulated, taxpaying stores. No "experts" were present, but Watson directed the disc.ussion. A video was shown to introduce the choices leading to the discussion. Distinctions are made between personal opinions and public judgments. As the group thinks together, values are sorted out and the group begins to realize the hard facts and choices that need to be made. These meetings do not attempt to find a concrete G-~-~- DoESNT IMPROVE WITH DI5D\NCE. Some people think that you've got to go away to college to get a quality education. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. ti Because thanks to America's Community, Technical and Junior Colleges, you can get a great education right in your own backyard. ti Without the expense of living away from home. And without giving up your full- or part- time job. What's more, tuitions average about half the cost of public four-year colleges and universities. ti No wonder an amazing 55% of all first time freshmen choose Community Colleges. So remember, learning doesn't im- prove with distance. In many ways, it gets better the closer you are to home. At America's Community Colleges. COMMUNITY COLLEGES !Ynere-Anurnm-~ wt:~ Febr.uary is National Community College Month. drafting students will be community". · · · · demonstrating'~ cqmput~r · • '· · •. · · ·' · · ·' " , .. ·" · '~ ·' · · ·, •. · · · " · ·)" ·' · '· · · · \ I., I. \ ~ \ \ . ' ", 'z ', ' ,. ' '< ' • I .\ \, '· '- .,. \ \ \. \ "\ \ \ • answer or agreement. They do try to find common interests and views among people and develop new perspectives. The second meeting in the series will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 20 at 7:15pm in NRC 450. Register for the meeting by Feb. 13 through Vernie Nethercut, Ext. 271. The topic will be the daycare dilemna. WRITING SERVICE OFFE ED A new student service is being offered by ACC's English department under the supervision of Terry Hall, English Department Chairperson. Called the Writing Place, VLH 105 has been designated as a quiet place for students to work on their writing assignments. The Writing Place will provide help with various needs, such as: -organizing a term paper -revising a paper -getting started on a writing assignment Assistance is available from Hall and student tutor, Keiker Doyle. The Writing Place has a "drop-in" policy, and no appointments are necessary. Initially, The Writing Place is open from lpm-2:50pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with plans to expand hours in the fall. Current plans include staffing the center with two trained student tutors under the supervision of an English department member during all regular school hours, For now, those students who are unable to attend The Writing Place during the scheduled hours may seek additional tutoring in the Learning Skills Center. ., : · ' .